so i'm currently sitting in a 'camp' which is really an awesome house but its on the water far away from your normal house so its called a camp. its pretty freakin sweet. It belongs to Angelle's paran (godfather) and its definitely pimped out. Nicer than some houses i've been in. We're staying here cuz we visited some other family tonight and John (paran) offerred it to us so we could stay here instead of driving back to Houma. We were gonna leave to go back to NC tomorrow, but we might leave Sunday cuz Aunt Audrey and Anna Claire and Ella came to stay, and the camp is awesome, so we can spend more time with Mimi and Pawpaw. Also paran has a jeep that I want to cruise in.
Its been a crazy fun week. Girls have been awesome considering all the family they've met and all the crazy nap/bedtime schedules. but they've been troopers and super cute most of the time. Leah loves playing with all her cousins.
Oh, and since i havent pimped Suite 5 in awhile, go check out my old sites and have a laugh or two!
As soon as we get back i'm gonna finish 'iBlog' and send it to the commenters. promise. (although those of you with kids know that a promise to do something isnt worth squat, but i'll try my best :) )
Hope everyone had a great xmas, channukah, kwanzaa, yom kippur, tim tebow day, labor day, arbor day, Friday, and birthday!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
the camp

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
the calm after the storm
Holy Cow. Christmas at the Theriots. Its wild and crazy and fun. We were at G and Myrn's this year so we didnt have to travel with the kids to New Orleans. It was a blast. Leah played with all her cousins and ate oranges. I showed off my Heelys. Wrapping paper was flying, food was awesome (thanks to all who brought it!). It stinks we dont get to see this family but once a year, cuz its so fun hangin out with all of them. Got a good picture of G in his LSU jersey and helmet. Big ups to Diana for dating a Florida fan. Shes finally seeing the light!
Hope everyone had a great christmas, and hope all the Jews had some good chinese food!
National Treasure 2 was great. go see it!
Hopin to go to the zoo if Myrn gets better. Ick.
Now recovery begins....

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I'm hungry
Laurie did feed me tonight. Chicken enchiladas which were really good. But now its a few hours later and i'm thinking about Angelle and Cathy eating awesome food at Maggianos. I hope they get home soon! i'm waiting for leftovers! i'm gonna fall asleep soon though... If you havent been, i highly recommend it.
I also recomend seeing Hot Rod. Overall not super hilarious, but it has a lot of great parts. Andy Samberg is pretty darn funny.
I also highly recommend Netflix. with the writers strike, and me riding the bus almost every day, it has been fun watching a bunch of movies lately, especially since we hardly EVER go to the movies anymore. Although bryan and i did get to see "I am Legend" last weekend. It was a pretty good movie. Not as horror as i thought which was good.
Big ups to Cathy for getting me my Gators and Cowboys mini helmets that i've been wanting for like 5 years.
Also big ups to leah for making us a 'snowglobe' at preschool. It was actually a water bottle, filled with blue liquid and some sprinkly things inside, but still supercute that our child is making us stuff at school!
OH! i also got to play music last weekend! I did my first draft recording of Suite 5's latest song "iBlog". its an instant classic. and many other oxymorons. I doubt i'll get time to re-record (or actually, time to practice, so that a re-recording would sound better) so maybe i'll put the crappy version up. It can be your special holiday present, just for you blog readers. Actually, heres a better idea, post a comment and tell me if you want to hear it, and i'll send it to you. That way only the cool people get to hear it.
Where is angelle?! i'm gonna have to go eat some Everything Matzah soon...while it is tasty and nutricious, it isnt Rigatoni D.
Anyone want to come over and play wii with me till i fall asleep?

Saturday, December 15, 2007
whats the deal with webkinz?
anyone? anyone know the answer? Fry? Fry? Bueller? Something 'D' 'O' 'O' economics. Webkinz Economics.
I dunno, apparently its like tamagotchie (which I never understand that either) but its online but you also have a stuffed animal. i think the stuffed animal is just so that parents will pay money, cuz if a kid said "mom, can i have 12 bucks to sign up for an online pet thing" they wouldnt have as much business. You know you're getting old when you hear yourself say "whats the deal with this crazy online thing the kids are doing, i dont get it". Oh well. I still like myself, and kids are lame.
How are you?

Saturday, December 8, 2007
Congrats to Tebow! Even though he is a tad on the Jesus side for my tastes, but i'll let it slide since he's such a bada$$.
WAY TO GO! First freshman/sophomore to ever win!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
May all your candles glow brightly, and may all your slacks be pressed so nicely.
Spin your dreidels and eat your gelt, open your presents that are heartfelt.
Channukah comes but once a year, good thing it lasts 8 days, give a cheer!
Happy Channukah!

Monday, December 3, 2007
The most ridiculous bowl game name of the year award goes to....wait for it....
"San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl"
Congratulations!! 2nd place goes to:
"Gaylord Hotels Music City Bowl"
3rd place goes to:
" bowl" (although you have tasty pizza and great dipping sauce, come up with a better name for your bowl!)
Anyone got tix to the Capital One bowl? Florida vs Michigan in case you havent been following. How exciting was the BCS selection show last night? The drama! the tears! It was great. Kinda silly that the "top 2" were once again "chosen" by people instead of a playoff (that somehow basketball, baseball, volleyball, and hockey all see to do).
Oh well, all we can hope for is that Ohio State once again gets taken down by an SEC team! I never thought i'd say it, but for all my family in Louisiana, Geaux Tigers!
Against my better Jewish judgement, i hung christmas lights on our house. Angelle likes it. I kid, i kid. I like the lights too. We call them holiday lights. We also took a walk around the neighborhood last night to look at holiday lights. Ian and Leah were cute in the wagon staying warm under the blanket. Erin was in the wrap on Angelle's chest, and she seemed to like it.
Cant wait till the holidays...

Friday, November 30, 2007
TEBOW FOR HE15MAN! (these arent new, but they're dang funny)
If you spell Tim Tebow in Scrabble, you win. Forever.
Tim Tebow can blow bubbles with beef jerky.
When Tim Tebow was born, the only person who cried was the doctor. Never slap Tim Tebow.
In the beginning there was nothing. then Tim Tebow stiff armed that nothing in the head and said Get a job. That is the story of the universe.
Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas.
Tim Tebow counted to infinity - twice.
People with amnesia still remember Tim Tebow.
When you open a can of whoop-ass, Tim Tebow jumps out.
When Google can’t find something, it asks Tim Tebow for help.
Tim Tebow can get McDonald’s breakfast after 10:30.
When the boogie man goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Tim Tebow.
Tim Tebow’s hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.
When taking the SAT, write ‘Tim Tebow’ for every answer. You will score more than 1600.
Tim Tebow gets called for roughing the tackler.

Monday, November 26, 2007
Monday funnies
If you don't enjoy Dave Barry, you probably don't enjoy my blog either, so go read some trash!
In writing proposals to prospective clients, be sure to clearly state the benefits they will receive:
WRONG: "I sincerely believe that it is to your advantage to accept this proposal."
RIGHT: "I have photographs of you naked with a squirrel."
Thanks Dave! Also more big ups to Tebow for his crazy performance this year. Gators cracked the top10 in the BCS.
Channukah starts next week, hope you have your candles waxed and your menorah shined!

Saturday, November 24, 2007
GO GATORS! and 3rd cousins
First, big ups to Tim Tebow and the Gators for stomping the 'Noles at home to finish the season. They may not be going to the SEC title game, but neither is Georgia. And LSU is out of the national game! (most likely). Sorry other family, but that makes me smile a little. Hopefully Tebow will win the heisman, but if not, he can come back next year and try for it. I'd like to see 2 national titles in a 3 year span.
Leah met her 3rd cousin Leah today. Kinda funny. Havent known any Leah's and now she has one in her class, and her 3rd cousin is named Leah. Took a trip up to Huntersville where my 2nd cousin lives. I hadnt met them before but her parents and my dad (1st cousins if you havent been following) were both in town and wanted to get a little family thing together. It was fun. The kids got along great and Debbie and Reid (not sure of spelling) were cool. Nice to have family this close. David and Carol (David is my dads cousin) gave me a swiss army knife for my bar mitzvah that I still have. Just thought you'd like to know that.
I'm super wiped today. Played paintball yesterday with the guys, and it was SO much fun. its nice to play in cool weather vs florida's warm nasty weather. I'm crazy sore today though. all the diving behind barrels and crawling through the woods...i miss my 20 year old body.
Oh, and if you're ever in town, i recommend the shrimp with mixed vegetables from New China (its by Food Lion). Its so good.
And to all you faithful blog readers out there, hopefully tomorrow i'll get to record a song, just for you. Its mostly written, but havent had time to record it.
Pass me a halls, my throat hurts.

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope everyone has had a great year, is thankful for their life, and is happy! Except dave. No, but seriously, yeah.
Things i am thankful for: angelle, leah, erin, family, friends, my job, the cowboys being 10-1, rollerblades, boats, wakeboards, large houses, blogs, nice weather, mountains, bikes, computers, innovation, intelligence, love, ummm, oh yeah, and cab sav, which probably is the reason for this silly blog!

Monday, November 19, 2007
What else? Football, kids and dave barry
It was another great football weekend. Gators killed FAU, and Cowboys won a good one at home against rival Redskins. Shout out to Dennis, Gordon, and Chick McGee from the Bob and Tom morning show.
Also got to play with Leah and Erin a bunch which is always great. Saturday ran an exciting 2k on the treadmill, then played some racquetball with Bryan where he proceeded to kick my butt. I blame it on the fact that I was winded from my strenuous 2k.
Hit up Cheesecake factory saturday night (what were we thinking? Cheescake factory is at a really nice mall, and it was Saturday night during the holidays). SO we did what any impatient hungry family with kids would do in this situation, ordered it to go, then ate it in the food court! Great plan for anyone else wishing to eat at Cheescake factory and not wait for a table AND not have to tip. :) is that jewy? yeah so what! Also Dave was in town so that was cool to see him. Not overly cool, but sorta cool. =D
Stacy's comin in tonight with my mom and landon. Yay!
Also in honor of Thanksgiving, and the feast at the fancy table, here is a commentary by my good friend from Florida, Dave Barry:
"Today's Etiquette Topic is: Proper Table Manners. Table manners have had a large impact on my career. When I invite news sources out to lunch, I impress them by showing that I know the 'DOs' and 'DONTS' of dining etiquette, such as:
- DO shout your guest's order into the drive-thru speaker before shouting your own.
- DO ask your gest to please steer the car while you aply ketchup to your hamburger.
- DON'T snatch fallen french fries from between your thighs and eat them without first distracting the news source by shouting, 'HEY, LOOK OVER THERE!'
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving week!

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Back on campus
Last night freakin rocked. I went down to Columbia, SC with a friend from BofA to watch the Florida/South Carolina game. It was SO much fun. 4 of us tailgated and then watched a kickass game. We got awesome seats, in the gator section right behind the florida band, and right behind the endzone the gators were scoring in for the 4th quarter. It was awesome to see the gators live again. I definitely will be going to this game every 2 years. Anyone who wants to go, lets do it! I'm crazy tired though. got back about 2am. Cold and tired and with a sore throat from all the yelling. It was fun heckling the gamecock fans and getting heckled by them, cuz i had the last laugh. In case you didnt see it (although, why the heck didnt you see it?) score was 51-31 gators. Grilling hotdogs and drinking guiness before a big SEC game is just awesome.
And although i did love Laurie's chocolate chip pancakes, i would have definitely liked to sleep in today. So now as i write this, i'm just so tired and of course now feel the pain of our children when they're overtired and cant fall asleep. uggh.
Today was mostly chill. Hung around, tried to excavate rocks from my backyard. Gave up after about a half hour. Tried to nap, but of course, we have kids, so that doesnt work. Then grilled hot dogs (yeah i know, again) at the Maddexes. Also watched an awesome Cowboys/Giants game. Word up to my main Giants fan JK. 31-20 in favor of the 'boys. Lookin strong.
Glad tomorrow is a day off. Thank you to all the Veterans out there who have fought or are fighting for our country. the USA is definitely the best country in the world to live in, and i gotta give mad props to people willing to risk their lives so i can watch college football and write in blogs. Speaking of blogs, the next Suite5 song is in the works. S'gonna be a doozy. If i ever get time to actually play through my amp and record. Which is doubtful. Maybe when Erin is 2.
aight. all for now.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
it is decided
Netflix it is! well, the free trial anyway. We'll see how it works
out. I like watching movies on my busride into and from work, so it
seems like a good thing. Oh, i also recommend visiting drew's blog.
Hes a smart kid. ->
On another note, is it funny, ironic, or sad that i sat on the couch
tonight eating chocolate cookies and reading blogs while angelle was
watching Biggest Loser on TV. It really is inspirational watching
those big fatties work out and lose weight. But not that
inspirational. Obviously.
Is it veterans day yet?

Posting via email is sweet.
So, thanks to Keri for telling me that I can post to the blog via email. I cant read it to review it, but oh well. I trust myself.
I had a dentist appointment today. I know, exciting right?!? this is what you have to post about if you post everyday.
So, tv viewing has shifted a little since the beginning of the fall season. Chuck was good at first, but i lost interest fast, and Journeyman is actually pretty good. And i think i want to test out House. Everyone says its awesome. I'm also thinking of signing up for Netflix or Blockbuster Online. Since i ride the bus practically everyday, i have lots of time for books or movies. Anyone have a preference or recomendation to either one?
Oh yeah, speaking of recommendations, i said i would have a list of things i recomend, so here they are:
1. Having kids
2. Rollerblading
3. Skydiving
4. Snowboarding
5. Reading the sunday comics
6. Drinking a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks
7. Taking your kids to the playground
8. Reading to your kids
9. Getting your spouse to do things he/she doesn't at first want to do
10. Learning and playing an instrument.
11. Calling your friends on the phone every now and then.
12. Eating spiedino de mare (sp?) at Carrabas
13. Eating a Big Montana from Arbys (or just a large if they dont still sell the Big Montana)
14. Performing on the main stage at Warped Tour
15. Being a Gator Fan
16. Learning how to type (for real, not that hunt and peck garbage)
17. Learning how to drive a manual transmission automobile
18. Trying sushi
19. Watching "Knocked Up" if you've recently gone through a pregnancy (and can handle some vulgar humor)
20. Hugging your kids as much as they will let you
I could go on i'm sure, but 20 is good to get you started. #15 is pretty easy, so you can get that one done right away, and #13 would be great for lunch today!

Monday, November 5, 2007
Angelle posts for Mike
Mike no longer has access to Blogger at work so today he emailed me his blog entry to post. That's dedication!
Well it was a good football weekend. Gators throttled Vanderbilt and the Cowboys throttled the Eagles. WOOT.
Angelle and I spent a majority of our time spreading dirt. We got a dumptruck full of topsoil delivered Friday, and i filled up wheel barrow fulls, dumped it, and angelle spread it with the rake. UGGGH. its a lot of work. We're doing this cuz most of our side/backyards are nothing but clay. So i aerated, fertilized, and re-seeded. And i didnt want my hard work to blow away, so i figured topsoil would be good to cover it with.
Between hauling dirt, found time to play with Leah and constantly put Erin to bed. That kid needs more naps that anyone! its kinda crazy. Yeah i know shes a baby, but still. she should be able to be awake for more than 45 minutes before being tired and cranky. shes SOOO cute when shes slept, all smiles and cooing, but when shes cranky shes horrible. UGGH.
On another note, I'd like to thank Laurie and Bryan for having Ian before Leah. Hes about 3 months older, and its crazy to see him do things or go through things and sure enough, about 3 months later, Leah follows. Sleep patterns, eating patterns...its wild. Even certain stories, like Ian coming up with excuses before going to sleep (i'm thirsty, i have a wet diaper, i need my toenails cut) Leah did the same thing a few months later. Also i remember Laurie telling me that Ian once cried cuz his blue dog fell out of bed. he could have gotten it himself, but i guess it was easier to cry about it. Then just a few days ago, Leah cried in the middle of the night cuz her friends (minnie mouse and her baby carol) fell out of bed. I go in at like 1 or 2. Shes sitting on her bed, looking at her friends on the floor right in front of her whining for them. Its half funny but half annoying that i had to get out of bed for that.
For those of you that were concerned, i had a dr appt last thursday for my knee. Xrays didnt show anything broken. Dr said it might just be a cartilege tear. If thats the case, they'd have to do an MRI to make sure, then do some procedure to repair the tear. I decided to hold off and see if it heals. if not, then i might do all that if it doesnt. Dr said it shouldnt get much worse. We'll see. I successfully skated yesterday without really any pain, hopefully i can either live with it, or it just goes away.
I cant believe its November!! 2008 is almost here. what the heck?? does time really go faster as you get older? it sure seems like it. I've also noticed that at every stage of life, i look back at the previous stage and realize how much easier it was. Did that this weekend when Erin wasnt sleeping. I was like "wow, remember life with only 1 kid?". And with Leah, i remember looking back at life with no kids! we must have had SO much free time. When we bought the first house, i remember looking back at renting as easy...and with the first job, i remember looking back at college as easy...etc. Every stage seemed hard as compared to the previous one, but as we move on, they are easier in contrast with where we are. Well for me anyway. I know some people have it crazy tough, and then looking back, their current situation is way better, so for those people, my pampered life doesnt really apply. Life for me overall really is pretty easy and awesome. I hope it is for you too. If not, try to change your perspective. If that doesnt work, I hope you can figure out how to change the things that are making your life prevent you from being happy.
Speaking of being happy, sour patch kids make me very happy. So do Red Vines apparently. they're a better (in my eyes) version of twizzlers. Bryan turned me onto them. Speaking of things I recommend, I also recommend tickling your kid today. Its crazy fun. Also doing puzzles with them is great. Hmm, i think my next blog post will be a list of things I recommend.
Till then...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
numbers boost
i realized i only had 5 posts in October, so here is one more before November hits.
Trick or treating was fun. Leah couldnt walk well in her ruby slippers so angelle got the stroller for her to ride in between houses. All the kids looked great. I made a "wizard of oz" costume which consisted of a green sheet hanging in front of me. oh, i also had leah's toy microphone which makes your voice echo. I was walking around saying "i am the great and powerful oz" and "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" and "no, i'm not in the shower, i'm the wizard of oz". good times though.
i'm heading to Ortho Carolina tomorrow to get my knee (and maybe wrist) checked out. cross your fingers.
Thanks for reminding me about RSS readers, Keri.
What is the only thing Chuck Norris is afraid of? Tim Tebow.
Angelle is sitting on the couch right now fast forwarding through commercials of Kid Nation. Not sure why you need to know that, but you do.
So, I just realized I'm all selfish, always talking about myself, so how are you? How is your life?
Oh, i'm sure you'll all confirm this, but seriously does every parent think their child is the cutest? Cuz Leah seriously is. If you dont agree, then you're obviously not as bright as me. No offense to your children, but I really do think Leah is better than them. :)
Okay, okay now you're all mad, cuz you're realizing, 'hey wait a minute, maybe this mike guy is right...maybe my kid isnt as good as Leah'. Or you're mad cuz you wish YOU were Leah's parent. Or you're mad cuz you wish YOU had mated with me to create Leah. I know, its tough...
ANgelle is either laughing right now, or embarrassed. In either case, Leah is awesome, and im sure one day i'll write a post about how Erin is awesome. But till then, Leah has wowed me more. Erin does have an awesome smile, but mostly she just sits there. She hasnt done any tricks for me, or counted in english, spanish, and french. She certainly hasnt told me 500 times how she didnt like the winnie the pooh ride.
Alright i'm gonna save some writing for tomorrow, when its November. All saints day! Bring out yer dead!!

Happy Halloween!
Here it is, All Hallows Eve, and coincidentally, i'm rereading the last Harry Potter and in the book i just got to the part where they discover what the Deathly Hallows are.
Its about 6:30 am. the only real time i have to blog anymore! how ridic is that. Everyone else is still asleep, i have about 5 minutes till i leave for the bus...ahhh, quiet.
I assume since my posts are farther apart now, that not as many people are reading. well thats fine. Stop being interested. You should treasure the posts if they dont come as often! Sheesh!
If you havent been there yet, our new website finally launched:
We had a fun trick or treat thing at my work last friday that angelle and the girls came to. it was fun. our aisles were decorated and the kids got to walk up and down the aisles and trick or treat. leah liked it. all except my row, which had a plethora of skeletons, and a strobe light. she kept saying "i dont like the lightning. its like the winnie the pooh ride". she was in her dorothy costume, and erin in her toto costume (which is really just a puppy, which is really just a brown sack with ears, so many people thought she was a potato). ironically there was a tinman there too! Then after work, we went to a halloween party at our fitness center. they do it every year. it was fun too. lots of games for the kids. After those two, we were exchausted!
Saturday was mostly a disaster. We went to the Carolina balloonfest. Originally, i was going to stay home with erin and watch the FLA/GA game, and angelle was going to take Leah. but i agreed to watch it on DVR later and go. well its in statesville which is about 50 miles north of charlotte. should have been an hour. it took 3 freakin hours!!!! once we got up off the exit, it took us an hour and a half to go about 3 miles. it was SOOOO ridiculous. the event planners were obviously idiots. we got there at like 4:30 which was when the mass ascension was, and we got to watch that from the car. I finally got out and walked with leah cuz she was tired of being in the car. So i did at least get some quality daddy/leah time which was great. then we finally get in at 6, and we didnt bring jackets for the kids cuz we thought wed be leaving by 6. we had to spend 30 bucks on food cuz we were starving and they charged outrageous fair (ha ha, i know, they werent fair, fair like a carnival. damn those homophones!) prices. the balloon glow was neat, but hardly worth the whole trip and expense. oh well. it was a once in a lifetime experience since we'll never go back.
then of course the stupid gator defense forgot to get on the bus to jax. how pitiful they were!! uggh. dont really need to waste time complaining about that, but i will say Tebow is still awesome. with a bruise shoulder he managed to stick it out and score 30 pts. I heard Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas to bed.
ALright, time to go. not much happened sunday except pumpkin carving and relaxing. Have a great halloween!

Monday, October 22, 2007
busy and injured
havent had much time to post lately. work has been busy, kids have been cute, and my knee has been hurting. (not sure why a hurt knee would prevent me from typing my thoughts on a webpage, but roll with me).
So yeah, wakeboarding, walking 4 disney parks, and skating shredded my right knee. Its a little better now, i can walk mostly normal (not like a pimp) but it still gives out every now and then. I would have gone to the dr last week, but waiting for insurance to kick in Nov 1. WHEEEE!
but other than that, kids are awesome. Erin is getting SO cute. and leah is as cute as ever. we went to the aw shucks corn maze and pumpkin patch sunday. the corn was pretty sad, since there hasnt been water in what, about 6 months. but it was still fun.
Gators and Cowboys both won in awesome games. Gators moved up to 11 in the BCS. but we're still behind South Florida?! how crazy is this years football season?
If you havent watched Chuck by the way, its pretty good. Funny with action.
Also, if you didnt visit this blog from our home site, we have a new home site!
Thats all i can muster for a Monday evening.
Gallers Out

Friday, October 19, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The good, the bad, and the mickey
First off..HOW 'BOUT THEM COWBOYS!!! to anyone who just finished watching that game, HOLY COW. how ridic was that?!?!? one of the best cowboy finishes i've witnessed!! if you didnt see it, go read cbssportsline or espn. it was insane. a touchdown in the last minute, a missed 2 pt conversion, and onside kick, and a 53 yd field goal with 2 sec left for the win. sooooo good.
But with every good, there is a bad. Of course, its the heartbreaking gator loss to LSU saturday. up 10 in the 4th qtr, and they just couldnt hang on. they controlled the game the whole time!!! so, the gators lost it in the 4th, and cowboys won it in the 4th.
And along with the good and the bad, we have the mickey. We visited magic kingdom today and leah met Mickey Mouse again. (She met him the first time about a year and a half ago). but she was again frightened by him and cried when we took the picture. Then she also was scared by the winnie the pooh ride. there is this weird psychodelic part where its dark with glowing and flashing things. she didnt like that. she also remembered that she didnt like it the whole day and kept telling us she didnt like it. it was funny. But she did enjoy dumbo's flying elephants, the carousel, the monsters Inc show, and Its a Small world. she REALLY loved small world. she was pretty much mesmerized the whole time. its gotta be overwhelming for a 2 yr old. Leah also liked the Dole whip for obvious reasons. it was delicious.
All in all, a good day. Erin was really good too. slept most of the time. :) Tomorrow, off to Animal kingdom and epcot for food and wine festival. Then hopefully the Vans skate park wednesday, seaworld thursday, and back to NC friday.
SO far weve seen: Nana & Papa (Steve and Ronni), Grammy (Cathy), Megan (who gets mad props), Nikki/Jason/Halle, Erica, Mandy/Barry, Carly & Greg. What a vacation so far! And we expect to also see Keith/Keri/Annabelle/Corgan, Pops (Ed), and Jason/Nikki/Halle again.
Phew. Can you tell i'm still all wired from the cowboy game??!? just saw the highlights on espn again.
Alright, time to unwind...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Babies / Munchbox Plenty?!?!?
First, congrats to the Stewarts!!!
Second...Oi, so i didnt even want to admit this, but oh well. Laugh at me. I deserve it. So i heard this song on Matt's boat while wakeboarding sunday (which rocked by the way, but more on that next paragraph) and it was pretty good. Sounded kinda Killers-ish, but still good. So its kinda stuck in my head and i get home and search for what new band it was...and its freakin Matchbox 20!!!! WTF?! uggh. so yeah, i liked a matchbox20 song. although to be fair, i had no idea it was them, and i still dont think it sounds like them. Its that "How far weve come" song. check it out. its actually kinda catchy.
In previous news, yeah wakeboarding was awesome. I'm solidly hitting wake to wake jumps now. had a few decent indy grabs, getting close to a melon and tail grab. And the water was just so darn nice sunday morning. the lake was low, so it was hard to find good water, but when we did, it was awesome. blue skies. a tad cool, but the water was warm. heavenly.
See y'all in Florida next week. GO GATORS!!! beat those tigers!! seriously, we need to rebound huge after the auburn debachle. we cant lose to two different tigers in consecutive weeks, can we? i surely hope not.

Thursday, September 27, 2007
the Wawa
okay, so everyone is wondering about my new job. I guess since i'm there i can talk about it now. :)
I'm pretty much doing the same thing i was doing at Bank of America. for those of you that didnt know (mandi) yes, i worked for Bank of America. for about 10 months as a consultant, and then from april through last week as an associate.
Now i'm at Wachovia (for some reason i heard someone call it the wawa). Its pretty rockin. The cube designs are all artsy and the building is really nice (wood paneling in the elevators for example).
I'm still doing similar work which includes: Interaction Design, Long term strategy planning, UI design, information stuff. :)
If you havent played with Adobe Flex, i recommend it.
I started messin with it and built a sweet lookin app in like 10 minutes. granted it wasnt hooked up to a datasource, but i'm sure its easy.
ALright, season premier of Office is now starting. gotta go!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
football and banks
So last weekend was a rockin good football weekend. Gators won, Longhorns won, Cowboys won, Bucs won. 4 for 4. Tony Romo is ridic good right now. hope he can keep it up.
In case you didnt know, I started a new job at a new bank Monday. Wachovia is now my new home. Went from the blue and red to the blue and green.
Ran a treadmill 5k tonight. actually ran one last saturday also. time saturday: 37:34. time tonight: 34:27. WOOHOO! my legs are now killing me, but s'all good. not wakeboarding tomorrow so i need some exercise.
i cant believe The Office is now in syndication. TBS has it at 10 and 10:30. how sweet is that? I'm watching it right now if you couldnt guess. I'm also full of fruit, cuz i was hungry after running.
okay, now time for sleep. goodnight

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Iceberg? Rosenberg? Gatlinburg.
Just got back last night from Gatlinburg TN. Awesome time...went for Joe N's 30th birthday. Awesome cabin, awesome hiking, awesome food...did i say it was awesome? Leah had a great time there. drive was only about 4 hours which wasnt too bad. Except the morons in charge of NC roadways are complete idiots!!! they closed down I77 last night about 9 o clock...isnt roadwork supposed to happen at like 2am when there are barely any cars on? Not here. and there was this one &@#$# semi that decided to be a complete @#&@# and drive in both lanes all the way up until the merge just so smaller faster cars couldnt pass and thereby causing more traffic jams cuz two lanes backed up. I never wanted car missiles so bad in my life!! i couldnt believe it. so next chance i got with an on ramp i passed him, but seriously what a @#^@&. Angelle was super happy with the whole situation.
But besides that Gatlinburg was pretty sweet. Oh, and the gators beating Tennessee was also ridic sweet. Gary and Maria had a question for people with "T" shirts on..."Is the T for Tim? or Tebow?" needless to say, they loved the question.
Leah was awesome on our hike. it was 1.2 mile hike to Grotto Falls and i had leah in the hiking backpack, and angelle had erin in her wrap. it was really a great hike. the girls did awesome, and me and leah had fun splashing around in the water at the bottom of the falls.
WE also played a bunch of poker. I played horribly and joe someone got lucky in every hand he played in. I of course folded a 10-J which would have scored only a full house if i had played it.
The cabin itself was awesome. 5 bedrooms, a gameroom at the bottom with pool table, big screen tv, galaga/pacman, poker table, air hockey, foosball, and each story had a deck in the back. each room had a bathroom and there was a full kitchen. really great vacation place. Gatlinburg Falls Resort if you want to visit it yourself.
ERin was fussy every night from about 8-10 or so. but other than that she was great.
White water rafting was closed cuz of lack of water, but maybe next time.
Alright, time to head to preschool. Lates

Thursday, September 13, 2007
L'shana Tova!
Happy new year to all! hope everyone enjoyed their apples and honey. Leah definitely did.
She also said something funny this morning. I was getting her ready to leave for school, and i was singing, and she told me "Hush it up". i guess angelle says that to her. i was laughing.
Kids are cute. when they're not crying. Seriously, when you're tired, you go to sleep!!! you dont cry and keep yourself up?! one of the great mysteries of life i guess...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Today's lists
Things that bug me:
1. Crying babies
2. Slow drivers in the left lane
3. Over an hour commute
4. Sore muscles
5. Feeling tired
6. Other peoples' kids :)
Things that make me smile:
1. Leah's art projects
2. Leah running up to my car when i get home saying "Daddy!"
3. Erin sleeping
4. Angelle looking at Leah or Erin sleeping
5. Football season
6. Skateparks
7. Wakeboarding
8. Stars of David music

Saturday, September 8, 2007
Rollerblading is NOT dead
at least not for me. Found a decent little skatepark in charlotte today. also got new skates for the first time in like 10 years. its about time. Now i need to go tear up charlotte (and not get arrested).
It was fun skating with a bunch of 12 year olds. (note the sarcasm). they didnt speak english and they were skateboarders. We had some communication issues.
In other news, we had a sweet bbq at the Maddexes tonight. there was about 8 couples and like 15 kids. it was crazy. kids had a good time, and cuz there was so many kids we actually got to have some adult time.
Oh yeah, G and Myrn are visiting right now (angelle's dad/step mom). They're having a great time with Lean and Erin.
MMM, what else...Go Gators!! poor michigan. good to see Spurrier beat Georgia.
guess thats it for now.

Thursday, September 6, 2007
Leah-isms as of late
Leah has been saying some funny/cute stuff lately.
In the car this morning on the way to pre-school, i had to slam on the breaks cuz the guy in front of me did also, and she said "Oh Geez!". i laughed pretty hard at that one.
Also, i played this song on my ipod that she likes, and she heard it and said "I cant believe it! I cant believe its this song". super funny. an aside: the song is 'Shofar So Good' off the new Stars of David album. John has most of the music done, i'm still working on lyrics though.
Not sure if Ang has blogged about this one, but Leah often spouts "I have a really really g[r]eat idea!" sometimes her great idea is to do a puzzle, sometimes its to have a popsicle...its hilarious to wait and hear what her great idea is though. Shes such a trip.
2 year olds are definitely loads of fun. they can definitely pitch a fit when they dont get what they want immediately, but they are mostly all smiles and fun. the silliest things are exciting to them which is awesome. you dont really have to try that hard, just as long as you're paying attention to them or teaching them something new they're excited.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
its back...
Wakeboarding Wednesday is back!! Angelle is a peach. She had the kids all day and didnt mind me going wakeboarding. What a super wife i have. AND she found time to clean the house. she gets a gold star in my book.
Riding tonight was so awesome after not going for a few weeks. Weather was warm, water was warm, lake was calm...perfect. I felt out of practice, but still threw some crazy tricks. Tried the backroll again, but didnt come any closer than last time. Also attempted what I thought was a 360 (which is hard because you have to handle pass) but apparently i spinned too much and they said it looked like a 720 or a mobius. I dunnno. wish i caught it on video so i could see what it looked like.
This new guy came out and he apparently was a competitive collegiate gymnast and pro wakeboarder. He was totally one pass he probably landed like 8 crazy hard tricks. Inverted grabbed spins. So sick. super fun to watch and a nice guy too. he helped us all out with what we were doing wrong. which was a lot. :)
But yeah, great to get back out on the lake. So made me want to get a boat. I want to ride 4 times a week, not just 1. I think i realized that its worth it to have a boat, and not a new car. so, that will be the future savings plan. WE had planned to get one in florida, and i think that plan is back.
so maybe after Hive tokyo drift, hive will drift back to NC and we can hit the lake on our boat. here's hoping...

Cul-de-sac Skating
Since i havent been wakeboarding the past few weeks, I figured it was time to drag the ramps out for some street skating, 1995 style.
Angelle wouldnt film me unless i wore pads. I said, 'isnt that what insurance is for?'

Friday, August 31, 2007
OH yeah, poll...
I want to get Heelys. Angelle says i'm silly. Everyone else says i'm silly and that they're for kids. I say F that. THey look fun.
Comment with a "Yes get em", "No, you're lame", or "I dont care, do what you want"

Snellbus Pish Fime Score?!
COLLEGE FOOTBALL IS BACK!!!! WOOHOO!! tomorrow at 12:30 pm the mighty gators begin to defend their national championship with Western Kentucky. It should be fun to see how Tebow does. And the other QB's as well. i'm gonna find a sportsbar to watch it, cuz i dont have espn game plan. lame. Also Dave just left (again) and he was the only other gator fan nearby, so i'll probably watch it alone since it starts right when leah's nap does. Angelle might come for the second half or when leah wakes up, but not sure i want Erin in a smoky sportsbar.
Speaking of Dave, i helped him pack up his house last night, and we had to take a break and strap on our volunteer fire fighting gear to come to the aid of some of our neighbors. we had a decent rain/lightning storm last night and, about 10:30, we hear firetrucks come blaring onto our street. 3 in total lights flashing, sirens blazing...of course we rushed to help out. We jumped in the Uhaul, headed up the street, and arrived just in time to watch the firefighters pull a cat out of a tree. Not really. It was more like a bush. HA, no, there wasnt really a cat. i think it was a lemur. Probably golden crowned, but it was dark and rainy so i couldnt be sure.
Long story, longer, there wasnt a fire (that we could see) and the rain would have put it out anyway, so not sure why 3 firetrucks came, but it made for a fun evening. I also had just drank a grape smirnoff twister. Tasted like welches. mmm.
So yeah, dave is now back in FLA, and new family is moving into his house tomorrow to rent. Hope they're cool.
In other news, Leah went to totsercise this morning, we went to watch Wizard of Oz in downtown monroe on a big screen (it was fun), and oh yeah, did i mention College football is back?!?!?
GO GATORS! also, if anyone wants to contribute to my new jeep/boat/land on the lake fund, send all donations to:
JeepBoatLakefrontLand Fund
c/o Mike Gallers
PO BOX 555
DontReallySendToThisAddress, NC 10101

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Research Triangles
Thats where we are now. Drove over to Durham to see Stacy and Landon for the day. Also to drop my parents off. THey are going to visit the Wrigleys for a bit before headindg back to FLA. Landon is a tad shy, but its cute to see him and Leah.
My dad had some fun with Wii bowling yesterday. I taught my mom, and she wasnt half bad. THen i played tennis with my dad, and he was okay at that, but then in bowling, he got a little too into it, and he brought his arm up and knocked into the coffee table. SO now there is a chip out of the coffee table, and wood pieces lodged into the front sensor of the controller, and it makes a weird rattling noise. Great. Moral of the story, dont let anyone over 50 play Wii. Maybe Erica's dad is better than mine. All her controllers still work, so I'd assume so.
We're about to head to the pool, funtimes!

Saturday, August 25, 2007
Interesting Dream
So last night, i get woken up (not sure of thetime. felt like it was 2 or 3). What was the source of the awakening you ask? No, not Erin. No, not Leah. No, not a cat. No, not a burglar (thank god). It was Angelle, telling me about her dream she just had. She seemed very upset so I dozily listened. Apparently the dream had something to do with Angelle looking at Erin and realizing she was an animal, something like a lemur. This of course had her very upset. Wouldn't you be upset if you found out your child was really a lemur? I mean, sure they are fuzzy and cute, and they have cool names like Ring Tailed Shifaka and Golden Crowned Lemur, but i'm sure they are much harder to potty train. Leah is hard enough as it is. i cant imagine potty training a lemur.
So Angelle was very upset by this dream and was sobbing. I tried my best to comfort her without laughing, although i felt some giggles sneaking out. What I apparently failed to realize was the deeper meaning of the dream, which was that Angelle definitely feels that deep attachment to Erin, and was saddened by the notion that she wasnt Angelle's child. Very admirable since Erin is not yet 2 weeks old.
But i still find it amusing that she was crying cuz Erin was a lemur.

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Welcome to Corgan!
Congrats to the Donalds on baby Corgan! He was born last night! Check Keri's blog for details:

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Erin's first outing
so we went to Dave & Busters yesterday for Bryan's 30th birthday. i know, hes old right?! it was fun to get the family out. Erin did fine. she slept most of the way, and Angelle was able to feed her with her shawl thingy. I dont know. check her blog for more details if you're interested. :)
Also i'm redesigning our main website. Its gonna rock, and you wont have to visit 3 different sites anymore. just 1. :) you'll see. Also, because of this, i removed the links from my blog. I didnt want to hurt anyones feeling (all you silly girls) by forgetting someone's, so they're all gone. Are you happy? you couldnt play nicely and its taken away.
Also, go cowboys. they beat the broncos last night. i know its only preseason, but any loss the cowboys or bucs can hand the broncos, its cool with me.
THings at home are pretty good. leah still likes to help and hold erin. erin is sleeping/feeding good. so, knock on wood, as leah would say 'its not so bad'.
Anyone want to come up and go to the UF/SC game in columbia this year? its november 10 if you're interested.
Also, anyone want to find some VC's to help finance a Good skatepark in charlotte? there are two small ones at public parks, but nothing outstanding. I want vans to come build one like they have in orlando.

Friday, August 17, 2007
Backroll Attempts
Heres a few pics of the backroll attempt from last week. Havent received the video yet. No shot of the landing, but no, i didnt land on my head. :)

Thursday, August 16, 2007
New website name?
Anyone have any good suggestions for the new website name? We obviously thought of,
I also thought of (play on Oh Geez!)
Any other ones? post em here or email them to us!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
How many hours will i sleep tonight?
I hope its at least 6. I think i'm gonna head back to work tomorrow since Stacy is now here too, and leah will be in preschool half a day. not much for me to do. Also i'd rather save days for when all the grandparents are gone. Then i'm sure Angelle will need some help at home. Well, not that she cant do it, but ya know.
Angelle and Stacy are currently watching So you think you can Dance. grammy is holding Erin. and i'm debating on whether or not to eat some cookies. OH! i forgot to also thank Tiffany for the cookies she made for us. They were SUPER good also. DIdnt mean to leave you out Tiff!
If you havent checked out Nikki's new blog design, go there! Halle is super cute.
Congrats to Keri for being an Aunt! Kelson and Erin are 19 hours apart. Babies babies everywhere...
Hey now, you're a blogger, get your blog on, go blog... (that one was kinda weak. its hard to be creative when you're not all loopy from lack of sleep. i guess i should post more at 2 am)

first day home
well its been over a day now that Erin has been home. Leah and I made a little sign for angelle and erin when they drove up, and angelle was all teary. Also our neighbors had taped hearts with their names on the door saying welcome home. Angelle napped while leah napped, and erin napped in her swing. I played some wii to relax. I was rocking the baseball game, (winning 7-1) but then the stupid Wii froze. i think the programmers programmed it to freeze if the computer was losing too bad. annoying. Laurie made us dinner last night and it was super good. chicken with cheezy stuffing and awesome green beans. Peach cobbler for dessert. and a HUGE bowl of cookies. like seriously 100 cookies. thanks laurie!
THe night was decent. She didnt sleep super great. She was feeding from 10-1 sort of, then angelle was tired so i took her downstairs and laid on the couch with her till about 4, then went upstairs and she slept with me in the bed. Not much contiguous sleep though. I was super tired today.
We took erin to her first dr appt this morning and she checked out mostly good. she had lost a few more ounces, and the dr said she looked a little yellow so we had to take her to the hospital for a bilirubin test. Erin did great for that! angelle was more worked up than Erin was. Test came back within normal range but the dr said she needs to eat so she can pee/poo to get out whatever it is that makes her look jaundiced. so we decided to give her a little formula till ang's milk comes in.
I proceeded to nap while Leah napped. American pie 2 was on in the background. i roused every now and then to jason biggs being called petey and playing a trombone.
Angelle went to target with her mom. Yay! Erin's first trip to target!!! (did you catch the feigned enthusiasm/sarcasm? :) )
then we played in the afternoon. Leah held erin some more and pushed her in her swing, and did some cutting and gluing (not with baby erin, with construction paper only).
Oh, and by the way, I've read Dora goes to Start Mountain about 50 times in the past week. Leah has made it her current favorite book (get ready for sarcasm) YAY!!!
ALright, time for dinner (tonight, thanks to grammy).
snoggin bloggin

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
heading home!
well, it looks like we will be heading home today, and not waiting till tomorrow. Hopefully it will be in a few hours, and not even late afternoon. Angelle and Erin are doing so good, they didnt see a reason to keep us. Yay!!
Erin definitely likes to feed. or at least pretend to feed so that she can fall asleep.
To anyone that has had a baby, doesnt the hospital basinet look like a big tupperware? Is there some surplus of giant tupperware somewhere that some hospital worker saw and thought "hmm, we could save some money if we buy these and just say 'oh these are the new and improved baby basinets!'" i dunno, but thats probably the most likely scenario
In other news, oh wait, there is no other news. Maybe when we get home!

Monday, August 13, 2007
pre-sleep update
Well,its now about 10:33. Angelle is feeding Erin. Leah is at home with Grammy. Amazing how i could start 2 separate posts the exact same way.
Thanks for the dinner votes (Outback got 2) but we ended up with Carrabbas. it was SOOOOO good. we just had steak last week,so we decided against hops/outback. and bonefish didnt seem like itd be great to go. ANgelle got some kinda spinach ravioli (blech in my book) but i got the awesome Spiedino di Mare. its shrimp and scallops in a light italian bread crumb grilled and topped with lemon butter. SOOOOO good. and with fettuccini on the side...D-LISH.
they were awesome too, cuz they comped our dessert! When i called i told them that my wife just had a baby and that she picked Carrabbas as her first celebratory meal. WHen i picked it up, the lady said "the dessert is on us! congrats!". very nice of them. so i figured I should give them a plug. go eat at carrabbas! the place that gives you free dessert after you have a baby!
ok. time for sleep. erin is gonna head to the nursery so we can get some shut-eye.
till tomorrow...

Baby monkeys and monkey joes
Well,its now about 5:15. Angelle is feeding Erin. Leah is at home with Grammy. I got some rest. We slept about 3-4 hours last night after she was born. Then Grammy brought Leah up to meet her little sister. She was SOOOO cute. we thought she would run to Angelle but she totally climbed up and wanted to see Erin. She was saying things like "Shes out!" and "shes gonna come home with us?". She was patting her head and just looking at her. it was really adorable. Then we gave leah a present from Erin and from us. We gave her a little stuffed Pablo (backyardigan) and erin gave her a block puzzle. Leah liked going on the patio for our room. I know right? a patio on a hospital room? this place is swanky! I really like this hospital. the nurses have been so attentive for angelle.
Around 10am, i took Leah to this place called Monkey Joes. its an indoor play place for kids. Angelle wanted to take a shower and her mom was here so we got some daddy daughter time. We take off, first stop by the ATM, then the gas station for milk, gatorade, and cheezy crackers (milk-leah, gatorade-daddy, cheezy crackers-both). We pull up to monkey joes, get out, get to the front door, and theres a big sign saying socks must be worn at all time. Of course Leah has her crocs on. SO i go hunt around the car and diaper bag for some socks, but nope. SO we get back in the car, and leah is crying cuz she saw the super awesomeness that was monkey joes and now we're leaving it. I tell her we'll be right back. Luckily there is a burlington in the same shopping plaza, so we run over, finally find some socks for her and get back in the car, and she has a big poo, so i changed that, and then FINALLY we head back to Monkey Joes. Leah was super excited (again). its a neat place. its basically just a bunch of big bouncy houses and slides, but its perfect for kids cuz they can run around, jump and be silly. Leah had a blast. I went down the biggest slide with her a few times, but then she did it by herself! shes such a good climber and brave (i think). So i would definitely recommend Monkey Joes to anyone with toddlers.
After MJ's we hit up firehouse to take some subs back to the hospital. leah got a firehat. she liked it for about 30 seconds and then made me wear it.
After eating, leah headed back to our house with grammy and it was just angelle, me, and erin again. i pretty much dozed for a few hours (only to be roused by my phone buzzing every now and then. thanks for calling guys! sorry i didnt pick up. voicemail is more than acceptable :) )
so here we are. Angelle is feeding the baby monkey. Her other potential cutesy baby names are 'munchkin', 'muffin', or 'blog'.
I apologize to anyone who read my posts from last night. No, i didnt sneak a hit from Angelle's IV drip. just tired i guess.
I'm fairly amazed, actually flabbergasted (good word eh?) at the frequency to which everyone reads blogs now. maybe its just cuz we're in the hospital having a baby, but I'd like to assume that its not.
We are trying to decide between Hops, Outback, and Bonefish for our celebratory dinner. Any suggestions/recommendations? post them in the next 30 minutes.
Blogger out.

Sunday, August 12, 2007
H2O: broken
i was just dozing off and the nurse says "i think your water just broke". of course i snapped right up: "What?!" now i'm wide awake. Seems like it'll be only a few more hours. I cant wait to go pick up leah tomorrow and bring her to meet her baby sister!!! so cool!
oh, just thought of some more good ones:
"i'm just a teenage blogger baby"
"blogger? I barely know her"
"Daniel Larusso is going to blog? Daniel Larusso is going to BLOG!"
"When blogs attack: A Jack Hanna wild adventure"
"Doo doo doo doo doo Blogger! Doo Doo doo doo doo blogger blogger, blogger blogger blogger the explogger! blogs and super cool explorablogger...grab your keyboard, lets blog! blog in, vaminos! you can blog the way....BLOG! BLOG! doo blogger..doo doo blogger, swiper no blogging! swiper no blogging! Awwww man! Blogger the explogger!"

Here are my recent ultra-lame blog quotes that you may find amusing or moronic:
"Might as well face it i'm addicted to blog"
"Thats blogtastic"
"Is that a blog in your pocket? or are you just happy to blog me?"
"I'm sorry, all questions must be submitted by blog and will be answered by blog in 4 to 6 weeks"
"my blog smells of rich mahogany"
"my blog ate a whole wheel of cheese"
"my blog can beat up your blog"
"your blog is so fat, that when you type an 'X' in it, helicopters try to land on it"
"your blog is so dumb, that it thinks wikipedia is the shorter version of monthlypedia"
"snoop bloggy blog"
"harry blogger"
"blogwarts school of blogcraft and bloggery"
on that one...i'm takin a nap

tales of a husband of a wife with an epidural
well, i'm sure you've read angelle's blog if you're reading this one, so you know shes on the epidural. But enough about her. I had boston market for dinner. MMMM. half a chicken carver club, and red skin potatoes and greenbeans and cornbread...did i mention MMMM.
so yeah, angelle is now trying to get a little shut eye, so i'm sitting here left pondering what life is going to be like with 2 kids. crazy i'm sure. we now have to play man to man. and 2 girls at that...yikes!
so hmmm, what else. anyone seen Superbad or Hot Rod? two movies i've been wanting to see, but obviously been a little busy with other wakeboarding for example. Man, we sooooo want to find some land on the lake and get a boat. Life is pretty darn awesome right now, but how sweet would that be? is it wrong of me to be dreaming of a boat while my wife has a needle in her back? Eh, shes sleeping. its all good.
This hospital is really nice. we have our own nurse!! she is sitting in the room looking at some computer with charts and numbers. She isnt jumping around so i assume the charts and numbers are within normal range.
Alright, well if no baby in an hour, check back for another blogtastic blog entry. OOH, that gives me a good idea for my next post.
blogger out.

well, we're here. Checked in, hooked up to the IV, and waiting. S'all we can do I guess. I'm hungry. Maybe i should head to bonefish for some seafood and martinis. WOuld that be wrong to leave my pregnant wife who's contracting, and go wine and dine? Cast your votes now:
YES | NO | MAYBE (depends on what you eat/drink)

headlamps and drunk dials
So its 1:41 am. Still waiting. Contractions have been going strong since about 8, so 5 hours 40 minutes. I just got back from picking up Cathy (Ang's mom) from the airport. On the way to the airport, i realized i forgot that one of my headlights is out on the corolla. I was too far from home to go back, and i didnt want to get pulled over. I figured i'd just put on my brights and drive with those. I was thinking of the story i would tell the cop if he did pull me over. 'But officer, my wife is at home in labor and i need to get my mother in law before the baby comes, and the baby is coming, and my other daughter is sleeping and my wife cant leave her alone, and shes kinda sick so we dont want to wake her, so you see the predicament and you're wasting my time right now so i'm gonna go now. bye'. not sure how well thatd go over, but luckily i didnt need it, cuz no cops, thank gosh. Then i get to the cell phone waiting area, and get a fun drink dial from Erica. Gotta love erica! APparently her and nikki were drinking sangria while Jason and Sean were in their backyard conservation preservation hunting ground shooting wild boar, pheasants, and quail with either a 12 gauge or a beebee gun. Also Erica likes drunk weeweeing. or maybe wii-wii-ing. i wasnt sure. Then i think she also said she was looking at middle school yearbooks. OH, and nik and erica apparently were mad that I didnt notify them of my blog. WHich brings me to another interesting topic continued in paragraph 2.
So, what is the protocol for notifying your friends of your blog? Am i supposed to call them all? send out personal emails? a mass email? should i get wedding-type invitations and mail them with RSVP cards so people can fill them out and tell me they are definitely going to visit my blog? I just dont know. I'm new to this blogging thing. I really only started it so i could figure out how to modify Angelle's, but then she told me to start posting, and its kinda fun since weve been sitting around a lot the past few days. But i just started it like 2 days ago, so no one should be upset. Also, what has this world come to, when we're so lazy we only write about ourselves on our own site? when my parents were little, they handwrote letters to people. when we were little, we used to call our friends on the phone. Then pagers came out. Then AOL and instant messenger. Then it kinda reverted to normal email (hotmail, yahoo, gmail). THen cell phones came out and phone calls came back into fashion. Then my space, which is sort of email like, but also sorta AOL like. now apparently texting is all the rage (or was that last week?) ANd finally we have reached the ultimate in NOT wanting to interact with our friends. we write about ourselves, and say "if you want to know what i'm doing, YOU visit me. i'm not going to contact you" :) Although the blogger does have comments, so i guess we're still SORTA communicating, and i do give erica and nikki and Zach Stewart props for calling me and angelle tonight.
Also, i think this should be called because most blogs are just ranting about stuff. Is that taken? I should go look that up. Maybe rantspot will make me a billionaire. Google, if you're out there, buy it from me for 5 billion. please.

Saturday, August 11, 2007
stupid knees
yeah, so i'm not that old. why is my knee killing me after jogging a mile on a treadmill?? WTF?! ultra lame. my coworkers keep telling me something about glucosamine chondroitin (no idea how to spell it and too lazy to look it up before hitting post) but i shouldnt have to take weird supplements. thats for old people.
I wonder if the photo to the right has something to do with my knee pain? Naaaa, probably not.
Angelle is having some contractions, i wonder if Erin is coming tonight? Another kid is really going to cramp the wakeboarding. I hope i get that video of my backroll soon so i can post it on ewetoob and be cool like the rest of the world who posts their videos. if you're bord check out Flight of the Conchords on youtube. some funny stuff, although kind of Tenacious D ish (aka, rip off). but still funny.
Pimp my ride is a sweet show. i dont often frequent the tv during the day, and especially not MTV, but this is MTV Ocho so i figure its cool. the stuff they do to these trucks is SWEET. they just put a fireplace in the back of this chicks blazer. they also put sweet monitors and crap. I wonder if they have ever pimped a corolla? Someone submit me for this show. please.

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Tales from a free parker
So i had to post this real quick before work for the day starts. Got to work about 9:30 after going with Angelle to drop leah off at pre-school (which she loves by the way) and i got a pretty good spot. If you dont know, me, john and clay (teammates) all park in an area of uptown charlotte that is free on the streets. but you cant park there during arena events (like basketball games, graduations, or apparently church things). So i'm walking to my office and see some big buses in this lot near where i park and think "hmm thats odd. i hope theres not an arena event today". i see on the buses something about pentacostal religious shenanigans and am thinking its some church thing that is at some local church. So i'm moseying to work in the crazy 90degree heat at 9:30 and get up to my office, and check the Bobcats arena site, and sure enough today and tomorrow is the North American Youth Congress at the arena. UGGGH!! so i run downstairs, grab a 20 out of the ATM, go to the little shop and grab a gatorade so i can get change for parking, and then sprint the 5 blocks to my car, and see the little meter maid parking ticketer 2 cars back from my car. He sees me running and goes "you better hurry, we're almost to your car". I curse at him under my breath and luckily get to my car before he does, then go park in a lot and pay $5. then walk back to my office, sweating like crazy. Luckily i had the gatorade, but i still went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face and tried to mop up the sweat with paper towels. I'm still kinda nasty so it didnt help alot. but oi vey. Its hard work not paying for parking. but seriously, 80-100 bucks a month for parking? thats insane.

sisters and backrolls
YAY! so apparently Stacy is reading my blog. Thanks sis!
So I attempted my first heelside backroll on the boat last night. it was AWESOME. first attempt sucked, and i pretty much landed on my head. good thing it was in water. Second attempt was SWEET!! i didnt land it, but i did get the rotation all the way around. My friend Will got it on video so as soon as he sends it to me, i'll get it up for everyone's viewing pleasure. For you wakeboarding novices out there (and me about a week ago) a backroll is basically like a cartwheel, gainer style. You approach the wake heelside (i'm moving right to left [or left to right from boat view]) then basically cartwheel so you invert and spin around the rope and land heelside. its a cool trick, and apparently one of the easier inverts to learn, but still not easy to learn.
SO yeah, that was fun.
Okay, angelle is telling me to get leah dressed. Stace, i'll post more later. :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Thoughts at work
Well i'm sitting here at work eating my sandwich and taking like a 2 minute break, so i figured for Angelle's sake, since shes probably the only one reading this, i'd post!
MMM, what you say....mmm what you say....
seriously, that video is funny! watch it. Dear sister on youtube. watch the OC version first, then the SNL version.
this whole blog concept is kinda weird. I dont need to write about myself for my own sake, i guess its for people out there who care?
So we might start looking for some land north of charlotte on/near a lake. not for right now, but maybe 3-7 years down the line. Maddexes are interested (at least Bryan says so) in going in or looking with us. Thatd be fun.
We really would like to be on the lake and have a boat. I'm really like wakeboarding, and itd be fun to teach the kids, and let them tube around. Good times!
we watched the new TMNT animated movie last night. it was pretty good for a cartoon. animation was definitely awesome.
alright, back to work. hopefully i can write about my heelside backroll tomorrow, if i get the balls to try it tonight on the boat (and assuming angelle doesnt go into labor hence allowing me to go on the boat)

Monday, August 6, 2007
Post numero uno
Well, everyone talks about how cool blogging is, and i figure i need to be "with it" or "hip" or whatever it is the kids are using the days. How old am i?! i'm sure if you're older than 29 you're telling me to shut up.
Anyway, i'm mostly doing this so i can figure out how to do stuff for Angelle's blog. You can decide if I have interesting stuff to say. If so, great! If not, shove off!
Angelle and I are currently watching the finale of Hells Kitchen season 3. down to Rock and Bonnie. ooh, do you feel the tension mounting like a rabbit in heat? I sure do!
Am i supposed to talk about myself? I dunno. I guess this is like a journal or diary? If you're here you probably know me. If you're here and you dont know me, stop stalking me!
Okay, this is probably pretty long. The End.