Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I love work. work work work. Work is so much better than staying home all the time with the kids. :) I know thats horrible to say, but seriously, work is awesome. Adult conversation, lunch, busrides...yeah, good times.

SO its now tuesday evening. Angelle is off playing Bunko. I remember the days that Nicole's mom used to play. I walked in once and had to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge a flying stuffed animal. I know there was dice involved, but i dunno. Seemed kinda fruity. Like the New York Giants, only they are way fruitier.

Saturday was okay. It snowed half the day so that was fun. Got to play outside with Leah in the snow. Didnt get to go to West Virginia. Angelle just wasnt feeling up to it, and i dont blame her. Would have been fun, but the colorado trip is next week, so i guess i'll have to wait for that.

Hmm, sunday..sunday...just watched football really. Watched two really lame teams win. The superbowl is gonna be so boring. I bet no one watches it this year.

Monday played with the maddexes then took Ian and Leah roller skating! it was so cute! the kids were awesome. It felt like middle school. It was christian music night, so i did feel mildly spiritual, but it also might have been the bean burrito from taco bell.

I just heard Heath Ledger died?!?! Thats sad. I guess we'll never see "A Knight's Tale 2" or "20 things I hate about you"

I'm glad you all think I'm so funny. Or maybe just Stacy. You should write me in as winner for Last Comic Standing-Blog Division.



Nikki said...

Man, you are just dripping with jealousy over the success of the NFC Champion New York Giants! It's so pathetic how jealous you are. Really. It is.

Pretty crazy about Heath Ledger. Stay away from sleeping pills. So sad that his baby will never know him.

This blog entry was particularly funny, despite your jealousy. I'll write you in.

Brittany said...

Nobody in South Louisiana will be watching the Superbowl since it falls on the Sunday before Fat Tuesday. Mardi Gras is so much more fun than professional football!

Tiffanyrose said...

You are pretty lame.. er I mean funny. I was really pulling for the 20 Things I Hate About You movie. I guess I will just settle for the Dark Knight Movie.

Christina said...

Ha ha you make me laugh too :-)