If you spell Tim Tebow in Scrabble, you win. Forever.
Tim Tebow can blow bubbles with beef jerky.
When Tim Tebow was born, the only person who cried was the doctor. Never slap Tim Tebow.
In the beginning there was nothing. then Tim Tebow stiff armed that nothing in the head and said Get a job. That is the story of the universe.
Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas.
Tim Tebow counted to infinity - twice.
People with amnesia still remember Tim Tebow.
When you open a can of whoop-ass, Tim Tebow jumps out.
When Google can’t find something, it asks Tim Tebow for help.
Tim Tebow can get McDonald’s breakfast after 10:30.
When the boogie man goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Tim Tebow.
Tim Tebow’s hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.
When taking the SAT, write ‘Tim Tebow’ for every answer. You will score more than 1600.
Tim Tebow gets called for roughing the tackler.
Friday, November 30, 2007
TEBOW FOR HE15MAN! (these arent new, but they're dang funny)

Monday, November 26, 2007
Monday funnies
If you don't enjoy Dave Barry, you probably don't enjoy my blog either, so go read some trash!
In writing proposals to prospective clients, be sure to clearly state the benefits they will receive:
WRONG: "I sincerely believe that it is to your advantage to accept this proposal."
RIGHT: "I have photographs of you naked with a squirrel."
Thanks Dave! Also more big ups to Tebow for his crazy performance this year. Gators cracked the top10 in the BCS.
Channukah starts next week, hope you have your candles waxed and your menorah shined!

Saturday, November 24, 2007
GO GATORS! and 3rd cousins
First, big ups to Tim Tebow and the Gators for stomping the 'Noles at home to finish the season. They may not be going to the SEC title game, but neither is Georgia. And LSU is out of the national game! (most likely). Sorry other family, but that makes me smile a little. Hopefully Tebow will win the heisman, but if not, he can come back next year and try for it. I'd like to see 2 national titles in a 3 year span.
Leah met her 3rd cousin Leah today. Kinda funny. Havent known any Leah's and now she has one in her class, and her 3rd cousin is named Leah. Took a trip up to Huntersville where my 2nd cousin lives. I hadnt met them before but her parents and my dad (1st cousins if you havent been following) were both in town and wanted to get a little family thing together. It was fun. The kids got along great and Debbie and Reid (not sure of spelling) were cool. Nice to have family this close. David and Carol (David is my dads cousin) gave me a swiss army knife for my bar mitzvah that I still have. Just thought you'd like to know that.
I'm super wiped today. Played paintball yesterday with the guys, and it was SO much fun. its nice to play in cool weather vs florida's warm nasty weather. I'm crazy sore today though. all the diving behind barrels and crawling through the woods...i miss my 20 year old body.
Oh, and if you're ever in town, i recommend the shrimp with mixed vegetables from New China (its by Food Lion). Its so good.
And to all you faithful blog readers out there, hopefully tomorrow i'll get to record a song, just for you. Its mostly written, but havent had time to record it.
Pass me a halls, my throat hurts.

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope everyone has had a great year, is thankful for their life, and is happy! Except dave. No, but seriously, yeah.
Things i am thankful for: angelle, leah, erin, family, friends, my job, the cowboys being 10-1, rollerblades, boats, wakeboards, large houses, blogs, nice weather, mountains, bikes, computers, innovation, intelligence, love, ummm, oh yeah, and cab sav, which probably is the reason for this silly blog!

Monday, November 19, 2007
What else? Football, kids and dave barry
It was another great football weekend. Gators killed FAU, and Cowboys won a good one at home against rival Redskins. Shout out to Dennis, Gordon, and Chick McGee from the Bob and Tom morning show.
Also got to play with Leah and Erin a bunch which is always great. Saturday ran an exciting 2k on the treadmill, then played some racquetball with Bryan where he proceeded to kick my butt. I blame it on the fact that I was winded from my strenuous 2k.
Hit up Cheesecake factory saturday night (what were we thinking? Cheescake factory is at a really nice mall, and it was Saturday night during the holidays). SO we did what any impatient hungry family with kids would do in this situation, ordered it to go, then ate it in the food court! Great plan for anyone else wishing to eat at Cheescake factory and not wait for a table AND not have to tip. :) is that jewy? yeah so what! Also Dave was in town so that was cool to see him. Not overly cool, but sorta cool. =D
Stacy's comin in tonight with my mom and landon. Yay!
Also in honor of Thanksgiving, and the feast at the fancy table, here is a commentary by my good friend from Florida, Dave Barry:
"Today's Etiquette Topic is: Proper Table Manners. Table manners have had a large impact on my career. When I invite news sources out to lunch, I impress them by showing that I know the 'DOs' and 'DONTS' of dining etiquette, such as:
- DO shout your guest's order into the drive-thru speaker before shouting your own.
- DO ask your gest to please steer the car while you aply ketchup to your hamburger.
- DON'T snatch fallen french fries from between your thighs and eat them without first distracting the news source by shouting, 'HEY, LOOK OVER THERE!'
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving week!

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Back on campus
Last night freakin rocked. I went down to Columbia, SC with a friend from BofA to watch the Florida/South Carolina game. It was SO much fun. 4 of us tailgated and then watched a kickass game. We got awesome seats, in the gator section right behind the florida band, and right behind the endzone the gators were scoring in for the 4th quarter. It was awesome to see the gators live again. I definitely will be going to this game every 2 years. Anyone who wants to go, lets do it! I'm crazy tired though. got back about 2am. Cold and tired and with a sore throat from all the yelling. It was fun heckling the gamecock fans and getting heckled by them, cuz i had the last laugh. In case you didnt see it (although, why the heck didnt you see it?) score was 51-31 gators. Grilling hotdogs and drinking guiness before a big SEC game is just awesome.
And although i did love Laurie's chocolate chip pancakes, i would have definitely liked to sleep in today. So now as i write this, i'm just so tired and of course now feel the pain of our children when they're overtired and cant fall asleep. uggh.
Today was mostly chill. Hung around, tried to excavate rocks from my backyard. Gave up after about a half hour. Tried to nap, but of course, we have kids, so that doesnt work. Then grilled hot dogs (yeah i know, again) at the Maddexes. Also watched an awesome Cowboys/Giants game. Word up to my main Giants fan JK. 31-20 in favor of the 'boys. Lookin strong.
Glad tomorrow is a day off. Thank you to all the Veterans out there who have fought or are fighting for our country. the USA is definitely the best country in the world to live in, and i gotta give mad props to people willing to risk their lives so i can watch college football and write in blogs. Speaking of blogs, the next Suite5 song is in the works. S'gonna be a doozy. If i ever get time to actually play through my amp and record. Which is doubtful. Maybe when Erin is 2.
aight. all for now.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
it is decided
Netflix it is! well, the free trial anyway. We'll see how it works
out. I like watching movies on my busride into and from work, so it
seems like a good thing. Oh, i also recommend visiting drew's blog.
Hes a smart kid. -> http://xxlbbq.blogspot.com/
On another note, is it funny, ironic, or sad that i sat on the couch
tonight eating chocolate cookies and reading blogs while angelle was
watching Biggest Loser on TV. It really is inspirational watching
those big fatties work out and lose weight. But not that
inspirational. Obviously.
Is it veterans day yet?

Posting via email is sweet.
So, thanks to Keri for telling me that I can post to the blog via email. I cant read it to review it, but oh well. I trust myself.
I had a dentist appointment today. I know, exciting right?!? this is what you have to post about if you post everyday.
So, tv viewing has shifted a little since the beginning of the fall season. Chuck was good at first, but i lost interest fast, and Journeyman is actually pretty good. And i think i want to test out House. Everyone says its awesome. I'm also thinking of signing up for Netflix or Blockbuster Online. Since i ride the bus practically everyday, i have lots of time for books or movies. Anyone have a preference or recomendation to either one?
Oh yeah, speaking of recommendations, i said i would have a list of things i recomend, so here they are:
1. Having kids
2. Rollerblading
3. Skydiving
4. Snowboarding
5. Reading the sunday comics
6. Drinking a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks
7. Taking your kids to the playground
8. Reading to your kids
9. Getting your spouse to do things he/she doesn't at first want to do
10. Learning and playing an instrument.
11. Calling your friends on the phone every now and then.
12. Eating spiedino de mare (sp?) at Carrabas
13. Eating a Big Montana from Arbys (or just a large if they dont still sell the Big Montana)
14. Performing on the main stage at Warped Tour
15. Being a Gator Fan
16. Learning how to type (for real, not that hunt and peck garbage)
17. Learning how to drive a manual transmission automobile
18. Trying sushi
19. Watching "Knocked Up" if you've recently gone through a pregnancy (and can handle some vulgar humor)
20. Hugging your kids as much as they will let you
I could go on i'm sure, but 20 is good to get you started. #15 is pretty easy, so you can get that one done right away, and #13 would be great for lunch today!

Monday, November 5, 2007
Angelle posts for Mike
Mike no longer has access to Blogger at work so today he emailed me his blog entry to post. That's dedication!
Well it was a good football weekend. Gators throttled Vanderbilt and the Cowboys throttled the Eagles. WOOT.
Angelle and I spent a majority of our time spreading dirt. We got a dumptruck full of topsoil delivered Friday, and i filled up wheel barrow fulls, dumped it, and angelle spread it with the rake. UGGGH. its a lot of work. We're doing this cuz most of our side/backyards are nothing but clay. So i aerated, fertilized, and re-seeded. And i didnt want my hard work to blow away, so i figured topsoil would be good to cover it with.
Between hauling dirt, found time to play with Leah and constantly put Erin to bed. That kid needs more naps that anyone! its kinda crazy. Yeah i know shes a baby, but still. she should be able to be awake for more than 45 minutes before being tired and cranky. shes SOOO cute when shes slept, all smiles and cooing, but when shes cranky shes horrible. UGGH.
On another note, I'd like to thank Laurie and Bryan for having Ian before Leah. Hes about 3 months older, and its crazy to see him do things or go through things and sure enough, about 3 months later, Leah follows. Sleep patterns, eating patterns...its wild. Even certain stories, like Ian coming up with excuses before going to sleep (i'm thirsty, i have a wet diaper, i need my toenails cut) Leah did the same thing a few months later. Also i remember Laurie telling me that Ian once cried cuz his blue dog fell out of bed. he could have gotten it himself, but i guess it was easier to cry about it. Then just a few days ago, Leah cried in the middle of the night cuz her friends (minnie mouse and her baby carol) fell out of bed. I go in at like 1 or 2. Shes sitting on her bed, looking at her friends on the floor right in front of her whining for them. Its half funny but half annoying that i had to get out of bed for that.
For those of you that were concerned, i had a dr appt last thursday for my knee. Xrays didnt show anything broken. Dr said it might just be a cartilege tear. If thats the case, they'd have to do an MRI to make sure, then do some procedure to repair the tear. I decided to hold off and see if it heals. if not, then i might do all that if it doesnt. Dr said it shouldnt get much worse. We'll see. I successfully skated yesterday without really any pain, hopefully i can either live with it, or it just goes away.
I cant believe its November!! 2008 is almost here. what the heck?? does time really go faster as you get older? it sure seems like it. I've also noticed that at every stage of life, i look back at the previous stage and realize how much easier it was. Did that this weekend when Erin wasnt sleeping. I was like "wow, remember life with only 1 kid?". And with Leah, i remember looking back at life with no kids! we must have had SO much free time. When we bought the first house, i remember looking back at renting as easy...and with the first job, i remember looking back at college as easy...etc. Every stage seemed hard as compared to the previous one, but as we move on, they are easier in contrast with where we are. Well for me anyway. I know some people have it crazy tough, and then looking back, their current situation is way better, so for those people, my pampered life doesnt really apply. Life for me overall really is pretty easy and awesome. I hope it is for you too. If not, try to change your perspective. If that doesnt work, I hope you can figure out how to change the things that are making your life prevent you from being happy.
Speaking of being happy, sour patch kids make me very happy. So do Red Vines apparently. they're a better (in my eyes) version of twizzlers. Bryan turned me onto them. Speaking of things I recommend, I also recommend tickling your kid today. Its crazy fun. Also doing puzzles with them is great. Hmm, i think my next blog post will be a list of things I recommend.
Till then...