We saw it 8 years ago, but it was SO much better this time. Cast was amazing. Mark and Roger had awesome performances.
Oh yeah, and the Spiedino di Mare at Carrabbas beforehand was also awesome. :)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
RENT was awesome.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Forgotten tidbit from Daddy Daughter Daughter weekend
I forgot to tell y'all, that over the weekend (i think Saturday) we were playing outside and Leah was flailing and jumping (per usual) and almost kicked Erin in the head and almost kicked Chase in the head. I told her to cut it out and go play away from the babies. She took that as "yelling at her" so she starts crying and walks slowly to the house. I let her go but then follow after I realize she went into the house. I came to find her sitting on the floor, holding a framed picture of Angelle, sobbing and saying "I miss Mommy....I miss Mommy...."
It was the cutest, saddest, most dramatic thing I've ever seen. That's my Leah.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Angry Lunch
I don't recall if I blogged about the BK Whopper Sacrifice, but I thought it was hilarious so i tried it.
You sacrifice 10 of your facebook friends and you get mailed a coupon for a free whopper. Sounds awesome right? Just get rid of some peeps who you thought were cool, but after reading their status updates (or lack thereof) realized they are worth less than 1/10th of a whopper.
So I got my coupon a few days ago, and was happy thinking about my free whopper i was going to enjoy today. BUT apparently the Burger King in uptown charlotte does NOT participate in coupon programs. WHAT?!? I know it says participation may vary, but i thought that was legal nonsense. What kinda crap is that? I was so angry, that I took off my yamaka, and flung it at the lady like a frisbee, slicing her head off (oddjob style).
Well okay, that last part wasnt true (i only wear my yamaka on Shabbat), but I was angry. I told her she just lost my business for life. She of course said something in some language that may or may not have been a local dialect of english (i'm not racist, its the troof), and i stormed off.
I ended up getting a couple snack wraps from McD's on my way back to my office.
So, be wary of this coupon! Maybe normal restaurants take it, but Charlotte CATS BK sure doesnt! BOOOOOOOOOOO!

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Daddy Daughter Daughter weekend
Well, its only half over, but so far its going well. If you read my blog, I'm sure you read Angelle's and know she's in Savannah this weekend with Mandi/Stacy for a girls trip. I talked to her last night and sounds like they're having a blast! Food, Pedicures and Ghost Tours oh my!
The kids have been really good, so it has been great. Well, except for mornings...
Saturday Morning
Leah walks in at 6:25 whimpering cuz she had a pee-pee accident in her jammies, in her bed. WHEEE! I clean her up, and we get back in our bed and lay for about a half hour till Erin wakes up.
Sunday Morning
Erin starts talking at 5:25. (what is it with the :25's?). When she does this, typicall we just turn down the monitor some and go back to sleep cuz she often puts herself back to sleep. Well, she didnt. I waited till 7, since she was just talking, and not crying, but finally got her. 7 is my 'wait till' time. I still am surprised (and angry) that she didnt go back to sleep. I was hoping she would fall back asleep at like 6, then sleep till 8. wishful thinking.
Besides the mornings...
Other than the mornings, its been good. We've played with the Maddexes a bunch, and Laurie cooked us dinner Friday night, and made us lunch Saturday. We've also done puzzles, ridden bikes, drew chalk, played chase, rolled around in the grass, played stickers, played at McDonalds playplace, played at Target, played at WalMart, watched Tinkerbell,and eaten pizza. (I bet verb tense changed a few times in there. i dont care. been up for almost 2 hours).
I think I get it now
I always thought it was funny that Angelle blogged so much, but I think i get it. I have been on the computer more this weekend than normal. Even if its just for a few moments, I have gone on facebook or gmail to see if there are other people i can say hi to! You just need some non-kid contact. I guess I don't really HOW valuable that is for me during the day. So blogging and being online is a sort of break from kid-world, even if just for a few moments.
Also, yesterday, I felt the pull of Target!! It's like some weird parenting magnetic force! it was overcast and kinda 'eh' weather-wise all day, so at about 4, I just wanted to get out, and for some reason, the first place i thought of was to just go mess around at Target. YIKES!!! I think there needs to be some other places in Monroe that are non-shopping related. Even if you go to 'mess around' and dont plan on buying anything, its all right there in your face.
So yeah, the 2 thinks that I laugh (or Angelle might say 'harp') about with Angelle being a stay at home mom, I think I sorta get now. And it only took 1.5 days! I'm a fast learner, huh?
Its been fun hanging out with the girls, but Angelle, we miss you! At least i've been able to play some adult games with Bryan, Laurie, Tiff, and Brandon.
Random Shout Out: MIN! Wazzup?!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
There's No Business like Snow Business!
SO FRIGGIN AWESOME! thats all I can say. I woke up about 5:45 to pee, and then looked out the window, and saw snow everywhere and of course couldn't go back to sleep. I ran downstairs and opened the door and it was awesome! I was SO anxious for the kids to wake up, and of course they slept until like 7:15.
We probably had about 4 inches from overnight accumulation, and then another inch or so as the morning progressed. Our offices in Charlotte were on a delayed opening till 10am, so that was sweet. I am working from home though, cuz the roads are, i'm sure, a mess.
We finally got to sled on the hill in our backyard! and use the sled we got last year. Andy, Makenna, Porter, Ian, and Chase all came over to play and sled. The kids all had a great time. Erin had a little trouble walking through the snow since it came up to her knees.
We headed inside for a little break of hot cocoa! MMM! well, MMM after i burned my mouth, the put an ice cube in it and marshmallows. I headed back out for a little more fun before work started (10am) with Erin and Ian and Bryan. Bryan ended up heading into work. Poor Brandon left at 6:15 to go to work.
Gotta say, having the option to work from home is SO NICE on days like this! I am sitting in my home office just looking out the window at all the snow blowing! All the trees and houses are covered in snow too. NC is great. :) sorry all you florida peeps. Yay for NC snow days! There is actually more snow here in Union County than there was on Beech mountain new years! Can you tell i'm excited? :)

Friday, January 16, 2009
Bus Crash
So, I just got to work, and wouldn't normally be blogging from work, but being that the bus I was just on, got in an accident, it seemed worth blogging about while it was fresh.
So, we're driving along, almost to the city, and WHAM! A car pulled out in front of us, apparently not seeing us, and hit the front right corner of the bus.
Being that the bus is large, heavy, has lots of momentum, inertia prevents us from stopping in time and her car basically gets hit, spins a bit, then gets T-Boned by the bus, then spins back out into Independence (4 lane small highway). Luckily no other cars got hit, and she popped out of her car, so it appeared she wasn't seriously hurt.
It was pretty crazy though, to see the bus pushing a car out of the front windshield.
Here is where it happened (A):
And here is a pic of her car from my spot in the bus:

Hard to tell, but a good part of her front end was smashed and her front bumper came off.
Friday starts off with a BANG!

Monday, January 12, 2009
Some people are ridiculous...
Utah Lover
Take this guy for instance: Rick Reilly. His latest article on ESPN.com is about how Utah is the College Football National Champions.
Putting aside the fact that I'm obviously a Gator fan, I think this guy's argument is ridiculous. Lets analyze his claim: Utah is the best team in division I college football. He is basing this basically on the fact that they did not get defeated this year.
Before I tear down his argument, I will agree that the current BCS system is ridiculous and we should have playoffs. I've discussed that before and will reiterate later.
Argument Tear Down
Now, his claim. Yes, Utah was undefeated, and did beat Alabama, who held the #1 spot a good part of the year. They looked great in that game. I won't make excuses for Alabama, but obviously Alabama didn't come to play and played a horrible game.
Now, who did Utah really beat during the season? Michigan seems like a quality win, although they won by 2 points and Michigan ended up being HORRIBLE this year.
I suppose Oregon State is a decent win, since they ended up beating USC, although I think this says more about how weak the Pac10 is.
The ranked opponents they beat? TCU and BYU. TCU they beat by 3 points (13-10). How good is TCU? They got creamed by Oklahoma (who Texas and Florida beat) and they beat BYU (who we'll discuss next). Oh yeah. they beat Boise State by a point.
BYU. They didn't really beat anyone this year.
In Summary
So, I honestly believe if you were to put Utah, Boise State, TCU and BYU in either the SEC, Big 12, Big 10, Pac10 or even the ACC, they they'd all have 2, 3, or 4 losses. Being biased, i'd definitely say thats true in the SEC or Big12 (the best 2 conferences in Div I football).
So Rick Reilly, you can claim that Utah as your own personal champions, but its a pile of horse poo. You probably are rewatching the Sugar Bowl right now while listening to Rick Astley, not only because he is your namesake, but you honestly like his music.
I sort of feel bad picking on Utah, for obvious reasons being Urban Meyer....and i'm not really picking on them, i'm picking on Rick Reilly. All the props in the world to Utah for beating Alabama (ha ha to Keith and Keri).
Anyway, this all boils down to once again, there is controversy, which means we need a playoff. DUH! I'm super amped that Florida is crowned the national champions, but I honestly think they could have beaten Utah, and USC vs Florida would have been another great game. It could have been settled on the field.
Denouement: Reiteration of Playoffs
There are 11 conferences. Give all the winners a chance. But they must have a bonified conference championship so that all teams play the same number of games. Either do away with an extra game for some, or add it for others. If you don't have enough teams, combine some conferences. But lets assume they stay as is (with the exception of the Independents who will have to join one to compete for a national title)
So we take the 11 conference champions, and rank them by win-loss. Since there are playoffs, voting shouldnt matter right? If you think it does, you can still use the current voting system to rank them. I dont think the rankings matter as much since all champions get to play for the title. You take the bottom 6 teams (which more often than not I think will be MAC, WAC, Mtn West, Conf USA, Sun Belt, and Big East):
11 vs 6 = A
10 vs 7 = B
9 vs 8 = C
Then you take those winners and they play the remaining top 5 teams (example shown):
1 vs A = X
2 vs B = Y
3 vs C = Z
4 vs 5 = Q
I think you can do the rest of the Math:
X vs Y = P
Z vs Q = N
N vs P for National Championship.
So thats a 10 game playoff. When do bowls start now? like mid December? You can play the opening 3 games 1 weekend. The next round next weekend, final four new years day (wouldnt that be exciting?!) then Jan 8, national championship.
Seriously, i think EVERY college football fan would watch every playoff (bowl game) instead of now, where people watch the big 5 (although most people probably only watch about 2 or 3).
The only downside to this are all the other meaningless bowls that are just extra games for the school and the sponsors to make money. I know the world runs on money, so i don't think money is a bad thing, and if they want to continue to have these other 1 off 'bowls' for maybe the conference runner ups (like the basketball NIT) thats fine.
So there you have it. Problem solved. National Champion is crowned on the field, and I would hopefully not have to see flimsy arguments by people named Rick on the homepage of ESPN.com.
Still reading? WOW! You are cooler than I thought. If blogs had a 'handshake' or 'high-five' feature, you would be receiving both right now.