The weekend was.
Friday night: played volleyball with Bryan at the MAFC (Monroe Aquatics and Fitness Center. I wont define that acronym again, so write it down or commit it to memory)
Saturday: Carowinds for rides and Boomerang Bay for waterpark fun! Then Cracker Barrel for dinner. MMM MMM to buttermilk fried shrimp, mac 'n cheese, fried okra, fried apples, biscuits with honey butter, and an Arnold Palmer to wash it down (half sweet tea, half lemonade). And no it isnt Channukah, just was in a fried kinda mood. :)
Sunday: Built a new skate rail, but didnt have time to skate it. yet. Then went to Concord mills with maddexes to watch Wall*E with Bryan, Ian, and Leah. IT was great! i recommend it to any Pixar fans. I feel like it was extra creative the way Monsters Inc was. Then stopped by Sun n Ski sports to check out life jackets for Leah, look at wakeboard stuff, look at snowboard stuff, look at rollerblade stuff, look at bike stuff...that store is great. All except for the one part where Leah was on my shoulders (sitting) and she started dancing or something and the next thing i knew she fell off. yep, backwards. Luckily the floor was carpeted and i think some coats slowed her on the way down and she didnt fall on any sharp racks or anything. Still cried pretty hard, but she got over pretty quick when we went to the broccoli playplace.
Erin is doing awesome standing by the way! She still holds onto your hands or something, but she has strong little tree trunks. She is the cutest thing!
Then ate at Olive Garden since it was nearby and hadnt been there in awhile. Salad and bread are good! so are the muschroom ravioli and stuffed chicken marsala.
Then got home, put kids to bed, and took out my new skate rail. Its about 20ish feet long (jason? flashback to highschool?) and angled, but it was built out of stuff i had at home (besides the rail which i found) and while it wasnt total crap, it wasnt the most sturdy piece of skate equipment i've ever built. Also the rail was just too thin and too small diameter. SO yeah, back to the drawing board. I'll try to get a pic up soon. Angelle, can you take one today for me? :)
Told you. Action Packed!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Action Packed

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Funny Leah
This morning at breakfast, i made some scrambled eggs and asked Leah if she wanted some. I said "Leah, want some eggs? They have lots of protein." Leah, "no, i dont like protein". :)
Oh yeah, and SORRY Stace for not mentioning your visit. Stace is coming Stace is coming Stace is coming Stace is coming. That will just make July super ultra complete and awesome. Shes the best sister in the world. Shes coming for my birthday. She rocks. SHes awesome. Shes rad. Tubular. Gnarly. Bombastic. Shagtastic. Wait, scratch that last one. Far out. Out of site. Out of mind. Mind over matter. Nothing matters. matter anatomy. Grey's anatomy. Grey's sports almanac. ALmanac of the stars. Stars hockey. Hockey Lockey. Loch ness monster. Monsters of the deep. Deep impact. Armageddon. Ben Affleck.
THere you have it. 15 degrees of Ben Affleck. it CAN be done! =P

Monday, June 23, 2008
Weekend recap
So the weekend was good. Went to the Sweet Tea Jubilee on Saturday in South Park. Good free event and was for a good cause (Levine Childrens Hospital). Big bouncy things for kids to play on, and we got to climb a rock wall. Then just walked the mall to cool off. But then went to the playground to get sweaty again.
Sunday i took a ride with leah (bike seats are great) to the grocery store to get a "special treat". Leah was hilarious when we got there. (heads toward produce) I said, "so what should we get? lets about some fruit like a banana?" Leah: "yeah! Bananas!" (looks left at candy aisle) Me: "or we could get a chocolate bar?" Leah: "OH! YEAH! Chocolate!" (turn down the snack aisle) Me: "well lets look around and see all our choices before deciding. We could get a granola bar.." Leah: "Mmm, yeah! Granola bar!" Me: "..or rice krispy treats..." Leah: "{claps} Yeah! Yeah! Rice Krispy treats!" Me: "...ok, maybe, but we need to keep looking to see everything Then well decide" Leah: "ok" (head towards bakery) Me: "we could get a muffin..." Leah: "yeah! Muffins! I like muffins. lets get plain" Me: "well, they have banana, blueberry, or chocolate chip" Leah "lets get a plain muffin" Me: " we can get banana, blueberry or chocolate chip." Leah; "hmm chocolate chip". (i finally decide to just get the muffins, cuz A.) Leah would be happy with ANYTHING we picked,and we could be at this all day and B.) cuz there were 4 mini muffins in the pack so we could each have 2.
Shes hilarious. I love that kid. :)
Then i got to play some music for a few hours (hopefully iBlog is coming soon! got drums/bass recorded) while Angelle went to the grocery store. Then leah and i played hopscotch, then we all rested, then i went to the waterpark with Leah and Erin for a daddy/daughter/daughter date. Then a delicious dinner (crockpot chicken with olives and mandarin oranges - i know, sounds odd, but Really good), then enjoyed the cool breeze before the storm (on the front porch), then heard leah crying so we let her come down and sit on the back porch with us and enjoy the breeze and look for fireflies. Then we headed to bed and another weekend ended..
Only a week and a half till July starts and the fun ensues! Grammy visits, fireworks, Nana/Papa visit, my birthday, G/Mimi visit, trip to Asheville...July is gonna kick arse!
For some light reading, check out the critical info in this news article:

Saturday, June 21, 2008
A lot can change in 5 years
This probably would have been a good post to do on our anniversary, but i just thought of it tonight, after looking at the signature picture from our wedding. So here are all the things I could think of that have changed with us and the people that signed our picture at our wedding:
- We've had 2 kids (Leah and Erin, Duh!)
- We've bought 2 houses and sold 1
- We've moved to a different state
- I've changed jobs 3 times
- Angelle has taught at 3 different schools
- My grandpa died
- My Uncle Barry died
- Nikki and Jason had 2 kids
- Audra and Joe had a kid
- Christina and Joe had 2 kids (1 a surprise)
- Stacy and Will got married (twice), then had a kid
- Hurricane Katrina destroyed a bunch of our family's homes
- Nicole and Min got married
- Bryce and Megan got married
- Mandi got married
- Eisings had another kid
- Katie and Kenny got married and had a kid
- Brit started and graduated law school
- Some people have gotten divorced
- Jill and Jeremy had 2 kids
- Mulberry Landing went out of business
- The Patriots won a bunch of super bowls
- Carly moved to Europe (and moved back)
- Jerry lost an eye
- Lauren graduated college
- Allen and Marisa had 2 kids
- Gary and Orit had another kid
- Tracy and Dustin had another kid
- Erica moved to Melbourne
- Meredith and Clint got married (after getting engaged at our wedding)
- Bryan and Laurie had 2 kids (and bought and sold houses, moved to NC, etc)
- Became friends with Keith/Keri and Dave/Rhi
thats a lot, huh! What has happened to you in the past 5 years? (that I havent already mentioned)

Thursday, June 12, 2008
good deed?
So i gave a stranger a ride home today. I was driving home from skating after work, and stopped at a CVS to grab a gatorade. On my way back to my car, this girl (seemed to be mid 20's) asked me for a ride home. She said she'd been waiting for a few hours for her ride. I asked her how far she lived, and if she had any guns or knives in her purse. After she said no, i decided to believe her, and let her in my car. I figured, best case, i help someone. worst case, she steals my car, i get a new one. Well, i guess worst worst case is she lied about not having a gun, pulls out a gun, and in a fit of crazy rage shoots me...but with my lightning fast reflexes, i figured i could either dodge, jump out of the car, talk her down, or punch the gun out of her hand.
ANyways, in the car she asked to use my cell phone. Twice. She didnt say please, but she did say thank you. She was an odd sort. WHile she was on my phone i heard "hey is naomi there? naomi. NAOMI. what? where is she? that b!t#h has my cell phone!" click. conversation two consisted of "hey [some weird name]. I'll be home in a few. No, some guy. I dont know where he is. bye."
So i drop her off, she says thanks, and i continue to head home.
Life is pretty interesting sometimes.
THen i got to play with Leah and Erin on the playground a little cuz my board meeting (aka wakeboarding) was cancelled tonight. poop.
Heard a funny joke on the radio today. Father's day is a holiday, but its not as important as Mother's day. Its not as good as Mothers day, but better than Arbor day. but way closer to Arbor day. There's a reason Father's day is the only holiday in June. Its cuz all dad wants is a month without holidays! Just one month were we dont have to buy someone a card.
Unless of course your friends' parents were inconsiderate enough to conceive your friends 9 months before June. Those jerks. (love ya Erica and Megan and Elena and umm...anyone else born in June? Chris?)

Monday, June 9, 2008
Got this from Angelle who got this from Erica
COUNTRY WESTERN SINGER NAME: (mother & father’s middle names)
Scott Francine
NASCAR NAME: (first name of your mother’s dad, father’s dad)
Herb Manny
STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)
DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Blue Dog (shout out to Ian)
SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Howard Austin
FLY NAME: (first 2 letters of 1st name, last 2 letters of your last name)
GANGSTA NAME: ( fav ice cream flavor, fav cookie)
strawberry oreo
ROCK STAR NAME: (current pets name, current street name)
Al Lexington
STRIPPER NAME: (name of your fav perfume/cologne, fav candy)
Chrome Musketeer
PORN NAME: (1st pet, 1st Car)
Russell MR2
AMERICAN GLADIATOR NAME (model name of your current car)
Grand Cherokee (Corolla sounds lame)

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Funny comment and cheesy songs
First off, Angelle made a hilarious comment the other night:
"I dont know what i like better about our bedroom, the plastic bin of wrapping paper, or the 6 ft ladder"
Yeah, i know, we need to tidy up our bedroom.
Second off, on the radio this morning, they were talking about the cheesiest songs of all time,so to contrast the AWESOME albums i've been posting, I'm curious what you think are super cheese songs.
Here are a few to start:
Nelson - "I Cant Live Without your Love and Affection"
Spice Girls - "If ya wannabe my lover"
The Darkness - "I believe in a thing called love"
Anything by Ratt
Anything by Poison