Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I love work. work work work. Work is so much better than staying home all the time with the kids. :) I know thats horrible to say, but seriously, work is awesome. Adult conversation, lunch, busrides...yeah, good times.
SO its now tuesday evening. Angelle is off playing Bunko. I remember the days that Nicole's mom used to play. I walked in once and had to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge a flying stuffed animal. I know there was dice involved, but i dunno. Seemed kinda fruity. Like the New York Giants, only they are way fruitier.
Saturday was okay. It snowed half the day so that was fun. Got to play outside with Leah in the snow. Didnt get to go to West Virginia. Angelle just wasnt feeling up to it, and i dont blame her. Would have been fun, but the colorado trip is next week, so i guess i'll have to wait for that.
Hmm, sunday..sunday...just watched football really. Watched two really lame teams win. The superbowl is gonna be so boring. I bet no one watches it this year.
Monday played with the maddexes then took Ian and Leah roller skating! it was so cute! the kids were awesome. It felt like middle school. It was christian music night, so i did feel mildly spiritual, but it also might have been the bean burrito from taco bell.
I just heard Heath Ledger died?!?! Thats sad. I guess we'll never see "A Knight's Tale 2" or "20 things I hate about you"
I'm glad you all think I'm so funny. Or maybe just Stacy. You should write me in as winner for Last Comic Standing-Blog Division.

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Sick Fems
Well, its 6:30am on a Saturday, what else is there to do but blog?
So the weather guy is calling for some snow today. 90% chance. that means its about a 25% chance probably. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my hopes up though.
Yesterday was absolutely FABULOUS. I stayed home from work cuz Angelle felt horrible. Took her to the doctor at 10. turns out she most likely has some weird strain of Strep. Not even sure what Strep is, but it sounds bad. Although it sorta just sounds like Step which is kinda cool. Stomp the Yard!!
While Ang is at the Dr, i take leah to the mcdonalds playplace cuz its fairly chilly outside and thats the only indoor playplace in Monroe. We play, eat some chicken nuggets, then go back and get angelle, drop off an Rx, grab some soup, head home, feed Angelle, feed Leah, feed Erin, realize its too late to put Erin down cuz she has a Dr appointment at 2, which we have to leave by 1:15 for, so i decide to put the girls in the car and hope they'll nap on the way. Leah falls asleep about 10 min away from the dr, but we arrived 30 min early so i drove around matthews for 25 minutes so she could continue napping. Of course Erin falls asleep right when we get to the Dr's office. she napped for about 10minutes.
Dr saw Erin. No ear infection. Probably not Strep (main test came back negative, have to wait for the culture). Chest congestion. Hopefully just a cold. Dr checked Leah's ears too just to be sure. Shes clear.
So we head back home, stopping on the way to pick up donuts for Angelle. Get home, deliver donuts, make leah toast with jelly (cuz of course, why in the world would she want a donut?) Get Erin to nap (i think Angelle actually did this part, but the day is a little hazy at this point). Play with Leah for awhile, go to Laurie's so Leah can play with Ian. Go home to get Erin when she wakes up. Go back to Lauries for dinner. Go back home to get erin's dinner. Go back to Lauries. Go back home to get Leah's milk and give angelle food. Go back to Lauries. Eat, take Erin home to let her nurse. Go back to Lauries. Gather up Leah, and come home again. If you missed that, it was 10 trips betweens our house and the Maddexes. WHEEEEEEEEEE!
Finally Leah goes down, Erin is down, and its time to drink a beer. I enjoyed a nice Japanese beer from my "beers of the world" collection. Thanks Zac! It was quite tasty. Asahi or something like that. Then Dennis and Brandon came over to help me unwind and play some Wii.
Then i fell asleep on the couch cuz our bedroom is a quarantined zone till today at 3pm at which the antibiotic should start working and ANgelle should no longer be contagious. T minus 8 hours 16 minutes and 23 seconds.
Erin slept great though! Went to sleep around 7:30 and woke up around 5:30!! yay! i think thats the longest stretch yet. ANd its 6:45 and Leah is still asleep. ALthough Erin is fussing, but hey, at least its not 2am.
Hopefully we'll get snow today, angelle will get better, we'll be able to go to West Virginia tomorrow, I'll get to snowboard, and the weekend will be peachy. Oh, and hopefully the Packers stomp the Giants like 48-0.
To anyone questioning getting married and having was tiresome and annoying but I got to spend a lot of time with Erin and Leah and it was awesome. So even the bad days have great parts and great parts definitely outweigh those tiring annoying times. Well, the nights of the first few months of the baby are pretty annoying, but you kinda forget all that when your toddler starts walking, saying Dada, I love you, and !Ayudeme! :)
Thank you Mr Martin Luther King Jr, not only for naming the road that serves as an entrance to my neighborhood, but also for being such a great guy that the banks close in honor of you! 3 day weekend! WOOHOO! and boy do i need it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Catching up on recent events
So where to begin...lets go back to Friday night when I planned on blogging, but then Leah actually fell asleep.
So you probably read Angelle's blog about her crazy day with Leah coughing, so i got to have fun friday night with it. Leah was coughing around bedtime at 8:30ish and made herself throw up. WHEEE! after cleaning her up, and getting her back to sleep, she woke up about 1am coughing and Angelle sat with her for about an hour, but then it was my turn, so i was up with her from 2:30 to like 4:30ish. I took her downstairs to the couch and we watched a dora, and she was hungry cuz she kept barfing when she would cough. I made her some toast, but she said it was yucky. Finally around 4:30ish she fell asleep on the couch and i fell asleep on the other couch. She started coughing again at 6:20, so i went upstairs to trade with Angelle so i could get the bed. I got to sleep till 9 so that was decent.
Saturday was pretty good. Had a good gym work out. Went to Ray's Splash Planet which is this big indoor pool/waterpark in Charlotte. Leah had been invited to a birthday party of one of her preschool mates. We had fun swimming with her and Erin. It was Erin's first pool outing! i think she liked it. AFter swimming hard, we ate cake and headed home, grabbing wendys on the way. Leah and erin both passed out in the car.
Leah slept great saturday night, i guess the medicine she got worked good enough. They think its some kind of asthma. Weird. she can breath alright, but apparently there's a cough related asthma.
Saturday night, Angelle just wanted to read so i went to Dennis's with Bryan/Brandon and we watched the patriot game and just hung out. I passed out on his couch. But then went home.
Sunday didnt do a whole lot. Played with Leah a bunch. We made a huge hopscotch court in our culdesac. Then made a bunch of snacks for the cowboy/giant game which was great in the first half, but HORRIBLE in the second half. Screw you Jason. Cowboys just were so flat. the defense letting the giants score with under 50 seconds in the first half was bad enough, but then the offense totally sputtered in the 2nd half. I think romo needs to keep his mind off Pop sensations and in the game more. I dont hear about Tom Brady dating Christina Aguilera. Its ridiculous.
After that heated game, tried to cool off by playing mario (Super Mario Galaxy for Wii is AWESOME) then watched Evan Almighty which was pretty funny.
Then it was Monday. Had to visit winston salem for work. Then had a new years thing for work when i got back to charlotte. Played pool and darts and met our dept head. she was cool.
Last night Leah wakes up at like 4:30am crying and i go in to see whats wrong and she tells me i cant leave cuz if i do, the ghosts are going to come into her room. I tried to convince her that we bought a ghost-free house, but she wasnt buying it, and agreed to come sleep in our bed. She rarely comes into our bed, but she seemed scared, so i let her. Where did she learn about ghosts? Who is feeding my child these ridiculous stories? Is it the Berenstein Bears?
In other news, a UFO was sighted in Texas. It was apparently a mile long and half a mile wide. Everything is bigger in Texas. here's the news story if you're interested:
Thats all for now. The rest of the football season means nothing, and I can focus on snowboarding.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
NCAA football playoffs
Okay, with all the talk coming out of Georgia, the SEC and ACC, I figured I'd throw in my suggestion for College Football playoffs.
There are 11 conferences. Only conference winners should advance into the playoffs. I dont care if you are Georgia and you claim to be better than Tennessee or LSU, if you dont win your conference, you dont advance. College football is too large for there to be wild cards like in NFL.
1 conference most likely will be too scared to compete. Possibly a few more. But lets assume its just 1 (Mountain West?)
So, you take your 10 conference winners. 4 of them will have the plus 1 games to get into the playoffs. this will eliminate 2 teams, leaving 8. 8 teams divide nicely into the four main bowls. 2 bowls in the eastern US (Orange/Sugar) and 2 bowls in the western US (Fiesta/Rose). The winners of those bowls will play each other to have an Eastern Champ and WEstern champ who will play for the National Championship a week later. In this system, I suggest keeping the bowl tie ins, since they are semi regional anyway. I'd keep the SEC champ in the Sugar, and ACC and Big East champs in the Orange. Pac 10 and Big 10 champs in the Rose. Big 12 champ in the Fiesta. That leaves 2 open spots for the 2 play in teams. Since usually the other conferences aren't on par with the major conferences, this will still give 2 of them a chance each year to get teams in. So the MAC, WAC, ConfUSA and SunBelt (or Mountain West) will compete for the 2 remaining spots in the Sugar Bowl and Fiesta Bowl.
This way, voting doesnt matter!! Its all on the field, its all about your play through the year (which will get you to your conference championship) and then your play in the playoffs. I mean, how subjective is voting?? Football is not gymnastics. Its not ice skating. It shouldnt be judged. If Div 2 and 3 football, and college baseball, and college hockey all have playoffs, Div 1 should. We know it, the players know it, the coaches know it, most school presidents know it. The only people who dont care, are the tv networks who make money off the great sport. I know its naive of me to think that money shouldnt decide which 2 teams get into the championship game, just as its naive of me to think gas companies will roll over for hybrid cars or ethanol, or water powered, or whatever. But this is my blog and I do what i want!
Seriously. Playoffs. Its not a new concept.
Love, Peace, and canes' chicken grease.
PS. just read this from 2000:
Great minds think alike.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
I said I'd root for them...Geaux Tigers!
I know, sounds odd coming from a die hard Florida fan, but when an SEC team takes on Ohio State, and a team that a good portion of my family roots for, ya gotta fall in line a little.
If Florida had just won, it would have been a regular Big Ten stomp down..
Big ups to John Kuchler for getting on tv! I saw you on the screen before the game started!
Off to the bus...

Sunday, January 6, 2008
wow, slackin
I just realized I havent posted this year yet!! Why didnt anyone yell at me? oh yeah, cuz its only a blog.
So HAPPY NEW YEAR! Stupid Michigan won the Citrus Bowl against UF. I thought maybe, just maybe that UF would have gotten their defense into shape. i mean they had what, a month? looked as crappy as ever. HOpefully Urban can shape them up for next year. Tebow can only do so much.
Has been a pretty good year so far. Leah and Erin are cute as ever. I am going snowboarding at the end of this month for 5 days (WOOHOO!) to Breckenridge, and Angelle is workin out, lookin hot, and taking care of the house. Thanks babe!
Hope everyone else is having a good year so far.
Leah has definitely been saying some hilarious stuff lately, but its just nonstop, so i can hardly keep up with her. We were reading a book today and she was doing some simple math with me (Cookie monster had 4 cookies, and gave 1 to elmo, how many does he have left? ((see bottom of blog for answer)) )
Sorry to all you Suite 5 fans who so dedicatedly are patiently awaiting "iBlog". I apologize for not finishing it yet but if you're a parent, you know how time goes. Fast and there's very little of it.
We got paint today for our living room. Hopefully it'll get painted this year.
I built a small storage bin for the grill today. I had gotten a plastic deck shed but it was like 2inches too small. Lame. I know, they make grill covers. We had one, but the wind kept blowing it off and the grill was starting to show some small rust spots, so i wanted to keep it in a dryer place so it lasts longer.
Alright, Angelle is unpausing Desperate Housewives now. (she went upstairs to check on Erin)
Answer to above math problem: 3