i realized i only had 5 posts in October, so here is one more before November hits.
Trick or treating was fun. Leah couldnt walk well in her ruby slippers so angelle got the stroller for her to ride in between houses. All the kids looked great. I made a "wizard of oz" costume which consisted of a green sheet hanging in front of me. oh, i also had leah's toy microphone which makes your voice echo. I was walking around saying "i am the great and powerful oz" and "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" and "no, i'm not in the shower, i'm the wizard of oz". good times though.
i'm heading to Ortho Carolina tomorrow to get my knee (and maybe wrist) checked out. cross your fingers.
Thanks for reminding me about RSS readers, Keri.
What is the only thing Chuck Norris is afraid of? Tim Tebow.
Angelle is sitting on the couch right now fast forwarding through commercials of Kid Nation. Not sure why you need to know that, but you do.
So, I just realized I'm all selfish, always talking about myself, so how are you? How is your life?
Oh, i'm sure you'll all confirm this, but seriously does every parent think their child is the cutest? Cuz Leah seriously is. If you dont agree, then you're obviously not as bright as me. No offense to your children, but I really do think Leah is better than them. :)
Okay, okay now you're all mad, cuz you're realizing, 'hey wait a minute, maybe this mike guy is right...maybe my kid isnt as good as Leah'. Or you're mad cuz you wish YOU were Leah's parent. Or you're mad cuz you wish YOU had mated with me to create Leah. I know, its tough...
ANgelle is either laughing right now, or embarrassed. In either case, Leah is awesome, and im sure one day i'll write a post about how Erin is awesome. But till then, Leah has wowed me more. Erin does have an awesome smile, but mostly she just sits there. She hasnt done any tricks for me, or counted in english, spanish, and french. She certainly hasnt told me 500 times how she didnt like the winnie the pooh ride.
Alright i'm gonna save some writing for tomorrow, when its November. All saints day! Bring out yer dead!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
numbers boost

Happy Halloween!
Here it is, All Hallows Eve, and coincidentally, i'm rereading the last Harry Potter and in the book i just got to the part where they discover what the Deathly Hallows are.
Its about 6:30 am. the only real time i have to blog anymore! how ridic is that. Everyone else is still asleep, i have about 5 minutes till i leave for the bus...ahhh, quiet.
I assume since my posts are farther apart now, that not as many people are reading. well thats fine. Stop being interested. You should treasure the posts if they dont come as often! Sheesh!
If you havent been there yet, our new website finally launched: http://www.g-ratedlife.com
We had a fun trick or treat thing at my work last friday that angelle and the girls came to. it was fun. our aisles were decorated and the kids got to walk up and down the aisles and trick or treat. leah liked it. all except my row, which had a plethora of skeletons, and a strobe light. she kept saying "i dont like the lightning. its like the winnie the pooh ride". she was in her dorothy costume, and erin in her toto costume (which is really just a puppy, which is really just a brown sack with ears, so many people thought she was a potato). ironically there was a tinman there too! Then after work, we went to a halloween party at our fitness center. they do it every year. it was fun too. lots of games for the kids. After those two, we were exchausted!
Saturday was mostly a disaster. We went to the Carolina balloonfest. Originally, i was going to stay home with erin and watch the FLA/GA game, and angelle was going to take Leah. but i agreed to watch it on DVR later and go. well its in statesville which is about 50 miles north of charlotte. should have been an hour. it took 3 freakin hours!!!! once we got up off the exit, it took us an hour and a half to go about 3 miles. it was SOOOO ridiculous. the event planners were obviously idiots. we got there at like 4:30 which was when the mass ascension was, and we got to watch that from the car. I finally got out and walked with leah cuz she was tired of being in the car. So i did at least get some quality daddy/leah time which was great. then we finally get in at 6, and we didnt bring jackets for the kids cuz we thought wed be leaving by 6. we had to spend 30 bucks on food cuz we were starving and they charged outrageous fair (ha ha, i know, they werent fair, fair like a carnival. damn those homophones!) prices. the balloon glow was neat, but hardly worth the whole trip and expense. oh well. it was a once in a lifetime experience since we'll never go back.
then of course the stupid gator defense forgot to get on the bus to jax. how pitiful they were!! uggh. dont really need to waste time complaining about that, but i will say Tebow is still awesome. with a bruise shoulder he managed to stick it out and score 30 pts. I heard Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas to bed.
ALright, time to go. not much happened sunday except pumpkin carving and relaxing. Have a great halloween!

Monday, October 22, 2007
busy and injured
havent had much time to post lately. work has been busy, kids have been cute, and my knee has been hurting. (not sure why a hurt knee would prevent me from typing my thoughts on a webpage, but roll with me).
So yeah, wakeboarding, walking 4 disney parks, and skating shredded my right knee. Its a little better now, i can walk mostly normal (not like a pimp) but it still gives out every now and then. I would have gone to the dr last week, but waiting for insurance to kick in Nov 1. WHEEEE!
but other than that, kids are awesome. Erin is getting SO cute. and leah is as cute as ever. we went to the aw shucks corn maze and pumpkin patch sunday. the corn was pretty sad, since there hasnt been water in what, about 6 months. but it was still fun.
Gators and Cowboys both won in awesome games. Gators moved up to 11 in the BCS. but we're still behind South Florida?! how crazy is this years football season?
If you havent watched Chuck by the way, its pretty good. Funny with action.
Also, if you didnt visit this blog from our home site, we have a new home site! http://www.g-ratedlife.com
Thats all i can muster for a Monday evening.
Gallers Out

Friday, October 19, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The good, the bad, and the mickey
First off..HOW 'BOUT THEM COWBOYS!!! to anyone who just finished watching that game, HOLY COW. how ridic was that?!?!? one of the best cowboy finishes i've witnessed!! if you didnt see it, go read cbssportsline or espn. it was insane. a touchdown in the last minute, a missed 2 pt conversion, and onside kick, and a 53 yd field goal with 2 sec left for the win. sooooo good.
But with every good, there is a bad. Of course, its the heartbreaking gator loss to LSU saturday. up 10 in the 4th qtr, and they just couldnt hang on. they controlled the game the whole time!!! so, the gators lost it in the 4th, and cowboys won it in the 4th.
And along with the good and the bad, we have the mickey. We visited magic kingdom today and leah met Mickey Mouse again. (She met him the first time about a year and a half ago). but she was again frightened by him and cried when we took the picture. Then she also was scared by the winnie the pooh ride. there is this weird psychodelic part where its dark with glowing and flashing things. she didnt like that. she also remembered that she didnt like it the whole day and kept telling us she didnt like it. it was funny. But she did enjoy dumbo's flying elephants, the carousel, the monsters Inc show, and Its a Small world. she REALLY loved small world. she was pretty much mesmerized the whole time. its gotta be overwhelming for a 2 yr old. Leah also liked the Dole whip for obvious reasons. it was delicious.
All in all, a good day. Erin was really good too. slept most of the time. :) Tomorrow, off to Animal kingdom and epcot for food and wine festival. Then hopefully the Vans skate park wednesday, seaworld thursday, and back to NC friday.
SO far weve seen: Nana & Papa (Steve and Ronni), Grammy (Cathy), Megan (who gets mad props), Nikki/Jason/Halle, Erica, Mandy/Barry, Carly & Greg. What a vacation so far! And we expect to also see Keith/Keri/Annabelle/Corgan, Pops (Ed), and Jason/Nikki/Halle again.
Phew. Can you tell i'm still all wired from the cowboy game??!? just saw the highlights on espn again.
Alright, time to unwind...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Babies / Munchbox Plenty?!?!?
First, congrats to the Stewarts!!!
Second...Oi, so i didnt even want to admit this, but oh well. Laugh at me. I deserve it. So i heard this song on Matt's boat while wakeboarding sunday (which rocked by the way, but more on that next paragraph) and it was pretty good. Sounded kinda Killers-ish, but still good. So its kinda stuck in my head and i get home and search for what new band it was...and its freakin Matchbox 20!!!! WTF?! uggh. so yeah, i liked a matchbox20 song. although to be fair, i had no idea it was them, and i still dont think it sounds like them. Its that "How far weve come" song. check it out. its actually kinda catchy.
In previous news, yeah wakeboarding was awesome. I'm solidly hitting wake to wake jumps now. had a few decent indy grabs, getting close to a melon and tail grab. And the water was just so darn nice sunday morning. the lake was low, so it was hard to find good water, but when we did, it was awesome. blue skies. a tad cool, but the water was warm. heavenly.
See y'all in Florida next week. GO GATORS!!! beat those tigers!! seriously, we need to rebound huge after the auburn debachle. we cant lose to two different tigers in consecutive weeks, can we? i surely hope not.