i realized i only had 5 posts in October, so here is one more before November hits.
Trick or treating was fun. Leah couldnt walk well in her ruby slippers so angelle got the stroller for her to ride in between houses. All the kids looked great. I made a "wizard of oz" costume which consisted of a green sheet hanging in front of me. oh, i also had leah's toy microphone which makes your voice echo. I was walking around saying "i am the great and powerful oz" and "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" and "no, i'm not in the shower, i'm the wizard of oz". good times though.
i'm heading to Ortho Carolina tomorrow to get my knee (and maybe wrist) checked out. cross your fingers.
Thanks for reminding me about RSS readers, Keri.
What is the only thing Chuck Norris is afraid of? Tim Tebow.
Angelle is sitting on the couch right now fast forwarding through commercials of Kid Nation. Not sure why you need to know that, but you do.
So, I just realized I'm all selfish, always talking about myself, so how are you? How is your life?
Oh, i'm sure you'll all confirm this, but seriously does every parent think their child is the cutest? Cuz Leah seriously is. If you dont agree, then you're obviously not as bright as me. No offense to your children, but I really do think Leah is better than them. :)
Okay, okay now you're all mad, cuz you're realizing, 'hey wait a minute, maybe this mike guy is right...maybe my kid isnt as good as Leah'. Or you're mad cuz you wish YOU were Leah's parent. Or you're mad cuz you wish YOU had mated with me to create Leah. I know, its tough...
ANgelle is either laughing right now, or embarrassed. In either case, Leah is awesome, and im sure one day i'll write a post about how Erin is awesome. But till then, Leah has wowed me more. Erin does have an awesome smile, but mostly she just sits there. She hasnt done any tricks for me, or counted in english, spanish, and french. She certainly hasnt told me 500 times how she didnt like the winnie the pooh ride.
Alright i'm gonna save some writing for tomorrow, when its November. All saints day! Bring out yer dead!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
numbers boost
9:57 PM

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Yeah, I wish I had mated with you and made Leah. Wait a minute... I did! She definitely cracks me up.
Bring out yer dead. Awesome reference.
Yes, Leah is cute and all. For a girl.
As always... awesome post! :) Don't you just love how kids will tell you something 500 times... just in case you didn't get it the first time? Ironic that we'll probably tell them the same thing 500 times too ("don't touch baby's face", "don't step on your toys", and later on... "pick up your wet towels", "don't hit your brother/sister") knowing that they don't get it yet too. :)
Too bad it's the second, and you still haven't posted from All Saint's Day. Where's yer dead?
And yes, Leah, is freakin' awesome. For a girl.
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