Kicked some A tonight. Swam 850 yards, transitioned to bike in about 4 minutes (about a minute faster than last time), biked 6.5 miles (half the tri distance) then jogged 1.5 miles (half the tri distance). So i basically did half the triathlon, but did a longer swim. Woo.
Super happy with it. Now if the markets will only go up, i'll be one happy camper. :) maybe after the election? here's hoping..
Monday, October 27, 2008
Good workout

Saturday, October 25, 2008
home and bored
ANgelle is in Asheville with her mom at the Biltmore. I just put the girls to bed. And i'm bored. Well, I do have college football to watch, so its not all bad. :)
Triathlon Training update
Had a kick azz workout this morning. Totally did not feel like going to the gym, but Angelle was going, so i did. Did my 500 yard swim in my record time of 12:54. Then had a shorter transition. still 5 minutes, but was 6:30 last time. Then biked 9 miles in 30 minutes. Wanted to try and do some jogging after that, but Angelle had to go so she could leave for Asheville.
Definitely am feeling good about the training. Angelle says i'm doing too much too soon, but I cant hold back. She is probably right, and her training is increasing by little bits each time, but I just want to try and do as much as i can each workout, then increase till i can do the triathlon in my sleep. Then just try and decrease my time. Or do longer legs of each, so the triathlon will seem shorter. Eh, just how i roll. She said she'll be pissed if i get injured by pushing it though.
Want to give a shoutout to the other peeps who are planning on doing it also: Mandi, Barry, Laurie, of course Angelle, and possibly Bryan? He whines that he doesnt have time to go to the gym, but we have the exact same schedule, so....yeah. I think hes just whiny and lazy. I have made the time. :) AND i still play volleyball sometimes twice a week. gotta have fun sometimes, not just workout all the time.
Time with the girls
In Angelle's absence I got to have some quality daddy/daughter time today. Played outside a bit, went to the mall so Leah and ERin could run around the playplace (cuz it was kinda overcast and kept threatening rain although it never did), then got some snacks at the foodcourt. I asked Leah if she wanted a cookie, or a pretzel, or fruit, and she said fruit!! i was shocked and pleased. So i got her a fruit cup from chickfila. but then she also wanted ice cream. so i got her a dollar cone from McD's. I figured, she made a good choice with the fruit so she could have a treat.
Then we went to Toys R Us just to walk around and waste time, and maybe look for some ideas for channukah/christmas. Leah of course wanted everything she saw. A train set, games, jewelry making kit, a newer bigger kitchen, a big car that plays music like Halle has (power wheel), a tinkerbell chair...ummm..i'm sure some other stuff i forgot. [You listening grandparents? :) ] Leah was again good and didnt spend her money! she had $5 but nothing really grabbed her i guess (or everything did) so she decided to save it for next time.
Okay. end of long blog post.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Training update
Training is going fairly well for the triathlon. nothing hardcore yet. doing some swims and bikes. Can do 600 yard swim without too much trouble. Tried a transition at the gym the other day. Swam then biked. took about 6 minutes to towel off and get my shoes on, then get to the bike. longer than i thought.
BIked 6 miles today in about 25 minutes. a little slower than i'd like, but it was pretty windy today, and i havent gotten street tires yet. but if i can finish the bike in under an hour, i'll be happy. i'm pretty sure i can do the swim in 15 minutes, so that would leave an hour to bike, and an hour to run. i'd really like to finish the whole thing in under 2 hours, but i'd be happy at least finishing at all without collapsing. :)
Its obviously such a difference riding the stationary bike in the gym, vs a real bike in wind with real hills and friction.
glad we still have like 4 months to train!

Monday, October 20, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Florida trip and Triathlon training
Florida last week was fun. Drive was okay. House in orlando was awesome. Disney was fun. Saw a ton of friends and the kids, saw my parents, visited casas de Konicki, Erica, and Donalds....Gators kicked some A against LSU. YEAH!!! Played rock band, ate Don's subs, played some sand volleyball...pretty darn good vacay. For pics visit Angelle's Blog or our family site
Wells Fargo won the battle over Wachovia. The Wells Fargo Wagon is a..comin down the street....
Started my Triathlon training today. Ran 2.5 miles at lunch, then this evening at the gym, swam 600 yards in the pool then biked 5 miles. I'm actually not that tired right now too, which is awesome. The actual triathlon is swim 500 yards, bike 13 miles, then run 5k. So not quite there yet but its only the first day. and we have like 4 months to train. so i'm feelin pretty good. cant wait to compete!

Sunday, October 5, 2008
great weekend!!
well, after a super crappy weekend last week, this weekend was Awesome!! Started with some great volleyball thursday.
Friday was pretty crazy with news coming that Wells Fargo put a higher bid in for Wachovia. Still waiting to see what happens, but at this moment, it 'seems' that wells would be a better suitor. more money for shareholders, no consequences to taxpayers, wells is a more stable bank....hopefully it means i work for Wells!
Saturday, ran our 5k for the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure. finished in 38 minutes which was pretty good since we had to walk for like 10 of it. There were SO many people there. it took awhile to get past the walking crowd so we could actually jog. it was fairly tough too. The route had some really long big hills. not steep, but long. It was awesome to see so many people out running and supporting. Leah and Erin did great in the jogging stroller. Thanks Laurie for the borrow!
Then after that race, headed to freedom park for the DSAC Buddy Walk. That was a great turnout too. Shoutout to Chase! Erin was zonked so she slept in the jogging stroller during the walk. Leah was excited about her italian ice. I got a hug from a girl there. She was super nice. Erin and Leah got to pet a lot of puppies, and of course it seemed like a lot of money was raised for Down Syndrome research.
After that, the Gators won which was great. Then we decided we hadnt had enough exercise with the 5k and 1mile walk, so we jogged another mile, and biked 2 miles. Last evening before Angelle's final weigh in, and she did SOOOO awesome! Lost about 12 lbs in 8 weeks! and she looks AWESOME. hotter than evu. :)
Tried to watch Iron Man later Sat night but fell asleep.
Today Pops came to visit, and we had some GREAT pizza as a reward for all the hard work during biggest loser.
Cowboys won. Yay! Played in a poker tourney tonight too, and placed in the money! it was fun. 15 people total and i lasted long enough. good times!
So there you have it. A great weekend! WOOHOO! and now only 2 work days till we leave for Florida! Double WOOOHOO!!