i'm back. home that is. Angelle and the girls are still in FLA. they went over to the west coast to visit with family and other friends. I miss my bear and peah! and angelle too of course! :)
flight back was fine. no real issues, no real excitement. I do love Charlotte long term parking. 3 bucks per day!!! tampa was like 10 per day or something crazy.
Thank you so much to Nikki, Jason, Halle, Biscuit, Erica, Big boy, Daisy (?), Sean, Keri, Keith, Annabelle, Corgan and Macy to opening up their homes for sleeping, fun, partying, eating and all that jazz. it was an awesome trip to Melbourne. Erica also took a ton of pics of all the kids so hopefully some came out good and angelle will post them soon.
Tiffany is awesome too. i got home at like 5 and she comes to greet me and ask if i have dinner and i say no so she invites me to dinner. It was awesome too! Roasted chicken with potatoes and salad. MMMM. Her kids were very entertaining too. :) Luv ya Tiff!
Erin LOVED the beach this weekend! she liked playing in the sand, and the wind and the sun..she didnt really love the cold water splashing her, but she loved the sand. :) Leah was sitting in her castle that Papa (my dad) built her so she could be safe from the waves. They're such wusses! They must take after their mom. :) although my parents tell me i didnt like anything as a kid either, but i remember playing in creeks and climbing cliffs and being in the woods, so i couldnt have been too fraidy cat. Oh another small highlight from the beach, we took a small potty seat that Nikki gave us, so the kids wouldnt have to use gross public restrooms, and i took leah into this bunch of trees so she could use the seat, and then i realized i didnt bring any wipes or napkins, and i could just leave her there sitting on the seat and go get some, so i looked around and used what we had...no not my shirt, a leaf off a tree. It wasnt a crinkly oak though. it was one of those nice big green soft leaves. Leah seemed to like it. :)
Oh, and my parents drove up. Fun to see them of course. They went to the beach with us since everyone else wussed out.
Played poker for the first time in like months. Came in 2nd! I got crappy cards all night and just ended up outlasting Keri and Nikki. Jason won. not cuz hes good, cuz hes lucky.
thats the weekend in a nutshell. Beach, golf, eating, drinking, kids, poker. fun times...
Hope the girls are having fun in clearwater! miss y'all!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
back in MNC
8:41 PM

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miss you too, babe!
I think maybe you and Jimmy have more in common than we think. You both like sports, you both love good food, and you're both obsessed with anything cheap! He also notices when parking is cheap, and he's super-excited about it just like you! I bet you guys could have lots of conversations about the price of gas, etc...
I love that Leah totally tattled on you for making her wipe with a leaf. Kids are so smart!
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