TO any techies reading this blog, do you know of or have you used a free Content Management system to set up a website? I have looked at Joomla but am not super impressed. We are setting up a website for our Charlotte User Experience group. I would love to use Sharepoint, but alas, its not free.
In other news, well theres not a whole lot of news. In training this week which is kinda neat. Its for Sharepoint Designer, which is basically the new MS FrontPage but with added features.
We got a bed for Leah over the weekend. A twin size daybed with trundle. wont be in till April though.
Leah said something funny at dinner. She said I had little dumpies. And ERin had dumpies too. We finally realized she meant 'dimples'. Apparently angelle had said Erin and I had small dimples but leah and her didnt. pretty funny.
Also, has anyone had a 7 layer burrito from Taco Bell lately? I remembered them being better than they are. Crunchwrap supremes are still really good. They're good to go.
In other food news, Honey Chipotle boneless chicken wings from Chilis are AWESOME. SO are their new mini burgers. What is it with small things? Small humans (aka babies)? Cute. Puppies? Cute. Kittens? Cute. Mini burgers? well, not cute, but tasty. The only thing that i've noticed tastes better bigger than smaller, is cookies. Cookie cakes are far superior to their normal sized (small) counterparts.
Can anyone recommend some good movies to get from Netflix? Our Queue is getting small. Comedies, adventure, suspense, anything?
Wow, i guess i had more news that i thought. Sometimes when you start babbling about nothing, a whole lotta nothing comes out.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Good Free CMS?

Monday, February 18, 2008
How do families get better?
Seriously, we keep passing around this cold/flu thing. Angelle had Strep, and Erin had a cough. Then I get the flu and am sick for a week. Now Angelle is achy and coughy, leah is a snotball (coughing/sneezing/stuffy), and of course erin is a little stuffy. I'm finally getting a little better and hoping i dont get it again! UGGH!! i think i'll live in a bubble for a few weeks.
In other news, happy valentines day last week! and happy birthday to Belle and Halle! 2 yrs old. crazy. cant wait to see them in april!
We're mulching under leah's swingset finally. Hopefully it wont be as muddy after it rains. the clay is nasty for like a week after it rains.
Thas about it i guess. 3 day weekend. YAY!

Breck Video
Just realized i never posted the breckenridge video. Here ya go if you havent seen it!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
A Tale of Three Brothers
Seriously, what do you do when you are 1 of three children, the oldest at that, and your two younger brothers have super bowl rings and super bowl MVPs to boot? Talk about inferiority complex. I know it was hard for my sister growing up with someone as awesome and amazing as me...I can only imagine what it was like for her living in my long casted shadow {you know i'm kidding Stace :) }, but oh, to be Cooper Manning. I thought Eli was going to have to live in Peyton's shadow for awhile, but it only took a year. How sick is that?? 2 super bowl MVPs for the Mannings in 2 years.
Oh well, gotta hand it to the G men. Awesome friggin game. I really thought it would be the Cowboys taking down the Pats in a rematch, but the G defense was just SICK in the playoffs. Glad Konickis is happy.
In other news, the rest of the Breckenridge trip was just as awesome as the first day. It snowed every day, and there was so much powder....just insane. I OBVIOUSLY missed Angelle, Leah and Erin, but dang the mountain was awesome. Hopefully i'll get the pics/vids on the computer soon. Keith was hardcore. Dont know why everyone was so worried I would get him into trouble. He was better at the tree runs that I was. He even nailed a box slide! I'm still sorta in a daze after being gone almost a week, but here I sit at work, trying to improve our employee portal. WHEEE!!
Leah seemed so much older than i remembered! it was just a week, but dang i feel like she was taller and talking more than a week ago. Next year, i think a family ski trip out west will be in order. That way it'll be the best of both worlds! Any other families in?
Oh, and if you ever go on vacation with Keith, dont do it during election season. Its all he watches!!! he couldnt get enough of CNN and the political debates and all that. Yeah i guess its important, but there was snow everywhere! :) just playin keith. you were a kickarse ski buddy. except for when you knocked me over, then hit me in the goggles with your ski pole. But it was funny watching you fall off the lift the last day. THen watching you fly over me as you tripped over my snowboard in the woods. too bad that wasnt on video.
Snap back to reality.....

Friday, February 1, 2008
it has been snowing all day. the slopes were AMAZING. powder everywhere. its supposed to snow all weekend. Colorado is THE BOMB. me and keith were tearin up the slopes. Posting from an internet cafe and some older ladies are asking about the oxygen and talking about a doctor from columbus Ohio, and i said stay away from things from columbus.
Time is almost up, so short post this time. But seriously Breckenridge is so freakin awesome. everyone should come here.