MOOOO. BAAAA. yep, i'm falling in line and following Angelle to wordpress:
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Mikey's gota brand new blog

Monday, February 23, 2009
people are still nice (but some are crazy)
Nice People
So i got to work, found that my 2 drink bottles in my lunch bag had leaked. Not a huge deal, but annoying. Then realized i left my bagel on my counter at home. I brought the butter, cheese, and juice, but no bagel. Then a kind person at work heard me grumbling and offered me one of her bagels! I said, "no, i dont need to eat your food". she said "really its no big deal. i have a whole bag and usually end up throwing away 1 or 2 at the end of the week." so i accepted. so, thanks Danielle!
The crazy people
Visitors to IKEA. OI VEY! seriously, if a store needs traffic cops and attendants directing you to a spot like its Disney World, I probably should not be shopping there. Then you get inside and theres a place to drop your kid off while you shop! kinda cool, but also kinda creepy at the same time. Then you are shepherded around the store on a one way path. MOO. BAAA.
The stuff was kinda neat design-wise, but definitely not worth all the hullabaloo that everyone is making. (good word huh?) I will say it was clean design. not overly ornate, and not Sauder from walmart.
But swimming with Leah yesterday afternoon, definitely made up for the sillyness at IKEA. I took a bunch of pictures of the awesome Swedish words, so those will show up soon.

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Leah's new tricks
I took Leah to the pool today, and shes getting great at swimming when she has her goggles. Its so awesome to see her like the water and not be afraid to go under. She actually swam under my legs today! Also, she stood on the side and jumped in with a life jacket on. Shes never done that on her own. I didnt even ask her to do it. she just got out and did it! then she did it about 5 more times. I know this may not seem like much for all you parents of frogs, but for Leah its a huge step. I was shocked. Shes really a lot of fun to swim with now.
Also, we were playing with Paint on the computer before bed, and i wrote a few 3 letter words, and asked Leah if she could sound them out to see what they said, and she did!! She sounded out Cat, Dog, Hat, Pig, and Frog (with some help). I guess word world is helping! I think she might be reading beginner books by the end of the year! i called angelle in to show her and she was amazed. Yay! I got Leah to do something before her teacher mom. :)
We also had shrimp and corn bisque for dinner. SO delicious! Thanks Gee and Myrn for visiting, cooking, and then leaving us with food!
now another week of hoping its not my last with Wells Fargo/Wachovia. :)
Hope Keith is having fun in Park City. while i'm not there, i still had fun with my girls this weekend.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Comments about SNL last week
1. The Jonas Brothers are HORRIBLE. Horrible songs, horrible singing, horrible everything. Britney Spears was seriously better. and she wasnt that good. I really hope Megan doesnt like them. They are probably worse for this country than GM, Wamu, and the stimulus bill combined.
2. The Wii Wario skit was pretty good. If you havent seen it, here ya go.
3. The return of Edible Pampers. Still funny! Tasty flavors like Harvest Cheddar! MMM!
4. Sadly, no Shweaty Balls.
5. Seriously, Jonas Brothers = AWFUL. Complete Garbage. Yeah i'm jealous that no talent losers can make money and be famous. Aren't you?!?