After this morning's breakfast, have to list the Top cereals in our house at the moment.
Coming in a RESOUNDING #1 is.....
1. Basic 4
It just heads and shoulders and knees and toes above the rest that I probably will skip a few spots to allow for its awesomeness. It has different textures, puffed rice, flakes, cranberries, yogurt much goodness in one little box! So yeah, eat it. right now, everyday.
5. Reeses Puffs
6. Kix
7. Fruity Cheerios
8. Frosted Mini Wheats (i wish we had maple/brown sugar, cuz those are good! thanks for the sample Konickis)
9. Dino Smores Pebbles
10. Cheerios
There you have it. Whether you're a kid or an adult, you most likely like cereal. Whats not to like? you get to put it in a bowl (who likes those pesky plate things), eat it with a spoon (forks are dangerous! 3 or 4 sharp prongs sticking into your mouth? 80% of all household accidents in the US are caused by forks), you get to pour milk in it (strong bones, healthy body!), AND you get to drink the sweetened milk at the end by sipping the bowl like its a GIGANTIC spoon. If a spoon is good, pretending your cereal bowl is a GIGANTIC spoon is great!
Alrighty, time to pack and head off to the Triangle of Research and go to Landon's birthday party. Happy Birth(thurs)day Landon!!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Top Cereals in our house

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
better late than never
So i finally got on facebook, as i'm sure some of you know since you got friend requests from me. I just never really had time to sign up for it, but with ANgelle and the girls being away i actually do have time to just sit around and do nothing. But it turns out its awesome cuz it is WAY easier to find people on it than on myspace. Gotta say myspace SUX. most pages i've seen are designed horribly (no offense to all of you who love your myspace pages, but not everyone is a web designer. :) ).
Facebook is just so much more clean and uniform. Its a good thing when there is that much going on.
But yeah found some old friends from Jr High hebrew school back in like 92. how crazy?!
In other news, is anyone else under the impression that Obama and Hillary are trying to create a more socialist society? I havent' really watched much since my ski trip with Keith when all he watched was political stuff, but talking to my friend John today, hes making it sound like Obama and Hillary want everyone in america to be equal, and want to make the gap between 'Rich' and 'poor' much much smaller. I dont know about you, but I like America's capitalistic society. I think the thing that makes America great is freedom. Freedom to be rich OR poor. Why does everyone have to be equal? Nature isnt about equality, its about balance. I'm sure a lot of people would say i only have this opinion because i'm well off with finances, and maybe thats true, but i definitely dont think i'm 'Rich'. I was definitely VERY fortunate to have been born to parents with good jobs and could take care of me, and allow me to get educated and then get my own job...but I just as easily could have stayed in The Know How (college band) and/or dropped out of college to pursue Music and not have had corporate jobs making money. I chose this path. I know not everyone gets to choose their path since some people are forced to work 3 jobs...but i dont know. I dont think i like a society where everyone is forced to be equal. I dont think equality means better. The more you limit what people can do, the less free you become, and i think our Declaration of Independence mostly talks about freedom, not being equal to England.
Anyway, maybe its just a rant, and i definitely need to research the candidates more this year, but i hear all these commercials about 'young' people talking about how Obama 'gets them' and 'knows their problems'. What problems? They got a bmw for their 16th birthday instead or a Porsche? i'm not saying i know all about him. I dont know what he did a senator, but i'm also not saying i like him cuz hes charismatic and charming. As i get older and slightly wiser i'm beginning to see how democracy is just a popularity contest, just like Prom King and Queen. And obviously media and money and who you know. But such is life, and I dont have a better answer right now for it. Maybe tomorrow i will.

Sunday, April 20, 2008
back in MNC
i'm back. home that is. Angelle and the girls are still in FLA. they went over to the west coast to visit with family and other friends. I miss my bear and peah! and angelle too of course! :)
flight back was fine. no real issues, no real excitement. I do love Charlotte long term parking. 3 bucks per day!!! tampa was like 10 per day or something crazy.
Thank you so much to Nikki, Jason, Halle, Biscuit, Erica, Big boy, Daisy (?), Sean, Keri, Keith, Annabelle, Corgan and Macy to opening up their homes for sleeping, fun, partying, eating and all that jazz. it was an awesome trip to Melbourne. Erica also took a ton of pics of all the kids so hopefully some came out good and angelle will post them soon.
Tiffany is awesome too. i got home at like 5 and she comes to greet me and ask if i have dinner and i say no so she invites me to dinner. It was awesome too! Roasted chicken with potatoes and salad. MMMM. Her kids were very entertaining too. :) Luv ya Tiff!
Erin LOVED the beach this weekend! she liked playing in the sand, and the wind and the sun..she didnt really love the cold water splashing her, but she loved the sand. :) Leah was sitting in her castle that Papa (my dad) built her so she could be safe from the waves. They're such wusses! They must take after their mom. :) although my parents tell me i didnt like anything as a kid either, but i remember playing in creeks and climbing cliffs and being in the woods, so i couldnt have been too fraidy cat. Oh another small highlight from the beach, we took a small potty seat that Nikki gave us, so the kids wouldnt have to use gross public restrooms, and i took leah into this bunch of trees so she could use the seat, and then i realized i didnt bring any wipes or napkins, and i could just leave her there sitting on the seat and go get some, so i looked around and used what we not my shirt, a leaf off a tree. It wasnt a crinkly oak though. it was one of those nice big green soft leaves. Leah seemed to like it. :)
Oh, and my parents drove up. Fun to see them of course. They went to the beach with us since everyone else wussed out.
Played poker for the first time in like months. Came in 2nd! I got crappy cards all night and just ended up outlasting Keri and Nikki. Jason won. not cuz hes good, cuz hes lucky.
thats the weekend in a nutshell. Beach, golf, eating, drinking, kids, poker. fun times...
Hope the girls are having fun in clearwater! miss y'all!!

Friday, April 18, 2008
FLA post
well, we made it to Florida. Melbourne to be exact. Well, West Melbourne to be exact exact.
Trip was pretty good. ANgelle and I had different rows on the plane, so i got both girls and she got to read! yay! flight was shorter than i thought so it wasnt horrible. Erin napped on me for a bit. Leah and i were sharing sandwich and dropping crumbs on Erin's head. it was funny. to me and Leah anyway.
Keri was awesome to pick us up from the Airport. Thanks Ker!! And the Konickis were nice enough to host us. Halle has a mustang power wheel similar to Jason's mustang, and Leah was driving Halle and Annabelle around the culdesac. So cute! had flash forwards though to 12 years from now and Leah driving a real car! oi vey.
SO after much researching (and by much i mean none) here is my latest top list.
Top mulches to use in your yard:
1. Pine mulch
2. Pine bark mini nuggets
3. Red cedar mulch
4. Cypress mulch
5. Pine bark nuggets (regular size)
Since that one was short here's another one.
Top uses for a spoon, other than the obvious:
1. Back scratcher
2. Egg launcher
3. Mashed potato flinger
4. Instrument (when coupled with a 2nd spoon)
5. Matrix reference (well really a lack of a spoon applies, but you get the point)
6. The Tick reference
7. Cat whacker
Thanks again and tune in next time for another exciting blog post! We'll be discussing politics, psychology, the law, and the current state of the ozone. Or not.

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Theres a first time for everything
Today, it was yoga. Been having some lower back pain, so figured I'd try it. Its really just stretching and breathing. I dunno. Angelle likes it a lot, and i can see how it could relax you if you can really stop thinking about all the things you're stressing about, but to me, it just felt like group stretching.
Also, since its hip to do, I'm going to do some "Top" lists. First up, top tv shows on right now:
1. Milf Island (see #3 if you're doubting this one)
2. How I Met Your Mother
3. 30 Rock
4. The Office
5. Robot Chicken
6. Family Guy
7. Seinfeld Reruns
8. Americas Funniest Home Videos
9. My Dad is better than Your Dad
10. Johnny and the Sprites
Okay, so 9 and 10 are jokes, but TV pretty much is 98% lame. Hells Kitchen is mildly amusing, but i wouldnt watch it if Angelle didnt. I still watch Smallville, but i wouldnt really say its good, and I havent seen the latest Scrubs, but it will probably join the list after I view it. Other than that, you can see my previous blog for all the lame shows on. You may be questioning #8, but seeing dads get hit in the crotch with t-balls and watching babies fall asleep while eating still cracks me up. Even with youtube, AFV still makes me laugh more than most shows.
Tune in next issue when I list the top 10 yoga positions. Here is a sample:
1. Downward Dog
2. Ultimate Warrior (or was he a wrestler?)
3. Crane to Butterfly to Tree (seriously, who names this stuff??)

Monday, April 7, 2008
New laptop
well, i'm blogging from our new laptop. its sweet. Widescreen, dvd burner, 2 gigs of memory. woot.
Angelle is drooling over my shoulder, but i wont let her have it yet.
I would apologize for not blogging in awhile, but hey, life is busy, and if you care that much, call me! You probably dont, thats why you havent called me. Nice friend you are! Thanks jerk. sheesh.
Anyways, life is good, the girls are good. Everything except my car is good. The busted old corolla. I want a new car, but i just dont want to spend the money on it. Especially since i really only use it to drive to the bus station, and on the weekends, we usually drive the van. But still, i want a car that i like. That i didnt inherit. I'm thinking about a used nissan xterra. I want some more space than the corolla, and the xterra has space, but i can probably get one from carmax for under 13k and under 50k miles. anyone have opinions? i wouldnt mind an Escape hybrid, but again, dont want to spend the cash.
Also, did anyone else lose a ton in their IRA 1st quarter??! i know the market was supposedly bad (although i dont really think we're in a recession. State of fear...state of fear...) but 10% seems like a huge loss to me. Shouldnt Al Gore swoop in and stop global warming from ruining my IRA? Or maybe thats Batman. In any case, if you dont know what an IRA is, erase this paragraph from your memory.
As an update to my post from a long time ago about free CMS's, Drupal is the bomb. I've set up two sites so far using it: and
To anyone needing a free, easy to set up website tool with built in blogging, user admin, themes, forums, polls, and more, check out
Just for fun, I talked to a realtor to do a house search for homes closer to the city and the lake. Saw some interesting stuff...if i knew we could sell this monroe house, i think we'd move. Assuming we could get our friends to move with us.
In other news, i'm totally in love with the library. I got a library card for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg libraries (the county where i work, not where i live so i unfortunately had to spend $45) but there is a branch by my office, so i just reserve stuff online, and go pick it up! its awesome. i've been reading all kindsa spider-man lately. Bus time isnt all that bad. And neither is couch time and bed time. Angelle is kinda sick of seeing spider-man comics now though. Oh well, i'm tired of seeing: Biggest Loser, Newlyweds, Bachelors, Biggest WInner, Littlest Groom, Biggest Bride, My big fat greek houseguest, bachelorette, rachel ray vs bobby flay: celebrity food showdown, jon and kate plus 8, bobby and whitney plus crack, and many more interestling awful shows that Angelle watches. I still love her, but i dont have to love the shows she watches.
time for oreos. bye.