Thursday, August 9, 2007

Tales from a free parker

So i had to post this real quick before work for the day starts. Got to work about 9:30 after going with Angelle to drop leah off at pre-school (which she loves by the way) and i got a pretty good spot. If you dont know, me, john and clay (teammates) all park in an area of uptown charlotte that is free on the streets. but you cant park there during arena events (like basketball games, graduations, or apparently church things). So i'm walking to my office and see some big buses in this lot near where i park and think "hmm thats odd. i hope theres not an arena event today". i see on the buses something about pentacostal religious shenanigans and am thinking its some church thing that is at some local church. So i'm moseying to work in the crazy 90degree heat at 9:30 and get up to my office, and check the Bobcats arena site, and sure enough today and tomorrow is the North American Youth Congress at the arena. UGGGH!! so i run downstairs, grab a 20 out of the ATM, go to the little shop and grab a gatorade so i can get change for parking, and then sprint the 5 blocks to my car, and see the little meter maid parking ticketer 2 cars back from my car. He sees me running and goes "you better hurry, we're almost to your car". I curse at him under my breath and luckily get to my car before he does, then go park in a lot and pay $5. then walk back to my office, sweating like crazy. Luckily i had the gatorade, but i still went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face and tried to mop up the sweat with paper towels. I'm still kinda nasty so it didnt help alot. but oi vey. Its hard work not paying for parking. but seriously, 80-100 bucks a month for parking? thats insane.


Angelle said...

set your time on the dashboard page so that you are set to eastern time. it says your post occurred at 7am! sorry about the parking thing. pay attention to arena events, why don't you?

Bleeber said...

Why weren't you riding your hover board thing.

Mike said...

to bleeb: you're right i should have been on my hoverboard. i left it at home...

to ang: yeah i switched to eastern now

Christina said...

That really is crappy. I remember when I lived in Jacksonville and parking stunk our company gave us $80 a month for parking.

You should talk to Mr. BOA about that.

stacy said...

haha, you're funny

Keri Donald said...

When did you join the blogging world and why didn't you let anyone know? :)

Nice job with your blog template and Angelle's too!