Since all the teams I was rooting for didn't make the playoffs (in the last week) I might as well root for the Panthers! Sure they are rivals of the Bucs, but since the cowboys played like a peewee football team, and the Bucs blew it, i figured i'd root for the Broncos who also could make the playoffs by beating a division rival on the road. While they scored more than the cowboys did, they looked about as bad.
So, one of the crappies football weekends ever for the pro teams i watch.
At least i still have the Gators...ahhhh gators dont let me down!!
Erin is freakin adorable lately. She brought a Gator counting book over to, I think G or Myrn and said "Go Go Go Tebow". :) gotta love it!!
Leah is like totally in love with disney princesses. She loves Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Belle. Oh and Tinkerbell (she got a figure from Erin for xmas, and the movie from Santa). I guess some girls are just girly girls. Meanwhile i get the impression that Erin is going to be more Xgames or Sports oriented. She seems to have a stockier build and likes things like kicking soccer balls and climbing up things too high/big for her. ANd she likes riding around on bikes more than it seemed like Leah did at her age. I could just be misremembering though.
I hope i'm not influencing Erin by treating her more like a boy. :)
Ah well, off we head to the mountains tomorrow. Pray for cold weather and snow!
Monday, December 29, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Birthday, La de da!
Hope everyone had (is having) a great holiday season!
Leah and Erin loved their presents of course. Santa was so nice to them this year! A jumpoline and a train table and games and movies and toys. Oh boy!
We got Wii Rabids and Wii Music. Played them briefly but they are fun so far!
The girls also got a wagon from grammy and Leah got a digital camera of her very own from Grammy.
Lauren, Carly, and Grammy came to visit for the week. Its been fun hanging out with them. Now to relax, clean for G and Mimi, and then Angelle's birthday.
Phew, the season never ends!
Does everyone feel the anticipation building for the National Championship Game?!?!? Go GATORS!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Chocolate News
I highly recommend you check out "Chocolate News" on Comedy Central. I am watching it now for the first time. Its friggin hilarious! David Alan Grier is the host. Its like a version of The Daily Show, but for white people who like to think they are culturally diverse. And probably some black people watch it too.
The first report was about "Blomicon" which is Black Comicon. Comicon for black comic books, black super heroes, and creators of black super heroes.
Coming up next? A report on the hottest new BET show: "America's next top black preacher"
While this post may appear racist on the surface, its an accurate report of the show and all its hilarity.

I just killed it at the gym
Domination. thats what it was. at least for me.
Triathlon Training Update #23
Total workout time: 1:28:37 h:m:s
Swim: 550 yards - 13:00 m:s
Transition 1: 5:00 m:s
Bike: 13 miles - 45:34 m:s
Transition 2: 3:00 m:s
Run: 2.1 miles - 22:34 m:s
I would have done the last mile but the gym was closing and they were throwing me out! But i was on pace to do the last mile in about 11 minutes. So i could have done the full triathlon (in the gym of course) in just under 1 hour 40 minutes.
I'm super amped about that, even if its just a gym time! My goal is to complete in under 2 hours, so i definitely feel good about that, especially since i still have over 3 months left to train!
Yeah Boy!
Mom Update #5
Shes home, doing well, walking without the walker, obviously hasnt smoked in like 2 months....WOOHOO! GO MOM!
Erin UPdate #1
Pink Eye. UGGH!
Leah Update #1
Cute and smart as always
Job Update #2
GMAC isn't looking so good as a company. The debate rages...Wellschovia or GMAC...
Thats all folks. For now.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Gators in the Championship Game!!
So, who wants to meet in Miami January 8th?!? even if we dont get tix, it'll be one HECKUVA tailgate party!

Saturday, December 6, 2008
WOOOHOO!!! GATORS ARE SEC CHAMPS!!! In your face Keith and Keri! Gators sure ROLLED over the tide! GATOR BAIT!
ALso, mom is home! yay mom!
Here is Tebow's biggest fan:

Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Charlie Brown!
and to the rest of you too! I am thankful for my wonderful wife, my 2 awesome kids, my sister, my nephew, my parents, my great inlaws (all million of them, counting parents, brothers, sisters, cousins and aunts and uncles and what not), my friends, having a great house, the wonderful weather in north carolina, living next door to friends, having a job i like going to...pretty much everything in my life. Not to sound like i'm bragging, but its pretty darn great to be me! :) I'm sure all of you feel the same way.
Anything you're thankful for that you'd like to share?
Having a good time in SoFla. got to see my mom at her rehab place. shes doing A TON better than when i saw her last. Thank you so much everyone for all your prayers. Greatly appreciated are they. We took the girls to visit. they couldnt go in her room, but she has a window that leads to an outdoor patio, so Leah and Erin go to see Nana through the window and say hi. My mom loved it.
Went to the metro zoo today with CHristina, Joe, zack and Caitlyn and Joe's parents and my dad. Good times were had by everyone except angelle who got sick while we were there. Yuck. literally sick in the bushes. we walked away and i left a note that said "This is because we didnt get turkey on thanksgiving. Sincerely, the gorillas"
Thursday was normal. ANgelle cooked awesome food and we ate and watched football and watched Charlie brown thanksgiving. Ever since Great pumpkin charlie brown, Leah is excited about the holidays now. :)
Erin is talking up a storm lately!! its SOOOOOOOOOO friggin adorable. she nods her head yes too, and shakes it no. she says mama, dada, nana, papa, eeeuh (leah), du[ck], pi[g], beep beep, pup pup, ca[t] (not sure why she says so many first sounds of words.) she also gives me the CUTEST looks! and shes shrieks "DADA" when i come home. she loves to play peek (around corners) and she loves to snuggle (except at bedtime ironically). i just love that kid. Its so cool to be able to love 2 kids so differently but so much!! i really was worried about that. Just loving Leah so much, wasnt sure how to love another kid too. but it happens! having kids (plural) ROCKS. i love it. and it makes me excited about the possibility of a third! (i know, i'm crazy)
Heading up to orlando tomorrow to celebrate with Nikki! Happy Birthday Nik!!
Not sure i said it publicly, but big congrats to Britt and Jimmy for passing the Bar! Wait, did i blog about that already? hmm. i dunno. All the turkey and yams has made me a bit loopy in the head.
Its been a great year. i'm thankful for it all, and i cant wait to see what the next year brings! lots of babies, thats for sure! and hopefully a Gator National championship, and a Cowboys super bowl!! (Giants are going down this year Konicks!)

Friday, November 14, 2008
It's been awhile...
since i wrote in this blog..blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Hmm lets see...the past 3 weeks. Went to Florida to see my mom who was in the hospital for pneumonia. Shes doing much better now. Just needs some physical therapy after being in the hospital 2 weeks. Not gonna post all the details here, but email me if you want to know more. LOVE YOU MOM!!
Training is still going well. I swam 1000 yards the other night (in about 25 minutes) and last night swam 600 yards, biked 8 miles, and jogged 1 mile. that took just about an hour.
Volleyball is also sill fun. playing usually Tuesday and Friday rec pickup games. I might look into an indoor league next spring.
Girls are awesome. They are playing a lot lately. SO freakin cute. If you have one kid, and are considering not having another, my opinion is that its awesome. Yeah sure its more work, but its SO worth it. not only for me, but definitely for Leah.
I guess thats really it. Exciting huh? 3+ weeks and all its been was visiting mom, work, girls, working out, volleyball, tv....
We did take the girls bike riding on some mountain bike trails last weekend. They were very mellow, but still really fun. Through the woods, with leaves everywhere. Really awesome ride.
Currently watching some weird Barbara Walters specials about a guy who had a baby. I dont think its a guy honestly. He/she is a transgender who was born a woman, felt like a man, got her breasts removed, testosterone injected, and got his/her birth certificate changed from female to male. Then he got married to a woman, and she had a hysterectomy previously so she couldnt have a child. So since the guy still had a uterus and other parts, he carried and had the baby. It was his egg, and they got a donor sperm. So they had issues with their child's birth certificate. Who was the mom, who was the dad?
I totally dont have a problem with them having a kid, or a homosexual couple having a kid (men or women). My only issue is with this person (Tracy to Thomas) becoming a "man". To me, male and female refer to biology. How you think or what your actions are define your personality, so if you are a female but you like to play football and drink beer or are a male and like to wear dresses and do ballet (i'm sure i just offended a million people with my gender stereotypes, but have to make the point somehow) to me thats fine. I just dont understand this person who claims she felt like a man, but wanted to keep her uterus, ovaries and all. If she didnt like all the fru-fru stuff, why wouldnt she just be a girl who likes to do 'manly' stuff. Obviously i dont understand, so thats why i'm writing. curious what other people think. This person seemed to not like the gender stereotypes, but wanted to be one. Just not the one she was. Seems odd to me, thats all.
In any case, he/she had a baby, they seem to love it, and ultimately thats all that matters. A MUCH MUCH MUCH better home than tons of homes out there, so more power to them.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Good workout
Kicked some A tonight. Swam 850 yards, transitioned to bike in about 4 minutes (about a minute faster than last time), biked 6.5 miles (half the tri distance) then jogged 1.5 miles (half the tri distance). So i basically did half the triathlon, but did a longer swim. Woo.
Super happy with it. Now if the markets will only go up, i'll be one happy camper. :) maybe after the election? here's hoping..

Saturday, October 25, 2008
home and bored
ANgelle is in Asheville with her mom at the Biltmore. I just put the girls to bed. And i'm bored. Well, I do have college football to watch, so its not all bad. :)
Triathlon Training update
Had a kick azz workout this morning. Totally did not feel like going to the gym, but Angelle was going, so i did. Did my 500 yard swim in my record time of 12:54. Then had a shorter transition. still 5 minutes, but was 6:30 last time. Then biked 9 miles in 30 minutes. Wanted to try and do some jogging after that, but Angelle had to go so she could leave for Asheville.
Definitely am feeling good about the training. Angelle says i'm doing too much too soon, but I cant hold back. She is probably right, and her training is increasing by little bits each time, but I just want to try and do as much as i can each workout, then increase till i can do the triathlon in my sleep. Then just try and decrease my time. Or do longer legs of each, so the triathlon will seem shorter. Eh, just how i roll. She said she'll be pissed if i get injured by pushing it though.
Want to give a shoutout to the other peeps who are planning on doing it also: Mandi, Barry, Laurie, of course Angelle, and possibly Bryan? He whines that he doesnt have time to go to the gym, but we have the exact same schedule, so....yeah. I think hes just whiny and lazy. I have made the time. :) AND i still play volleyball sometimes twice a week. gotta have fun sometimes, not just workout all the time.
Time with the girls
In Angelle's absence I got to have some quality daddy/daughter time today. Played outside a bit, went to the mall so Leah and ERin could run around the playplace (cuz it was kinda overcast and kept threatening rain although it never did), then got some snacks at the foodcourt. I asked Leah if she wanted a cookie, or a pretzel, or fruit, and she said fruit!! i was shocked and pleased. So i got her a fruit cup from chickfila. but then she also wanted ice cream. so i got her a dollar cone from McD's. I figured, she made a good choice with the fruit so she could have a treat.
Then we went to Toys R Us just to walk around and waste time, and maybe look for some ideas for channukah/christmas. Leah of course wanted everything she saw. A train set, games, jewelry making kit, a newer bigger kitchen, a big car that plays music like Halle has (power wheel), a tinkerbell chair...ummm..i'm sure some other stuff i forgot. [You listening grandparents? :) ] Leah was again good and didnt spend her money! she had $5 but nothing really grabbed her i guess (or everything did) so she decided to save it for next time.
Okay. end of long blog post.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Training update
Training is going fairly well for the triathlon. nothing hardcore yet. doing some swims and bikes. Can do 600 yard swim without too much trouble. Tried a transition at the gym the other day. Swam then biked. took about 6 minutes to towel off and get my shoes on, then get to the bike. longer than i thought.
BIked 6 miles today in about 25 minutes. a little slower than i'd like, but it was pretty windy today, and i havent gotten street tires yet. but if i can finish the bike in under an hour, i'll be happy. i'm pretty sure i can do the swim in 15 minutes, so that would leave an hour to bike, and an hour to run. i'd really like to finish the whole thing in under 2 hours, but i'd be happy at least finishing at all without collapsing. :)
Its obviously such a difference riding the stationary bike in the gym, vs a real bike in wind with real hills and friction.
glad we still have like 4 months to train!

Monday, October 20, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Florida trip and Triathlon training
Florida last week was fun. Drive was okay. House in orlando was awesome. Disney was fun. Saw a ton of friends and the kids, saw my parents, visited casas de Konicki, Erica, and Donalds....Gators kicked some A against LSU. YEAH!!! Played rock band, ate Don's subs, played some sand volleyball...pretty darn good vacay. For pics visit Angelle's Blog or our family site
Wells Fargo won the battle over Wachovia. The Wells Fargo Wagon is a..comin down the street....
Started my Triathlon training today. Ran 2.5 miles at lunch, then this evening at the gym, swam 600 yards in the pool then biked 5 miles. I'm actually not that tired right now too, which is awesome. The actual triathlon is swim 500 yards, bike 13 miles, then run 5k. So not quite there yet but its only the first day. and we have like 4 months to train. so i'm feelin pretty good. cant wait to compete!

Sunday, October 5, 2008
great weekend!!
well, after a super crappy weekend last week, this weekend was Awesome!! Started with some great volleyball thursday.
Friday was pretty crazy with news coming that Wells Fargo put a higher bid in for Wachovia. Still waiting to see what happens, but at this moment, it 'seems' that wells would be a better suitor. more money for shareholders, no consequences to taxpayers, wells is a more stable bank....hopefully it means i work for Wells!
Saturday, ran our 5k for the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure. finished in 38 minutes which was pretty good since we had to walk for like 10 of it. There were SO many people there. it took awhile to get past the walking crowd so we could actually jog. it was fairly tough too. The route had some really long big hills. not steep, but long. It was awesome to see so many people out running and supporting. Leah and Erin did great in the jogging stroller. Thanks Laurie for the borrow!
Then after that race, headed to freedom park for the DSAC Buddy Walk. That was a great turnout too. Shoutout to Chase! Erin was zonked so she slept in the jogging stroller during the walk. Leah was excited about her italian ice. I got a hug from a girl there. She was super nice. Erin and Leah got to pet a lot of puppies, and of course it seemed like a lot of money was raised for Down Syndrome research.
After that, the Gators won which was great. Then we decided we hadnt had enough exercise with the 5k and 1mile walk, so we jogged another mile, and biked 2 miles. Last evening before Angelle's final weigh in, and she did SOOOO awesome! Lost about 12 lbs in 8 weeks! and she looks AWESOME. hotter than evu. :)
Tried to watch Iron Man later Sat night but fell asleep.
Today Pops came to visit, and we had some GREAT pizza as a reward for all the hard work during biggest loser.
Cowboys won. Yay! Played in a poker tourney tonight too, and placed in the money! it was fun. 15 people total and i lasted long enough. good times!
So there you have it. A great weekend! WOOHOO! and now only 2 work days till we leave for Florida! Double WOOOHOO!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008
way to blow gaytors
UGGH. nothing needs to be said about the piss poor performance today. except that the offense looked horrific for about 55 out of 60 minutes, and the defense was fair, except they let 31 points go on them. oh yeah, and special teams? horrible too obviously.
I did run a 5k at the gym. Didnt stop to walk at all! first time ever i have been able to do that without taking walk breaks in the middle. it felt pretty darn good.
In other news, anyone got open jobs for web/interaction designers? I hope it doesnt happen, but it sure looks like someone's gonna buy Wachovia, and then who knows what will happen. YAY FOR THE ECONOMY!!!!
Congratulations lenders for giving mortgages to people who couldnt afford it! You really screwed America. Now the government has to bail them out, so America doesnt totally collapse, and who gets to pay for it? Us hard workers who actually COULD afford our mortgage. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
all in all, its been a great weekend!
Oh yeah, and to top it all off, Charlotte has been out of gas since like Tuesday. There have been a few random moments when a station or two will get gas, but of course the lines are wrapped around the building. some people have waited 5 hours, others have camped out, others have fought over it. Its ridiculous. not that not having gas for a week, is anywhere near as bad as the poor people who are homeless. But ya know, its an annoyance to me, so I can complain about it. if you think i'm a whiner, dont read my blog!!
so, i'm gasless, potentially jobless, and the gators Suck. but at least i have my health. as do my kids. :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Race for the Cure Training update
For all you gracious hearted donors out there who have donated to my Race for the Cure (5k) to support Breast Cancer awareness, here is a training update!
Last week I ran 3 miles in 33:54. I forgot about the extra .12 miles to make it a full 5k.
Today, i ran a full 5k in 33:20! I was SUPER amped. It was with a double jogging stroller too! I really pushed it and kinda felt like i was gonna throw up afterwards, but it still felt good.
My neighborhood is actually pretty good to run in, cuz there's not a lot of cars on the streets, and its got some decent inclines up and down for the mile loop I do.
1 and a half weeks left till the race. Thanks so much to everyone that has contributed. (not trying to make the others feel guilty, just trying to make the contributors feel good :) ) seriously, seriously, no guilt trips. Thats not how i roll (points interweb digital finger at Dad) [(huh? NO! i'm not insinuating anything!! what would make you think that?)]
Anyway, its a great cause, so at least go check it out (if you havent already)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Can you believe?
Yesterday, i ate 4 egg mcmuffins, 3 hashbrowns, 6 baconators, 2 fully loaded potatoes, and 6 slices of meat trio pizza with garlic butter sauce, and then this morning I was 12 pounds lighter!!!
Its so awesome to eat like crazy and lose weight!
This Michael Phelps diet really works!!
What Would Jesus Drive?
In other news, its apparently un-Christian to drive a gas guzzling SUV. Thoughts? Here is some light reading for you:
The next time you go to buy a car, and think about getting one of those safe, spacious, family oriented SUV's, you may want to think about what a man who was born 2000 years ago, in a time when combustion engines were unheard of, and camels were the dominant form of transportation, and science was mostly written off as magic, would drive.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Brainteaser for the day
A pharaoh is building a pyramid and has contracted a worker to build it over the course of 6 days. The pharaoh has 1 gold bar in which to pay the worker but must pay him equal amounts each day. He only has the means to cut the bar twice. How is this accomplished?

Monday, September 8, 2008
No Games, Just Sports
1. Go Gators!!! In a battle between Tebow and Hurricane Ike, 1st round, Tebow clobbers Ike and turns it into a little teeny swirly in the middle of the ocean.
2. Wii Fit is pretty fun. Angelle found one yesterday and i hoola hooped and did yoga and ski jumped.
3. Hole in the Wall is the BEST gameshow as of late. SOOOOOO freakin entertaining. Fox. Check it out!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
New game!
I invented a new game today. Its called "Brown Texting". It came about because there's not a whole lot to do in the bathroom at work. They dont have sudoku sitting nearby or magazines (except for the occasional PC weekly, but i dare not touch a magazine sitting in a stall).
So basically, all you have to do is text one of your friends "You just got brown texted!". This is of course assuming you have your cell phone/blackberry/iPhone in your pocket, which, i think, most people always do.
The receiver is conflicted, because, Yes they got a text from their friend, which makes them feel good, but they received it while said friend was dropping a deuce, so do they really want to have been thought about while said event was occurring?
Its a great game! I urge you to try it out. It may not sound like that much fun right off, but just try it once. I guarantee you'll laugh about it, your friend will laugh, and then all future Brown Texts will in turn generator thousands of laughs.
Bleeber (aka Dave) was my first recipient, and I am almost assured of his bemusement, and amusement at being Brown Texted. Yeah Dave!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
biking, football, lack of wisdim, and babies. but not in that order.
So angelle got her wisdom teeth out Friday. it was interesting playing caregiver all weekend. It actually turned out really good cuz i got quality time with Leah and Erin. All weekend Erin kept saying "Da Da". it was great! i would say "Erin" shed say "Da Da"...Erin..Da Da..Erin..Da Da....we went back and forth a bunch of times. Angelle is fine in case you were wondering.
Gators whooped up on Hawaii. WOO!
Got to ride the trails at National Whitewater Center yesterday. Pretty challenging! very enjoyable though and quite a good workout. we also took the girls so they could check out the manmade river. We did the easy loop around the river with the girls on the bikes. Yes, they had helmets.
Then we picked up Arbys and headed to Matthews to catch the tail end of Matthews Alive. Its an art fest/carnival thing they do in Matthews every labor day weekend. Angelle wanted to go yesterday but was still feeling kinda yuck and we grilled with Maddexes yesterday. So we went today. got there about 5:15, thinking we had about 2 hours till it was over. We get there and they were starting to pack up. We were mildly annoyed that they would start leaving before its officially over, but we walked around anyway. Didnt see much cuz there lots of trucks and decided to just sit at a table and eat our roast beef. Come to find out it had ended at 5. whoops. oh well, theres always next year.

Supporting America's weight loss campaign
After this morning's busride, i fully support America's weight loss campaign! an hour sitting next to someone who is spilling over into your seat is more than enough! Lets break out those running shoes people! Hop to it!

Monday, September 1, 2008
Goo Stop and horsemen
First off, good thoughts and prayers go out to our family in Louisiana. Hope all of you are okay, and all your houses and white corvettes are okay.
Second, this guy is 2 things; 1. a man 2. a smart shopper.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Bathroom etiquette?
Ok. So i'm not a big fan of the social convention of saying "Bless You", "God Bless You", or "Gesundheit" when someone sneezes. Because i dont want to appear like a jerk, i still say it most of the time when someone sneezes. I guess because they expect it, and i dont want to let them down. But I am in NO WAY offended if someone doesnt say it to me. Maybe thats because i sneeze like 10 times in a row, but still. I dont care.
Now, when you're in the bathroom, and someone's in a stall, and they sneeze, whats the proper course of action? Isnt there a "no talking between someone in a stall and someone outside the stall" rule? unless of course its your friend in there and no one else is in the bathroom. But i was washing my hands, someone in a stall sneezed. i didnt know who it was, so i didnt say anything. I was slightly puzzled though if i should have or not. was that person expecting it? were they hoping i wouldnt say anything? Dont people want to be left alone while doing their personal business? I do. i think if i was in their shoes, and someone said "Bless you", i would sort of feel invaded in a way.
what do you think? if you were dropping the Cosby kids off at the pool, and you sneezed, do you want to hear a "bless you" from the person washing their hands? And if you were washing hands, would you offer a "gesundheit" to the person taking the Cleveland browns to the super bowl?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Latest Goings On
For details on our Michigan trip, read Angelle's blog post
Happy Belated Blog birthday to Erin and Bryan and Brittany! and um, anyone else i forgot. sorry!
Seriously, MIchigan was so awesome! I want to live on a lake, own a boat, have friends next door, and not have a job. And have a steady influx of cash.
For anyone who likes comics, graphic novels, and/or batman (probably aimed at Mandi, Barry, Drew, maybe Min or JasonCL?) i just read two good stories:
Batman: The Long Halloween and Batman: Dark Victory. Both written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by Tim Sale.
Got my Hyperlite wakeboard back. I cracked my old one and they replaced with a new one! its pretty sweet. Also my new Gator bindings ROCK. if you wakeboard, i recommend them.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Not tired of avatar creaters? Got time to waste?!?
Here are some recent ones I came across:
Rasterboy Unique
Hero Creator

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Whats your personality?
I'm an ENFP
Jung/Myers-Briggs Pesonality Test
Idealist Portrait of the Champion (ENFP)
Like the other Idealists, Champions are rather rare, say two or three percent of the population, but even more than the others they consider intense emotional experiences as being vital to a full life. Champions have a wide range and variety of emotions, and a great passion for novelty. They see life as an exciting drama, pregnant with possibilities for both good and evil, and they want to experience all the meaningful events and fascinating people in the world. The most outgoing of the Idealists, Champions often can't wait to tell others of their extraordinary experiences. Champions can be tireless in talking with others, like fountains that bubble and splash, spilling over their own words to get it all out. And usually this is not simple storytelling; Champions often speak (or write) in the hope of revealing some truth about human experience, or of motivating others with their powerful convictions. Their strong drive to speak out on issues and events, along with their boundless enthusiasm and natural talent with language, makes them the most vivacious and inspiring of all the types.
Fiercely individualistic, Champions strive toward a kind of personal authenticity, and this intention always to be themselves is usually quite attractive to others. At the same time, Champions have outstanding intuitive powers and can tell what is going on inside of others, reading hidden emotions and giving special significance to words or actions. In fact, Champions are constantly scanning the social environment, and no intriguing character or silent motive is likely to escape their attention. Far more than the other Idealists, Champions are keen and probing observers of the people around them, and are capable of intense concentration on another individual. Their attention is rarely passive or casual. On the contrary, Champions tend to be extra sensitive and alert, always ready for emergencies, always on the lookout for what's possible.
Champions are good with people and usually have a wide range of personal relationships. They are warm and full of energy with their friends. They are likable and at ease with colleagues, and handle their employees or students with great skill. They are good in public and on the telephone, and are so spontaneous and dramatic that others love to be in their company. Champions are positive, exuberant people, and often their confidence in the goodness of life and of human nature makes good things happen.

Friday, July 25, 2008
wow, 10 days goes by fast...
Last weekend was awesome. I'm sure you all read Angelle's blog. Brevard, waterfalls, skatepark...good times. Then a long week at work. My first full week in July! pretty crazy. July 4th off. Jully 11th (birthday) off. July 17th/18th (brevard trip) off.
But, just 2 more weeks till Michigan!!
In other news, i dont recall if i blogged about it or not, but my birthday boat trip...wakeboard and binding both broke. So now i need to find some cheap replacements for michigan. uggh. anyone got an extra wakeboard with bindings i can borrow? :)
Heres a video from the brevard skatepark:
Played volleyball tonight. Good times! Volleyball is great. Also ate at a great place today. Penguin Diner. It was on that show Driveins, Diners, Dives, Dodge, Duck, Dip and Driveins. It was great! I had a "Falafel" sandwich. It didnt have falafel in it oddly enough. It was a black bean burger with hummus, lettuce, tomato. SOOOO good. their onion rings and pickles were awesome too.
Oh yeah, and Mandi and Barry came to visit. We saw Avenue Q wednesday. It was a great play. Not for kids, but great for adults.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Motorcycle ridin'
So, i rode my first ever motorcycle yesterday. Bryan just got a Harley sportster and he let me ride it!
Its pretty crazy if you've never ridden one. Its opposite of a car. Clutch is your hand, and gear shift is your foot! And gas is your right hand, but so is your brake. its wild. It was crazy fun though. Might end up getting one someday. Still would rather get a boat first though. Maybe something like this

Monday, July 14, 2008
Life in my 30's...
Its had its ups and downs.
Start: Thursday.
Went to work - Down
Ate a Sausage McMuffin with egg for breakfast - Up
Found out we have a CEO - Up
Ate chinese for lunch - Up
Ate lunch alone - Down
Tried Throttle COffee energy drink - Up/Down
Left work early - Up
Picked up dad at airport - Up
Stacy and Landon showed up - Up
Ate mini burgers and chipotle chicken strips at Chilis with the fam and maddexes - Up
Ate Funfetti cake - UP UP UP
Morning was cloudy and rainy - Down
cleared up by about 11ish - Up
rented a boat on Lake norman (swam, ate subs, tubed, played with leah/landon/erin, wakeboarded) - UP!
broke a wakeboard binding - down
grilled sausage and ate mac 'n cheese for dinner - up
took my binding off and found out my wakeboard is also cracked - DOWN
it was HOT - Down
it was Sunny - Up
made pancakes, some with chocolate chips, some with blueberries, some in the shape of mickey mouse - Up
repaired Leah' swingset after our storm last week - Down
chillin with dad while repairing Leah's swingset - Up
Andy and Kenna's birthday party (inflatable slide) - Up
G & Myrn showed up - Up
built a box to go between my skate ramps - Up
skated the box - Up
didnt land my front flip - Down
Ate Awesome pork chops, green beans, and potatoes - UP
Played Apples to Apples - Up
mowed the lawn - down
chilled with dad while mowing the lawn - Up
Watched Erin crawl after me around the living room - UP UP and away!
played in the sandbox with Leah - UP
sat in the mini pool with Leah and Erin - Up
ate G's sausage and chicken gumbo - UP
played and recorded music - Up
Stacy and Landon and Mom left - Down
made some good margaritas - Up
realized we didnt have our swirly margarita pitcher cuz 'someone' broke it - Down =P
ate some brisket G brought - UP
Got up at 6am - DOWN
took dad to airport - Down
came to work - Down
Realized our stock was - DOWN
Ate a bacon, egg, and cheese croissant from Dunkin Donuts - Up
So there you have it! Check for pics or facebook for pics/vids.
Being 30 has its ups and downs, but i think its mostly Ups so far!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Some Jewish Info
So, I just finished watching Annie Hall, apparently a classic of Woody Allen's, and I now understand my friend John A LOT more. Woody's humor is dry and intelligent and hes very nervous and self deprecating. I also see a lot of Seinfeld/George/Kramer in Woody's character Alvy Singer.
The movie was set in New York, and I definitely thought about a lot of my family up there doing all the New York and Jewy stuff. And also thought of all the Yiddish I used to hear growing up. So in honor of my mom, here is a list of lots of great Yiddish words for you to use to impress your Jewish friends at your next dinner party. I also highly recommend serving gefilte fish and salmon croquettes while using these terms. If you dont read this list, you are meshuggener and I will come over and kick your tuchus you shlamiel! Oy Vey!
Speaking of Oy Vey, we had a bad storm today and it blew Leah's swingset over. Kablam. that should be fun to try and stand back up...

Sunday, July 6, 2008
And she can stand..
So, i put Erin down tonight, heard her cry pretty hard, and went back in to rock her a bit more, and she was standing up in her crib. WHen she saw me she put her arms out...SO CUTE! if you dont have a baby girl, i highly recommend going out and getting yourself one.
(i bet stacy doesnt think its cute when your kid stands up in their crib though. Hi Landon!)

Happy Birthday America!
Interesting weekend so far.
Thursday night - PF Changs and Symphony in the park (Charlotte symphony orchestra and fireworks [PACKED! so many peeps])
Friday - in bed most of the day. YUCK. some kinda stomach bug thats going around. Luckily its only a 24 hr deal. Angelle and leah have had it. and some neighbors.
Friday night - went to a farm that our neighbors (larsens) church owns. It has a little stage and we played music, launched fireworks, and roasted marshmallows. FUN!
Saturday - washed cars, slip 'n slided, worked on my skate rail, went to Sams (got leah a life jacket for boating), tried some samples: Tequila lime wings, baby yogurt, apple pie, key lime bundt cake, cookie..MMM! free is great. Watched Premonition and ate free papa johns! free free free! I wouldnt recommend premonition. Acting was good, i wasnt a fan of the ending.
This morning, we did some wii sports fitness age...i got 24..angelle got.....73!!! ha ha. Now granted, she didnt do any practice games, and she hasnt played in awhile, but it was funny cuz at first the wii psyched me out and told me i got 38, and she made fun of me! then it said 'na, you really got 24'. i didnt know the wii had such a sense of humor. So when angelle got 73, she was hoping to see the wii wit return, but no such luck. the wii thinks shes 73! :) sorry babe! train harder!
Happy birthday America and Happy America to everyone! Quick shout out to everyone that makes this country great: citizens who give their lives so we can drink Starbucks and play wii and be any religion we want...doctors, firefighters, teachers, the guys who wrote the declaration of independence and the constitution...we may complain about the government and taxes and 'high' gas prices...but we dont live in fear of being bombed daily..we worry about who is going on to the next round of Hells Kitchen, So you think you can dance, or Trading Babies. I love the worries we have in this country, and seriously thank you everyone who allows me to not worry about some stuff that other people in the world have to worry about.

Monday, June 30, 2008
Action Packed
The weekend was.
Friday night: played volleyball with Bryan at the MAFC (Monroe Aquatics and Fitness Center. I wont define that acronym again, so write it down or commit it to memory)
Saturday: Carowinds for rides and Boomerang Bay for waterpark fun! Then Cracker Barrel for dinner. MMM MMM to buttermilk fried shrimp, mac 'n cheese, fried okra, fried apples, biscuits with honey butter, and an Arnold Palmer to wash it down (half sweet tea, half lemonade). And no it isnt Channukah, just was in a fried kinda mood. :)
Sunday: Built a new skate rail, but didnt have time to skate it. yet. Then went to Concord mills with maddexes to watch Wall*E with Bryan, Ian, and Leah. IT was great! i recommend it to any Pixar fans. I feel like it was extra creative the way Monsters Inc was. Then stopped by Sun n Ski sports to check out life jackets for Leah, look at wakeboard stuff, look at snowboard stuff, look at rollerblade stuff, look at bike stuff...that store is great. All except for the one part where Leah was on my shoulders (sitting) and she started dancing or something and the next thing i knew she fell off. yep, backwards. Luckily the floor was carpeted and i think some coats slowed her on the way down and she didnt fall on any sharp racks or anything. Still cried pretty hard, but she got over pretty quick when we went to the broccoli playplace.
Erin is doing awesome standing by the way! She still holds onto your hands or something, but she has strong little tree trunks. She is the cutest thing!
Then ate at Olive Garden since it was nearby and hadnt been there in awhile. Salad and bread are good! so are the muschroom ravioli and stuffed chicken marsala.
Then got home, put kids to bed, and took out my new skate rail. Its about 20ish feet long (jason? flashback to highschool?) and angled, but it was built out of stuff i had at home (besides the rail which i found) and while it wasnt total crap, it wasnt the most sturdy piece of skate equipment i've ever built. Also the rail was just too thin and too small diameter. SO yeah, back to the drawing board. I'll try to get a pic up soon. Angelle, can you take one today for me? :)
Told you. Action Packed!

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Funny Leah
This morning at breakfast, i made some scrambled eggs and asked Leah if she wanted some. I said "Leah, want some eggs? They have lots of protein." Leah, "no, i dont like protein". :)
Oh yeah, and SORRY Stace for not mentioning your visit. Stace is coming Stace is coming Stace is coming Stace is coming. That will just make July super ultra complete and awesome. Shes the best sister in the world. Shes coming for my birthday. She rocks. SHes awesome. Shes rad. Tubular. Gnarly. Bombastic. Shagtastic. Wait, scratch that last one. Far out. Out of site. Out of mind. Mind over matter. Nothing matters. matter anatomy. Grey's anatomy. Grey's sports almanac. ALmanac of the stars. Stars hockey. Hockey Lockey. Loch ness monster. Monsters of the deep. Deep impact. Armageddon. Ben Affleck.
THere you have it. 15 degrees of Ben Affleck. it CAN be done! =P

Monday, June 23, 2008
Weekend recap
So the weekend was good. Went to the Sweet Tea Jubilee on Saturday in South Park. Good free event and was for a good cause (Levine Childrens Hospital). Big bouncy things for kids to play on, and we got to climb a rock wall. Then just walked the mall to cool off. But then went to the playground to get sweaty again.
Sunday i took a ride with leah (bike seats are great) to the grocery store to get a "special treat". Leah was hilarious when we got there. (heads toward produce) I said, "so what should we get? lets about some fruit like a banana?" Leah: "yeah! Bananas!" (looks left at candy aisle) Me: "or we could get a chocolate bar?" Leah: "OH! YEAH! Chocolate!" (turn down the snack aisle) Me: "well lets look around and see all our choices before deciding. We could get a granola bar.." Leah: "Mmm, yeah! Granola bar!" Me: "..or rice krispy treats..." Leah: "{claps} Yeah! Yeah! Rice Krispy treats!" Me: "...ok, maybe, but we need to keep looking to see everything Then well decide" Leah: "ok" (head towards bakery) Me: "we could get a muffin..." Leah: "yeah! Muffins! I like muffins. lets get plain" Me: "well, they have banana, blueberry, or chocolate chip" Leah "lets get a plain muffin" Me: " we can get banana, blueberry or chocolate chip." Leah; "hmm chocolate chip". (i finally decide to just get the muffins, cuz A.) Leah would be happy with ANYTHING we picked,and we could be at this all day and B.) cuz there were 4 mini muffins in the pack so we could each have 2.
Shes hilarious. I love that kid. :)
Then i got to play some music for a few hours (hopefully iBlog is coming soon! got drums/bass recorded) while Angelle went to the grocery store. Then leah and i played hopscotch, then we all rested, then i went to the waterpark with Leah and Erin for a daddy/daughter/daughter date. Then a delicious dinner (crockpot chicken with olives and mandarin oranges - i know, sounds odd, but Really good), then enjoyed the cool breeze before the storm (on the front porch), then heard leah crying so we let her come down and sit on the back porch with us and enjoy the breeze and look for fireflies. Then we headed to bed and another weekend ended..
Only a week and a half till July starts and the fun ensues! Grammy visits, fireworks, Nana/Papa visit, my birthday, G/Mimi visit, trip to Asheville...July is gonna kick arse!
For some light reading, check out the critical info in this news article:

Saturday, June 21, 2008
A lot can change in 5 years
This probably would have been a good post to do on our anniversary, but i just thought of it tonight, after looking at the signature picture from our wedding. So here are all the things I could think of that have changed with us and the people that signed our picture at our wedding:
- We've had 2 kids (Leah and Erin, Duh!)
- We've bought 2 houses and sold 1
- We've moved to a different state
- I've changed jobs 3 times
- Angelle has taught at 3 different schools
- My grandpa died
- My Uncle Barry died
- Nikki and Jason had 2 kids
- Audra and Joe had a kid
- Christina and Joe had 2 kids (1 a surprise)
- Stacy and Will got married (twice), then had a kid
- Hurricane Katrina destroyed a bunch of our family's homes
- Nicole and Min got married
- Bryce and Megan got married
- Mandi got married
- Eisings had another kid
- Katie and Kenny got married and had a kid
- Brit started and graduated law school
- Some people have gotten divorced
- Jill and Jeremy had 2 kids
- Mulberry Landing went out of business
- The Patriots won a bunch of super bowls
- Carly moved to Europe (and moved back)
- Jerry lost an eye
- Lauren graduated college
- Allen and Marisa had 2 kids
- Gary and Orit had another kid
- Tracy and Dustin had another kid
- Erica moved to Melbourne
- Meredith and Clint got married (after getting engaged at our wedding)
- Bryan and Laurie had 2 kids (and bought and sold houses, moved to NC, etc)
- Became friends with Keith/Keri and Dave/Rhi
thats a lot, huh! What has happened to you in the past 5 years? (that I havent already mentioned)

Thursday, June 12, 2008
good deed?
So i gave a stranger a ride home today. I was driving home from skating after work, and stopped at a CVS to grab a gatorade. On my way back to my car, this girl (seemed to be mid 20's) asked me for a ride home. She said she'd been waiting for a few hours for her ride. I asked her how far she lived, and if she had any guns or knives in her purse. After she said no, i decided to believe her, and let her in my car. I figured, best case, i help someone. worst case, she steals my car, i get a new one. Well, i guess worst worst case is she lied about not having a gun, pulls out a gun, and in a fit of crazy rage shoots me...but with my lightning fast reflexes, i figured i could either dodge, jump out of the car, talk her down, or punch the gun out of her hand.
ANyways, in the car she asked to use my cell phone. Twice. She didnt say please, but she did say thank you. She was an odd sort. WHile she was on my phone i heard "hey is naomi there? naomi. NAOMI. what? where is she? that b!t#h has my cell phone!" click. conversation two consisted of "hey [some weird name]. I'll be home in a few. No, some guy. I dont know where he is. bye."
So i drop her off, she says thanks, and i continue to head home.
Life is pretty interesting sometimes.
THen i got to play with Leah and Erin on the playground a little cuz my board meeting (aka wakeboarding) was cancelled tonight. poop.
Heard a funny joke on the radio today. Father's day is a holiday, but its not as important as Mother's day. Its not as good as Mothers day, but better than Arbor day. but way closer to Arbor day. There's a reason Father's day is the only holiday in June. Its cuz all dad wants is a month without holidays! Just one month were we dont have to buy someone a card.
Unless of course your friends' parents were inconsiderate enough to conceive your friends 9 months before June. Those jerks. (love ya Erica and Megan and Elena and umm...anyone else born in June? Chris?)

Monday, June 9, 2008
Got this from Angelle who got this from Erica
COUNTRY WESTERN SINGER NAME: (mother & father’s middle names)
Scott Francine
NASCAR NAME: (first name of your mother’s dad, father’s dad)
Herb Manny
STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)
DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Blue Dog (shout out to Ian)
SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Howard Austin
FLY NAME: (first 2 letters of 1st name, last 2 letters of your last name)
GANGSTA NAME: ( fav ice cream flavor, fav cookie)
strawberry oreo
ROCK STAR NAME: (current pets name, current street name)
Al Lexington
STRIPPER NAME: (name of your fav perfume/cologne, fav candy)
Chrome Musketeer
PORN NAME: (1st pet, 1st Car)
Russell MR2
AMERICAN GLADIATOR NAME (model name of your current car)
Grand Cherokee (Corolla sounds lame)

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Funny comment and cheesy songs
First off, Angelle made a hilarious comment the other night:
"I dont know what i like better about our bedroom, the plastic bin of wrapping paper, or the 6 ft ladder"
Yeah, i know, we need to tidy up our bedroom.
Second off, on the radio this morning, they were talking about the cheesiest songs of all time,so to contrast the AWESOME albums i've been posting, I'm curious what you think are super cheese songs.
Here are a few to start:
Nelson - "I Cant Live Without your Love and Affection"
Spice Girls - "If ya wannabe my lover"
The Darkness - "I believe in a thing called love"
Anything by Ratt
Anything by Poison

Friday, May 30, 2008
Leah Skating, More Music, and Demetri
First off, here is Leah grinding the practice rail and skating the halfpipe at the skatepark:
Second, Megan, my iPod spans many time periods between the years of 1996 and 1999.
Speaking of which, how could i forget these gems?
1. Weezer - Weezer
2. The Hippos - Heads are Gonna Roll
3. Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue
4. Liberator - This is Liberator
5. The Know How - HappyFunRobotKillTime
6. Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine
If you do not have these on your iPod, or have not heard them, go buy them, download them, borrow your friend's iPod, whatever you have to. Another 6 all around great albums. If you want to know the top 10 Mariah Carey albums of all time, see Megan's blog or just talk to her on the phone. I'm sure she'll mention them at some point or another in conversation.
If you have not heard or seen the comedian Demetri Martin, do so immediately. He's hilarious. Hes kind of a one-liner, which i normally dont like, but his delivery and timing is really good. Demetri on wikipedia. Here is a sampling of some of his jokes (paraphrased):
- Swimming is an interesting sport. You can do it for fun, or to not die. They only way to tell the difference is by what you're wearing. Pants? Uh oh. Bathing suit? okay. naked? we'll see.
- I know someone who said I love kids. Thats like saying i like people for a little while. And you have to be general about something like that. You can say 'i like kids', but you cant say 'i like 12 year olds'
- A dream catcher really works. If your dream is to be gay.
- I think an eating contest is really just the beginning of a pooping contest.
There you have it. Skating, music, and jokes. what more could you ask for from 1 blog post?! I know right!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Worst Sandwich Ever
first read this:
Now stop laughing. Now stop wondering how Keith is able to tie his shoes in the morning, drive a car, and code thousands of lines of Java to create software that thousands of people use, yet not able to evenly spread peanut butter and jelly on bread, all the while keeping the bread in its normal square shape.
Seriously, here is a challenge. Everyone see if you can get your children to make a PB&J, then take pictures of it, and we will have a contest and judge to see if any kids (or how many) can make one better than Keith!
Keith, you know i like you. You are mad fun to rock out with. You are fun to talk nerdy shop with. You are a great ski trip partner. I'm just glad we ate out. :)
Alright, enough Keith shenanigans.
If you work for a big company, and have a corporate directory on your company's corporate intranet, i highly recommend you take a few minutes and do some searches for names of people that work there. This might work best for a place like Harris, or a hospital. Search for names like 'Wang' or the slang for 'Richard'. I know its childish, but i guarantee you'll find yourself amazed that some of these peoples' parents actually named their children! I'm not going to post them here, but if you are curious about some of the good ones, email me. :)
Also, with blogging and social networking being so popular today, i'd be curious to hear if anyone has opinions on how to use things like blogs and wikis in a corporate environment to add value to peoples' jobs or to the company. We're currently implementing these tools at Wachovia, and I'd like to know what all you think about having a blog at work, or having a work wiki. I know i have tons of ideas about how we're hoping they get used, but what do y'all think? Also, how do we have successful adoption for the Baby Boomers and Traditionalists who aren't as close to technology as GenX/GenYers.
If you're not familiar with those terms, they're categories of generations. Check it out
They call the Traditionalists "Silent". but I went to a diversity event today at work talking about the differences in the Generations. pretty interesting. Some stuff you sort of think as obvious, but i dont think a lot of people consciously think about the differences when dealing with people at work (or anywhere really). People often treat others as they want to be treated. Older generations value hard work, loyalty to the company, conformity. Younger generations are more self focused, show loyalty to people rather than the company, and are likely to change jobs and careers many times. I recommend learning about the generations, its pretty interesting. Obviously not every person born in the years listed will have all the characteristics but they are documented trends.
This is not only true about age, but also gender. I think men and women often give what they need, instead of giving what the other person needs. Whether its at home or at work, and age or gender, try to just ask the other person what they need. If its your boss or your employee or your spouse or parent, instead of just giving them support or help in the way YOU want or need it, really think about that person. It is easy to give what you know, but thats not always the most effective thing for the other person.
Is that like the longest blog post ever? I try to keep them short cuz i know everyone's attention spans are like 3 sentences, but i was in a writey sorta mood. You get a gold star and an A+ if you are still reading.
1 more day till Indiana Jones! WOOHOO!

Monday, May 19, 2008
3 years old...
Wow. Leah is 3. So crazy! I wont write the whole recap here. You can read it on Angelle's Blog.
But it was a fun weekend and a great party. Thanks to everyone who came! Thanks to Stacy, Landon, Nana and Papa for travelling!
The Luau was a success. Good food, good games, good cake...good job Angelle!
Leah loved her bike and skates. I think angelle got a video of her grinding the rail on her skates. My little skater chick. We also went to the park yesterday and rode our bikes on the path around the whole thing. Shes great!
Love you Leah!

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Top Albums in my iPod
Was listening to my iPod on the busride home today (havent listened to it in awhile) and thought I'd post the top albums in my iPod. Not many bands produce albums that are good front to back, so these i would rate at least 75% of the album is hot.
1. 311 - Music
2. Reel Big Fish - Turn the Radio Off
3. Blink182 - Dude Ranch
4. Tenacious D - Tenacious D
5. Goldfinger - Stomping Grounds
6. Sum41 - Does this Look Infected
7. 311 - 311
8. Stars of David - Shofar So Good
9. Pietasters - Strapped Live
10. Bad Religion - Stranger Than Fiction
There you have it. You many not agree, but i dont care! this is MY blog! so there. Make your own list. You can still comment on this one of course.
i cant believe its 2 days till Leah's 3 year birthday! SO insane that my baby is gonna be 3. Was just looking at pics of her i think from 2 years old, and i remember thinking how grown up she looked in that pic, but now she looks like a baby in those! so wild to watch your kids grow up. it used to be days and weeks flying by, now its months and years! I hope Erin grows up slower. Although i imagine it wont be that way. {sigh}
In other news, I recommend you checking out Google Docs. its hot hot hot.
What is good. Tiring and busy, but good. Redesigning the entire corporate intranet is no easy task!
Alright. time for bed.

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Top Cereals in our house
After this morning's breakfast, have to list the Top cereals in our house at the moment.
Coming in a RESOUNDING #1 is.....
1. Basic 4
It just heads and shoulders and knees and toes above the rest that I probably will skip a few spots to allow for its awesomeness. It has different textures, puffed rice, flakes, cranberries, yogurt much goodness in one little box! So yeah, eat it. right now, everyday.
5. Reeses Puffs
6. Kix
7. Fruity Cheerios
8. Frosted Mini Wheats (i wish we had maple/brown sugar, cuz those are good! thanks for the sample Konickis)
9. Dino Smores Pebbles
10. Cheerios
There you have it. Whether you're a kid or an adult, you most likely like cereal. Whats not to like? you get to put it in a bowl (who likes those pesky plate things), eat it with a spoon (forks are dangerous! 3 or 4 sharp prongs sticking into your mouth? 80% of all household accidents in the US are caused by forks), you get to pour milk in it (strong bones, healthy body!), AND you get to drink the sweetened milk at the end by sipping the bowl like its a GIGANTIC spoon. If a spoon is good, pretending your cereal bowl is a GIGANTIC spoon is great!
Alrighty, time to pack and head off to the Triangle of Research and go to Landon's birthday party. Happy Birth(thurs)day Landon!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
better late than never
So i finally got on facebook, as i'm sure some of you know since you got friend requests from me. I just never really had time to sign up for it, but with ANgelle and the girls being away i actually do have time to just sit around and do nothing. But it turns out its awesome cuz it is WAY easier to find people on it than on myspace. Gotta say myspace SUX. most pages i've seen are designed horribly (no offense to all of you who love your myspace pages, but not everyone is a web designer. :) ).
Facebook is just so much more clean and uniform. Its a good thing when there is that much going on.
But yeah found some old friends from Jr High hebrew school back in like 92. how crazy?!
In other news, is anyone else under the impression that Obama and Hillary are trying to create a more socialist society? I havent' really watched much since my ski trip with Keith when all he watched was political stuff, but talking to my friend John today, hes making it sound like Obama and Hillary want everyone in america to be equal, and want to make the gap between 'Rich' and 'poor' much much smaller. I dont know about you, but I like America's capitalistic society. I think the thing that makes America great is freedom. Freedom to be rich OR poor. Why does everyone have to be equal? Nature isnt about equality, its about balance. I'm sure a lot of people would say i only have this opinion because i'm well off with finances, and maybe thats true, but i definitely dont think i'm 'Rich'. I was definitely VERY fortunate to have been born to parents with good jobs and could take care of me, and allow me to get educated and then get my own job...but I just as easily could have stayed in The Know How (college band) and/or dropped out of college to pursue Music and not have had corporate jobs making money. I chose this path. I know not everyone gets to choose their path since some people are forced to work 3 jobs...but i dont know. I dont think i like a society where everyone is forced to be equal. I dont think equality means better. The more you limit what people can do, the less free you become, and i think our Declaration of Independence mostly talks about freedom, not being equal to England.
Anyway, maybe its just a rant, and i definitely need to research the candidates more this year, but i hear all these commercials about 'young' people talking about how Obama 'gets them' and 'knows their problems'. What problems? They got a bmw for their 16th birthday instead or a Porsche? i'm not saying i know all about him. I dont know what he did a senator, but i'm also not saying i like him cuz hes charismatic and charming. As i get older and slightly wiser i'm beginning to see how democracy is just a popularity contest, just like Prom King and Queen. And obviously media and money and who you know. But such is life, and I dont have a better answer right now for it. Maybe tomorrow i will.

Sunday, April 20, 2008
back in MNC
i'm back. home that is. Angelle and the girls are still in FLA. they went over to the west coast to visit with family and other friends. I miss my bear and peah! and angelle too of course! :)
flight back was fine. no real issues, no real excitement. I do love Charlotte long term parking. 3 bucks per day!!! tampa was like 10 per day or something crazy.
Thank you so much to Nikki, Jason, Halle, Biscuit, Erica, Big boy, Daisy (?), Sean, Keri, Keith, Annabelle, Corgan and Macy to opening up their homes for sleeping, fun, partying, eating and all that jazz. it was an awesome trip to Melbourne. Erica also took a ton of pics of all the kids so hopefully some came out good and angelle will post them soon.
Tiffany is awesome too. i got home at like 5 and she comes to greet me and ask if i have dinner and i say no so she invites me to dinner. It was awesome too! Roasted chicken with potatoes and salad. MMMM. Her kids were very entertaining too. :) Luv ya Tiff!
Erin LOVED the beach this weekend! she liked playing in the sand, and the wind and the sun..she didnt really love the cold water splashing her, but she loved the sand. :) Leah was sitting in her castle that Papa (my dad) built her so she could be safe from the waves. They're such wusses! They must take after their mom. :) although my parents tell me i didnt like anything as a kid either, but i remember playing in creeks and climbing cliffs and being in the woods, so i couldnt have been too fraidy cat. Oh another small highlight from the beach, we took a small potty seat that Nikki gave us, so the kids wouldnt have to use gross public restrooms, and i took leah into this bunch of trees so she could use the seat, and then i realized i didnt bring any wipes or napkins, and i could just leave her there sitting on the seat and go get some, so i looked around and used what we not my shirt, a leaf off a tree. It wasnt a crinkly oak though. it was one of those nice big green soft leaves. Leah seemed to like it. :)
Oh, and my parents drove up. Fun to see them of course. They went to the beach with us since everyone else wussed out.
Played poker for the first time in like months. Came in 2nd! I got crappy cards all night and just ended up outlasting Keri and Nikki. Jason won. not cuz hes good, cuz hes lucky.
thats the weekend in a nutshell. Beach, golf, eating, drinking, kids, poker. fun times...
Hope the girls are having fun in clearwater! miss y'all!!

Friday, April 18, 2008
FLA post
well, we made it to Florida. Melbourne to be exact. Well, West Melbourne to be exact exact.
Trip was pretty good. ANgelle and I had different rows on the plane, so i got both girls and she got to read! yay! flight was shorter than i thought so it wasnt horrible. Erin napped on me for a bit. Leah and i were sharing sandwich and dropping crumbs on Erin's head. it was funny. to me and Leah anyway.
Keri was awesome to pick us up from the Airport. Thanks Ker!! And the Konickis were nice enough to host us. Halle has a mustang power wheel similar to Jason's mustang, and Leah was driving Halle and Annabelle around the culdesac. So cute! had flash forwards though to 12 years from now and Leah driving a real car! oi vey.
SO after much researching (and by much i mean none) here is my latest top list.
Top mulches to use in your yard:
1. Pine mulch
2. Pine bark mini nuggets
3. Red cedar mulch
4. Cypress mulch
5. Pine bark nuggets (regular size)
Since that one was short here's another one.
Top uses for a spoon, other than the obvious:
1. Back scratcher
2. Egg launcher
3. Mashed potato flinger
4. Instrument (when coupled with a 2nd spoon)
5. Matrix reference (well really a lack of a spoon applies, but you get the point)
6. The Tick reference
7. Cat whacker
Thanks again and tune in next time for another exciting blog post! We'll be discussing politics, psychology, the law, and the current state of the ozone. Or not.

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Theres a first time for everything
Today, it was yoga. Been having some lower back pain, so figured I'd try it. Its really just stretching and breathing. I dunno. Angelle likes it a lot, and i can see how it could relax you if you can really stop thinking about all the things you're stressing about, but to me, it just felt like group stretching.
Also, since its hip to do, I'm going to do some "Top" lists. First up, top tv shows on right now:
1. Milf Island (see #3 if you're doubting this one)
2. How I Met Your Mother
3. 30 Rock
4. The Office
5. Robot Chicken
6. Family Guy
7. Seinfeld Reruns
8. Americas Funniest Home Videos
9. My Dad is better than Your Dad
10. Johnny and the Sprites
Okay, so 9 and 10 are jokes, but TV pretty much is 98% lame. Hells Kitchen is mildly amusing, but i wouldnt watch it if Angelle didnt. I still watch Smallville, but i wouldnt really say its good, and I havent seen the latest Scrubs, but it will probably join the list after I view it. Other than that, you can see my previous blog for all the lame shows on. You may be questioning #8, but seeing dads get hit in the crotch with t-balls and watching babies fall asleep while eating still cracks me up. Even with youtube, AFV still makes me laugh more than most shows.
Tune in next issue when I list the top 10 yoga positions. Here is a sample:
1. Downward Dog
2. Ultimate Warrior (or was he a wrestler?)
3. Crane to Butterfly to Tree (seriously, who names this stuff??)

Monday, April 7, 2008
New laptop
well, i'm blogging from our new laptop. its sweet. Widescreen, dvd burner, 2 gigs of memory. woot.
Angelle is drooling over my shoulder, but i wont let her have it yet.
I would apologize for not blogging in awhile, but hey, life is busy, and if you care that much, call me! You probably dont, thats why you havent called me. Nice friend you are! Thanks jerk. sheesh.
Anyways, life is good, the girls are good. Everything except my car is good. The busted old corolla. I want a new car, but i just dont want to spend the money on it. Especially since i really only use it to drive to the bus station, and on the weekends, we usually drive the van. But still, i want a car that i like. That i didnt inherit. I'm thinking about a used nissan xterra. I want some more space than the corolla, and the xterra has space, but i can probably get one from carmax for under 13k and under 50k miles. anyone have opinions? i wouldnt mind an Escape hybrid, but again, dont want to spend the cash.
Also, did anyone else lose a ton in their IRA 1st quarter??! i know the market was supposedly bad (although i dont really think we're in a recession. State of fear...state of fear...) but 10% seems like a huge loss to me. Shouldnt Al Gore swoop in and stop global warming from ruining my IRA? Or maybe thats Batman. In any case, if you dont know what an IRA is, erase this paragraph from your memory.
As an update to my post from a long time ago about free CMS's, Drupal is the bomb. I've set up two sites so far using it: and
To anyone needing a free, easy to set up website tool with built in blogging, user admin, themes, forums, polls, and more, check out
Just for fun, I talked to a realtor to do a house search for homes closer to the city and the lake. Saw some interesting stuff...if i knew we could sell this monroe house, i think we'd move. Assuming we could get our friends to move with us.
In other news, i'm totally in love with the library. I got a library card for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg libraries (the county where i work, not where i live so i unfortunately had to spend $45) but there is a branch by my office, so i just reserve stuff online, and go pick it up! its awesome. i've been reading all kindsa spider-man lately. Bus time isnt all that bad. And neither is couch time and bed time. Angelle is kinda sick of seeing spider-man comics now though. Oh well, i'm tired of seeing: Biggest Loser, Newlyweds, Bachelors, Biggest WInner, Littlest Groom, Biggest Bride, My big fat greek houseguest, bachelorette, rachel ray vs bobby flay: celebrity food showdown, jon and kate plus 8, bobby and whitney plus crack, and many more interestling awful shows that Angelle watches. I still love her, but i dont have to love the shows she watches.
time for oreos. bye.

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
I know. weird coming from a (pseudo) Jew right? Well, Jesus was Jewish at one point in time, so, ya know.
G, Myrn and Brittany came to visit. They made the long trek and we are super glad to have them. On top of entertaining the girls, G and Myrn always cook us outstanding food that is easily better than a bunch of restaurants.
Went paintballing yesterday with the guys. It was mad fun. I got Brandon good twice in the back. He has a welt as rememberance. Good times. Bryan got me in the head though. Had paint in my hair. To anyone in Monroe/Charlotte looking for a good paintball course, Glory Road paintball on Rocky River. Cool refs, VERY reasonably priced. Its run by church people so they stress no swearing, no fighting (other than paintball games). Except for the dirt, grime, paint, and tactical warfare, its good clean fun!
Then made a return trip to Maggianos. MMMMMMM. that place is so good everytime. Going for lunch is awesome cuz its cheaper! a few less choices, but if you bat your eyes at the waiter, they can maybe check to see if the kitchen will make something not on the menu. G got italian pot roast which he loves. We tried shrimp and crab canelloni which was outstanding. Their rigatoni D is always good, and of course the Maggianos salad. Also had pound cake and bailey's cheesecake for dessert...sooo good. While the appetizers are good, i recommend skipping them (which you can do at lunch) so you can focus on the pastas, entrees, and desserts. Also will save you $3 per person.
Last night played a rousing round of scattergories with Ang and Britt. Ang won because of her superior intellect. Or becuase Britt and I had been drinking. you be the judge.
Leah and Erin were SUPER excited to see that the Easter bunny had visited last night and left them baskets of treats! Apparently the Easter Bunny and Santa both went to the same school, because they both employ the treat delivery method of nocturnal distribution. Are they afraid of the sun? Or did they learn magical powers that let them stop time only at night? Who knows, but deductive logic tells me that they are in cahoots. Or at least were at one point. Or maybe Easter Bunny found Santa's "Present Distribution" white paper on Google. In any case, it makes for fun surprises for the kids in the morning.
Thats all for now. Counting down the days till we scrub our plates of bread particles, and visit the "ethnic" aisle at Harris Teeter scrounging for matzah and matzah ball soup.
"Spring is here, winter gone, lets put shorts and t-shirts on!"
Here's a quick video of my attempts at a misty flip (front flip 180 or a bio (sideways) 540):

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
i heart weekends
seriously, so good. yesterday was rainy, so we just did some errands and watched movies. but i also went to the gym and fixed a toilet paper holder in our downstairs bathroom. oh, and got the cars inspected. one lame thing about NC.
Oh! my freakin corolla failed cuz of the tint!! so annoying. apparently NC doesnt allow tint as dark as florida did. the ridic part is my car passed last year at the same place!!! apparently Jesus (the guy who inspected it last year) wasnt very diligent. Now, i'm not trying to slam my Christian friends, but if he cant even inspect my car properly, i'm a little worried you guys have put so much faith in him. (jk. but not really.)
Today was GORGEOUS. an awesome NC day. sunny, a bit cool. in the 60's all day. we played outside pretty much all day. skated, rode bikes, jumped ramps, played in bubbles, mowed the lawn (leah hugged me while we were riding the tractor and said 'Daddy i love to mow the lawn with you'. i love that kid!) Erin was just happy and smily as always. when she wasnt cranky from lack of naps that is. Then we had some cake for Porter (our neighbors) birthday. it was AWESOME chocolate cake. Good job Tiff! then we bathed and now i'm waiting to go kiss Leah good night. She is so exhausted. Oh we also had awesome pizza for lunch. New place called Johnny B's in Monroe. SO good. i'm glad Cicis was closed cuz we were heading there.
What else...i'm sure a ton of stuff, but i'm too tired to think of it all. Oh, i did jump a garbage camp off my ramp today. that was fun. Mimi and Pawpaw are comin on friday, so Leah is excited. (me too of course, but not as excited as Leah. :) )
THen we head to florida in is so full of stuff. i love it! Kids and family and friends just make life worth living. To all of you who have stayed in my life and made it worth living, Thanks! It wouldnt be that great without all of you.
Kay, that was my mushy moment. Its like when scrubs is all happy and silly for 27 minutes, then in the last 2 its always some life lesson or tearjerker.
Till next week...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
no time to post
work, kids, who has the time to blog? But angelle wanted me to post this interesting tidbit: I just posted a comment on Mandi's blog, and my Word Verification word was: BIMPS!
i like it.
Also, my General Lee RC car from WalMart rocks. it was 10 bucks and we've had hours of fun driving it around the cul-de-sac.
Also, everyone go Wachovia and open a checking account, and tell them that I referred you. You will get $25 and I will get $25. Its Win Win Win! Seriously do it. I want free money. If you are a Random reading this, my name is Mike Gallers. If you are not a Random, and you just forgot my name, thats kinda funny. Are you drunk? or just a moron?
I hear Leah singing from her bedroom right now. She often talks or sings herself to sleep. Its cute and funny. I had to take splinters out of her hand tonight though. that was NOT cute or funny. SHe got them from playing on my skate ramps last weekend. They were so small that i had to take my contacts out to get my microscope vision.
Oh, and I missed TY's birthday, so happy birthday to Ty! big 2 oh. minus the oh.
Alright, enough jibber jabber. laterz

Monday, February 25, 2008
Good Free CMS?
TO any techies reading this blog, do you know of or have you used a free Content Management system to set up a website? I have looked at Joomla but am not super impressed. We are setting up a website for our Charlotte User Experience group. I would love to use Sharepoint, but alas, its not free.
In other news, well theres not a whole lot of news. In training this week which is kinda neat. Its for Sharepoint Designer, which is basically the new MS FrontPage but with added features.
We got a bed for Leah over the weekend. A twin size daybed with trundle. wont be in till April though.
Leah said something funny at dinner. She said I had little dumpies. And ERin had dumpies too. We finally realized she meant 'dimples'. Apparently angelle had said Erin and I had small dimples but leah and her didnt. pretty funny.
Also, has anyone had a 7 layer burrito from Taco Bell lately? I remembered them being better than they are. Crunchwrap supremes are still really good. They're good to go.
In other food news, Honey Chipotle boneless chicken wings from Chilis are AWESOME. SO are their new mini burgers. What is it with small things? Small humans (aka babies)? Cute. Puppies? Cute. Kittens? Cute. Mini burgers? well, not cute, but tasty. The only thing that i've noticed tastes better bigger than smaller, is cookies. Cookie cakes are far superior to their normal sized (small) counterparts.
Can anyone recommend some good movies to get from Netflix? Our Queue is getting small. Comedies, adventure, suspense, anything?
Wow, i guess i had more news that i thought. Sometimes when you start babbling about nothing, a whole lotta nothing comes out.

Monday, February 18, 2008
How do families get better?
Seriously, we keep passing around this cold/flu thing. Angelle had Strep, and Erin had a cough. Then I get the flu and am sick for a week. Now Angelle is achy and coughy, leah is a snotball (coughing/sneezing/stuffy), and of course erin is a little stuffy. I'm finally getting a little better and hoping i dont get it again! UGGH!! i think i'll live in a bubble for a few weeks.
In other news, happy valentines day last week! and happy birthday to Belle and Halle! 2 yrs old. crazy. cant wait to see them in april!
We're mulching under leah's swingset finally. Hopefully it wont be as muddy after it rains. the clay is nasty for like a week after it rains.
Thas about it i guess. 3 day weekend. YAY!

Breck Video
Just realized i never posted the breckenridge video. Here ya go if you havent seen it!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
A Tale of Three Brothers
Seriously, what do you do when you are 1 of three children, the oldest at that, and your two younger brothers have super bowl rings and super bowl MVPs to boot? Talk about inferiority complex. I know it was hard for my sister growing up with someone as awesome and amazing as me...I can only imagine what it was like for her living in my long casted shadow {you know i'm kidding Stace :) }, but oh, to be Cooper Manning. I thought Eli was going to have to live in Peyton's shadow for awhile, but it only took a year. How sick is that?? 2 super bowl MVPs for the Mannings in 2 years.
Oh well, gotta hand it to the G men. Awesome friggin game. I really thought it would be the Cowboys taking down the Pats in a rematch, but the G defense was just SICK in the playoffs. Glad Konickis is happy.
In other news, the rest of the Breckenridge trip was just as awesome as the first day. It snowed every day, and there was so much powder....just insane. I OBVIOUSLY missed Angelle, Leah and Erin, but dang the mountain was awesome. Hopefully i'll get the pics/vids on the computer soon. Keith was hardcore. Dont know why everyone was so worried I would get him into trouble. He was better at the tree runs that I was. He even nailed a box slide! I'm still sorta in a daze after being gone almost a week, but here I sit at work, trying to improve our employee portal. WHEEE!!
Leah seemed so much older than i remembered! it was just a week, but dang i feel like she was taller and talking more than a week ago. Next year, i think a family ski trip out west will be in order. That way it'll be the best of both worlds! Any other families in?
Oh, and if you ever go on vacation with Keith, dont do it during election season. Its all he watches!!! he couldnt get enough of CNN and the political debates and all that. Yeah i guess its important, but there was snow everywhere! :) just playin keith. you were a kickarse ski buddy. except for when you knocked me over, then hit me in the goggles with your ski pole. But it was funny watching you fall off the lift the last day. THen watching you fly over me as you tripped over my snowboard in the woods. too bad that wasnt on video.
Snap back to reality.....

Friday, February 1, 2008
it has been snowing all day. the slopes were AMAZING. powder everywhere. its supposed to snow all weekend. Colorado is THE BOMB. me and keith were tearin up the slopes. Posting from an internet cafe and some older ladies are asking about the oxygen and talking about a doctor from columbus Ohio, and i said stay away from things from columbus.
Time is almost up, so short post this time. But seriously Breckenridge is so freakin awesome. everyone should come here.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I love work. work work work. Work is so much better than staying home all the time with the kids. :) I know thats horrible to say, but seriously, work is awesome. Adult conversation, lunch, busrides...yeah, good times.
SO its now tuesday evening. Angelle is off playing Bunko. I remember the days that Nicole's mom used to play. I walked in once and had to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge a flying stuffed animal. I know there was dice involved, but i dunno. Seemed kinda fruity. Like the New York Giants, only they are way fruitier.
Saturday was okay. It snowed half the day so that was fun. Got to play outside with Leah in the snow. Didnt get to go to West Virginia. Angelle just wasnt feeling up to it, and i dont blame her. Would have been fun, but the colorado trip is next week, so i guess i'll have to wait for that.
Hmm, sunday..sunday...just watched football really. Watched two really lame teams win. The superbowl is gonna be so boring. I bet no one watches it this year.
Monday played with the maddexes then took Ian and Leah roller skating! it was so cute! the kids were awesome. It felt like middle school. It was christian music night, so i did feel mildly spiritual, but it also might have been the bean burrito from taco bell.
I just heard Heath Ledger died?!?! Thats sad. I guess we'll never see "A Knight's Tale 2" or "20 things I hate about you"
I'm glad you all think I'm so funny. Or maybe just Stacy. You should write me in as winner for Last Comic Standing-Blog Division.

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Sick Fems
Well, its 6:30am on a Saturday, what else is there to do but blog?
So the weather guy is calling for some snow today. 90% chance. that means its about a 25% chance probably. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my hopes up though.
Yesterday was absolutely FABULOUS. I stayed home from work cuz Angelle felt horrible. Took her to the doctor at 10. turns out she most likely has some weird strain of Strep. Not even sure what Strep is, but it sounds bad. Although it sorta just sounds like Step which is kinda cool. Stomp the Yard!!
While Ang is at the Dr, i take leah to the mcdonalds playplace cuz its fairly chilly outside and thats the only indoor playplace in Monroe. We play, eat some chicken nuggets, then go back and get angelle, drop off an Rx, grab some soup, head home, feed Angelle, feed Leah, feed Erin, realize its too late to put Erin down cuz she has a Dr appointment at 2, which we have to leave by 1:15 for, so i decide to put the girls in the car and hope they'll nap on the way. Leah falls asleep about 10 min away from the dr, but we arrived 30 min early so i drove around matthews for 25 minutes so she could continue napping. Of course Erin falls asleep right when we get to the Dr's office. she napped for about 10minutes.
Dr saw Erin. No ear infection. Probably not Strep (main test came back negative, have to wait for the culture). Chest congestion. Hopefully just a cold. Dr checked Leah's ears too just to be sure. Shes clear.
So we head back home, stopping on the way to pick up donuts for Angelle. Get home, deliver donuts, make leah toast with jelly (cuz of course, why in the world would she want a donut?) Get Erin to nap (i think Angelle actually did this part, but the day is a little hazy at this point). Play with Leah for awhile, go to Laurie's so Leah can play with Ian. Go home to get Erin when she wakes up. Go back to Lauries for dinner. Go back home to get erin's dinner. Go back to Lauries. Go back home to get Leah's milk and give angelle food. Go back to Lauries. Eat, take Erin home to let her nurse. Go back to Lauries. Gather up Leah, and come home again. If you missed that, it was 10 trips betweens our house and the Maddexes. WHEEEEEEEEEE!
Finally Leah goes down, Erin is down, and its time to drink a beer. I enjoyed a nice Japanese beer from my "beers of the world" collection. Thanks Zac! It was quite tasty. Asahi or something like that. Then Dennis and Brandon came over to help me unwind and play some Wii.
Then i fell asleep on the couch cuz our bedroom is a quarantined zone till today at 3pm at which the antibiotic should start working and ANgelle should no longer be contagious. T minus 8 hours 16 minutes and 23 seconds.
Erin slept great though! Went to sleep around 7:30 and woke up around 5:30!! yay! i think thats the longest stretch yet. ANd its 6:45 and Leah is still asleep. ALthough Erin is fussing, but hey, at least its not 2am.
Hopefully we'll get snow today, angelle will get better, we'll be able to go to West Virginia tomorrow, I'll get to snowboard, and the weekend will be peachy. Oh, and hopefully the Packers stomp the Giants like 48-0.
To anyone questioning getting married and having was tiresome and annoying but I got to spend a lot of time with Erin and Leah and it was awesome. So even the bad days have great parts and great parts definitely outweigh those tiring annoying times. Well, the nights of the first few months of the baby are pretty annoying, but you kinda forget all that when your toddler starts walking, saying Dada, I love you, and !Ayudeme! :)
Thank you Mr Martin Luther King Jr, not only for naming the road that serves as an entrance to my neighborhood, but also for being such a great guy that the banks close in honor of you! 3 day weekend! WOOHOO! and boy do i need it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Catching up on recent events
So where to begin...lets go back to Friday night when I planned on blogging, but then Leah actually fell asleep.
So you probably read Angelle's blog about her crazy day with Leah coughing, so i got to have fun friday night with it. Leah was coughing around bedtime at 8:30ish and made herself throw up. WHEEE! after cleaning her up, and getting her back to sleep, she woke up about 1am coughing and Angelle sat with her for about an hour, but then it was my turn, so i was up with her from 2:30 to like 4:30ish. I took her downstairs to the couch and we watched a dora, and she was hungry cuz she kept barfing when she would cough. I made her some toast, but she said it was yucky. Finally around 4:30ish she fell asleep on the couch and i fell asleep on the other couch. She started coughing again at 6:20, so i went upstairs to trade with Angelle so i could get the bed. I got to sleep till 9 so that was decent.
Saturday was pretty good. Had a good gym work out. Went to Ray's Splash Planet which is this big indoor pool/waterpark in Charlotte. Leah had been invited to a birthday party of one of her preschool mates. We had fun swimming with her and Erin. It was Erin's first pool outing! i think she liked it. AFter swimming hard, we ate cake and headed home, grabbing wendys on the way. Leah and erin both passed out in the car.
Leah slept great saturday night, i guess the medicine she got worked good enough. They think its some kind of asthma. Weird. she can breath alright, but apparently there's a cough related asthma.
Saturday night, Angelle just wanted to read so i went to Dennis's with Bryan/Brandon and we watched the patriot game and just hung out. I passed out on his couch. But then went home.
Sunday didnt do a whole lot. Played with Leah a bunch. We made a huge hopscotch court in our culdesac. Then made a bunch of snacks for the cowboy/giant game which was great in the first half, but HORRIBLE in the second half. Screw you Jason. Cowboys just were so flat. the defense letting the giants score with under 50 seconds in the first half was bad enough, but then the offense totally sputtered in the 2nd half. I think romo needs to keep his mind off Pop sensations and in the game more. I dont hear about Tom Brady dating Christina Aguilera. Its ridiculous.
After that heated game, tried to cool off by playing mario (Super Mario Galaxy for Wii is AWESOME) then watched Evan Almighty which was pretty funny.
Then it was Monday. Had to visit winston salem for work. Then had a new years thing for work when i got back to charlotte. Played pool and darts and met our dept head. she was cool.
Last night Leah wakes up at like 4:30am crying and i go in to see whats wrong and she tells me i cant leave cuz if i do, the ghosts are going to come into her room. I tried to convince her that we bought a ghost-free house, but she wasnt buying it, and agreed to come sleep in our bed. She rarely comes into our bed, but she seemed scared, so i let her. Where did she learn about ghosts? Who is feeding my child these ridiculous stories? Is it the Berenstein Bears?
In other news, a UFO was sighted in Texas. It was apparently a mile long and half a mile wide. Everything is bigger in Texas. here's the news story if you're interested:
Thats all for now. The rest of the football season means nothing, and I can focus on snowboarding.