Ok. So i'm not a big fan of the social convention of saying "Bless You", "God Bless You", or "Gesundheit" when someone sneezes. Because i dont want to appear like a jerk, i still say it most of the time when someone sneezes. I guess because they expect it, and i dont want to let them down. But I am in NO WAY offended if someone doesnt say it to me. Maybe thats because i sneeze like 10 times in a row, but still. I dont care.
Now, when you're in the bathroom, and someone's in a stall, and they sneeze, whats the proper course of action? Isnt there a "no talking between someone in a stall and someone outside the stall" rule? unless of course its your friend in there and no one else is in the bathroom. But i was washing my hands, someone in a stall sneezed. i didnt know who it was, so i didnt say anything. I was slightly puzzled though if i should have or not. was that person expecting it? were they hoping i wouldnt say anything? Dont people want to be left alone while doing their personal business? I do. i think if i was in their shoes, and someone said "Bless you", i would sort of feel invaded in a way.
what do you think? if you were dropping the Cosby kids off at the pool, and you sneezed, do you want to hear a "bless you" from the person washing their hands? And if you were washing hands, would you offer a "gesundheit" to the person taking the Cleveland browns to the super bowl?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Bathroom etiquette?
9:20 AM

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LOL.. Haven't heard the Browns euphemism yet. Nice.
No.. I wouldn't say anything if someone sneezed in a stall. You are definitely supposed to pretend like those stalls are sound-proof, so blessing them would make that illusion come crashing down. Privacy trumps politeness in the bathroom.
Ha ha, that's pretty funny. No bless yous to stall patrons.
Depends... did he fart when he sneezed?
Did you have bacon and syrup for breakfast?
Those little rooms are definitely soundproof. You obviously only thought you heard someone sneeze!
I'm pretty sure that I've blessed people in stalls before .. its just habit.
I've always said "bless you" when someone sneezes in a stall. I think maybe it's different with girls, since we're always in stalls in the bathroom!
According to my experience on Saturday, they are not sound proof. This guy next to me starts yelling 'Oooohhhh, the red chile, no more Mexican, no more Mexican. Sh*# that hurst, oh no more Mexican'. What the heck do you say to that? Bless you might be in order.
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