and to the rest of you too! I am thankful for my wonderful wife, my 2 awesome kids, my sister, my nephew, my parents, my great inlaws (all million of them, counting parents, brothers, sisters, cousins and aunts and uncles and what not), my friends, having a great house, the wonderful weather in north carolina, living next door to friends, having a job i like going to...pretty much everything in my life. Not to sound like i'm bragging, but its pretty darn great to be me! :) I'm sure all of you feel the same way.
Anything you're thankful for that you'd like to share?
Having a good time in SoFla. got to see my mom at her rehab place. shes doing A TON better than when i saw her last. Thank you so much everyone for all your prayers. Greatly appreciated are they. We took the girls to visit. they couldnt go in her room, but she has a window that leads to an outdoor patio, so Leah and Erin go to see Nana through the window and say hi. My mom loved it.
Went to the metro zoo today with CHristina, Joe, zack and Caitlyn and Joe's parents and my dad. Good times were had by everyone except angelle who got sick while we were there. Yuck. literally sick in the bushes. we walked away and i left a note that said "This is because we didnt get turkey on thanksgiving. Sincerely, the gorillas"
Thursday was normal. ANgelle cooked awesome food and we ate and watched football and watched Charlie brown thanksgiving. Ever since Great pumpkin charlie brown, Leah is excited about the holidays now. :)
Erin is talking up a storm lately!! its SOOOOOOOOOO friggin adorable. she nods her head yes too, and shakes it no. she says mama, dada, nana, papa, eeeuh (leah), du[ck], pi[g], beep beep, pup pup, ca[t] (not sure why she says so many first sounds of words.) she also gives me the CUTEST looks! and shes shrieks "DADA" when i come home. she loves to play peek (around corners) and she loves to snuggle (except at bedtime ironically). i just love that kid. Its so cool to be able to love 2 kids so differently but so much!! i really was worried about that. Just loving Leah so much, wasnt sure how to love another kid too. but it happens! having kids (plural) ROCKS. i love it. and it makes me excited about the possibility of a third! (i know, i'm crazy)
Heading up to orlando tomorrow to celebrate with Nikki! Happy Birthday Nik!!
Not sure i said it publicly, but big congrats to Britt and Jimmy for passing the Bar! Wait, did i blog about that already? hmm. i dunno. All the turkey and yams has made me a bit loopy in the head.
Its been a great year. i'm thankful for it all, and i cant wait to see what the next year brings! lots of babies, thats for sure! and hopefully a Gator National championship, and a Cowboys super bowl!! (Giants are going down this year Konicks!)
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Charlie Brown!
8:59 PM

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Thanks for the shout out!
Yay for more babies!
P.S. A nutty buddy is what we call a drumstick. You know, those ice cream cones that you can buy in the freezer at the grocery store.
Thanks for the birthday wishes and for coming to my party! It was worth it to see you guys, even with the kid vomiting in our bed at 4:45 this morning. :)
Hope you make it home safely today! Keep dreaming sweet dreams about your Cowboys. We'll keep enjoying the Giant reality!
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