Sunday, January 6, 2008

wow, slackin

I just realized I havent posted this year yet!! Why didnt anyone yell at me? oh yeah, cuz its only a blog.

So HAPPY NEW YEAR! Stupid Michigan won the Citrus Bowl against UF. I thought maybe, just maybe that UF would have gotten their defense into shape. i mean they had what, a month? looked as crappy as ever. HOpefully Urban can shape them up for next year. Tebow can only do so much.

Has been a pretty good year so far. Leah and Erin are cute as ever. I am going snowboarding at the end of this month for 5 days (WOOHOO!) to Breckenridge, and Angelle is workin out, lookin hot, and taking care of the house. Thanks babe!

Hope everyone else is having a good year so far.

Leah has definitely been saying some hilarious stuff lately, but its just nonstop, so i can hardly keep up with her. We were reading a book today and she was doing some simple math with me (Cookie monster had 4 cookies, and gave 1 to elmo, how many does he have left? ((see bottom of blog for answer)) )

Sorry to all you Suite 5 fans who so dedicatedly are patiently awaiting "iBlog". I apologize for not finishing it yet but if you're a parent, you know how time goes. Fast and there's very little of it.

We got paint today for our living room. Hopefully it'll get painted this year.

I built a small storage bin for the grill today. I had gotten a plastic deck shed but it was like 2inches too small. Lame. I know, they make grill covers. We had one, but the wind kept blowing it off and the grill was starting to show some small rust spots, so i wanted to keep it in a dryer place so it lasts longer.

Alright, Angelle is unpausing Desperate Housewives now. (she went upstairs to check on Erin)

Answer to above math problem: 3



megAstar said...

Desperate Housewives fan, huh? That's kinda gay of you. But sweet. I'm guessing you watch it for Eva Longoria's excellent comedic timing?

Mike said...

you know it. Although doesnt she have a different last name now? Eva Longoria Smith or Eva Longoria De Sanchez Domingo de La Hoya?