Since all the teams I was rooting for didn't make the playoffs (in the last week) I might as well root for the Panthers! Sure they are rivals of the Bucs, but since the cowboys played like a peewee football team, and the Bucs blew it, i figured i'd root for the Broncos who also could make the playoffs by beating a division rival on the road. While they scored more than the cowboys did, they looked about as bad.
So, one of the crappies football weekends ever for the pro teams i watch.
At least i still have the Gators...ahhhh gators dont let me down!!
Erin is freakin adorable lately. She brought a Gator counting book over to, I think G or Myrn and said "Go Go Go Tebow". :) gotta love it!!
Leah is like totally in love with disney princesses. She loves Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Belle. Oh and Tinkerbell (she got a figure from Erin for xmas, and the movie from Santa). I guess some girls are just girly girls. Meanwhile i get the impression that Erin is going to be more Xgames or Sports oriented. She seems to have a stockier build and likes things like kicking soccer balls and climbing up things too high/big for her. ANd she likes riding around on bikes more than it seemed like Leah did at her age. I could just be misremembering though.
I hope i'm not influencing Erin by treating her more like a boy. :)
Ah well, off we head to the mountains tomorrow. Pray for cold weather and snow!
Monday, December 29, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Birthday, La de da!
Hope everyone had (is having) a great holiday season!
Leah and Erin loved their presents of course. Santa was so nice to them this year! A jumpoline and a train table and games and movies and toys. Oh boy!
We got Wii Rabids and Wii Music. Played them briefly but they are fun so far!
The girls also got a wagon from grammy and Leah got a digital camera of her very own from Grammy.
Lauren, Carly, and Grammy came to visit for the week. Its been fun hanging out with them. Now to relax, clean for G and Mimi, and then Angelle's birthday.
Phew, the season never ends!
Does everyone feel the anticipation building for the National Championship Game?!?!? Go GATORS!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Chocolate News
I highly recommend you check out "Chocolate News" on Comedy Central. I am watching it now for the first time. Its friggin hilarious! David Alan Grier is the host. Its like a version of The Daily Show, but for white people who like to think they are culturally diverse. And probably some black people watch it too.
The first report was about "Blomicon" which is Black Comicon. Comicon for black comic books, black super heroes, and creators of black super heroes.
Coming up next? A report on the hottest new BET show: "America's next top black preacher"
While this post may appear racist on the surface, its an accurate report of the show and all its hilarity.

I just killed it at the gym
Domination. thats what it was. at least for me.
Triathlon Training Update #23
Total workout time: 1:28:37 h:m:s
Swim: 550 yards - 13:00 m:s
Transition 1: 5:00 m:s
Bike: 13 miles - 45:34 m:s
Transition 2: 3:00 m:s
Run: 2.1 miles - 22:34 m:s
I would have done the last mile but the gym was closing and they were throwing me out! But i was on pace to do the last mile in about 11 minutes. So i could have done the full triathlon (in the gym of course) in just under 1 hour 40 minutes.
I'm super amped about that, even if its just a gym time! My goal is to complete in under 2 hours, so i definitely feel good about that, especially since i still have over 3 months left to train!
Yeah Boy!
Mom Update #5
Shes home, doing well, walking without the walker, obviously hasnt smoked in like 2 months....WOOHOO! GO MOM!
Erin UPdate #1
Pink Eye. UGGH!
Leah Update #1
Cute and smart as always
Job Update #2
GMAC isn't looking so good as a company. The debate rages...Wellschovia or GMAC...
Thats all folks. For now.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Gators in the Championship Game!!
So, who wants to meet in Miami January 8th?!? even if we dont get tix, it'll be one HECKUVA tailgate party!

Saturday, December 6, 2008
WOOOHOO!!! GATORS ARE SEC CHAMPS!!! In your face Keith and Keri! Gators sure ROLLED over the tide! GATOR BAIT!
ALso, mom is home! yay mom!
Here is Tebow's biggest fan: